Amid Sheng Xi's laughter, Yuan Xian's eyes turned red and he gritted his teeth to hold back all his emotions.

The young man stood there, becoming the only light in the darkness, attracting the attention of all Sheng Xi's consciousness.

Sheng Xi looked at him with confusion, feeling very uncomfortable: "Elder brother, don't cry. I didn't cause any trouble."

Yuan Xian took a deep breath, his voice was hoarse, and he tried his best to suppress his emotions: "I know. You did a good job this time. Now that the matter is done, can you go back with me?"

She can't go back.

Only here could she maintain her final sobriety.

She can't leave here.

Facing Yuan Xian, whose eyes were red, Sheng Xi suddenly lacked the courage to say this.

She whispered: "Elder brother, please go back, I am fine here."

How could it be good?

Yuan Xian looked around at the darkness without even a single starlight. He guessed something about Sheng Xi's situation and said in a low voice, "I'll stay with you."

Sheng Xi's heart sank: "No, what's the good of staying here?"

"You are here." Yuan Xian said with difficulty.

Too many emotions accumulated in his heart, rising from his chest to his throat, making it extremely difficult for him to speak every word.

He knew that he had to control his emotions and not make Sheng Xi sad.

But Sheng Xi could still feel the sadness in his words.

The sadness in her heart was also aroused, and she said dullly: "Elder brother, master and brother are all waiting for you to return."

"Don't waste your life here. Leave quickly, or you will be torn apart by the will of all living beings here."

From the moment he entered here, Yuan Xian could feel an invisible force swallowing his consciousness.

Sooner or later his personal consciousness will be broken down and merged with all living beings.

He had known this outcome for a long time.

But he couldn't let Sheng Xi die alone here.

He didn't know what Sheng Xi went through when she was raising her soul in another world, but he could tell from the few words Sheng Xi occasionally revealed that she didn't live a very good life.

The past cannot be pursued. At least every day after they met, he wanted to accompany her and protect her.

"If you don't leave, I won't leave." Yuan Xian stubbornly stood still.

Sheng Xi became anxious: "I won't leave because I can't leave. Why don't you leave? Will you die with me?"

Yuan Xian responded dullly: "Yeah."

Sheng Xi didn't know what to say.

Big Brother knows everything.

I know nothing but still choose to do this.

Is he still short-sighted?

Sheng Xi suspected that the master had not helped his elder brother to complete his mind, and suddenly wanted to get into Yuan Xian's heart and take a look.

Her heart is filled with handsome men and beauties, but she wonders what her elder brother is filled with?
Sheng Xi couldn't help but be curious: "Elder brother, what are you harboring in your heart?"

Yuan Xian was stunned, as if he didn't expect Sheng Xi to ask this question so suddenly.

It was very quiet in the darkness. The young man looked down at his heart, as if he could see bits and pieces of his usual interactions with Sheng Xi from there.

He subconsciously pressed his heart, and the straw bell on his wrist swayed slightly with his movements, and landed on his heart, causing a slight impact.

Like a dragonfly touching the water, it creates ripples in circles.

It was like the peck of a phoenix, knocking open the door of his heart little by little.

Sheng Xi's consciousness penetrated into Yuan Xian's heart through this small straw bell.

She saw herself in Yuan Xian's heart.

The eldest brother's heart and eyes are full of her.

At this moment, Sheng Xi suddenly felt Yuan Xian's thoughts.

The young man's ignorant but strong love grows wantonly in his heart, blooming flowers that no one knows about.

Sheng Xi no longer even had a physical body, but at this moment, she could feel her heart beating wildly in a daze, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

She stared blankly at the silent young man in the darkness, suppressed all her emotions, and then said hoarsely: "Elder brother, please go, I am alone..."

"I'll accompany you." Yuan Xian interrupted her, insisting that she could not refuse.

Since they met, Yuan Xian obeyed Sheng Xi's advice, and this was the first time he rejected her so firmly.

When Sheng Xi saw this, he knew that he couldn't be persuaded. She was silent for a while, then whispered: "Elder brother, I understand what you mean. But it's not's really not necessary..."

Yuan Xian's heart beat three points faster, and he didn't expect to be discovered by Sheng Xi.

He was at a loss for a moment, but because of the fear of losing Sheng Xi, he quickly said: "For you, everything is necessary."

Sheng Xi was stunned on the spot.

If she still had a body, her face would be red.

Brilliant fireworks of different shapes suddenly exploded in the darkness, illuminating the entire space with five lights lingering in various colors, like someone's blooming heart.

Yuan Xian looked at this scene in shock, and it took him a while to react.

He felt Sheng Xi's excitement.

His heart was responded to, and he subconsciously wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. He could only stare at the blossoming fireworks without blinking.

The fireworks gradually became smaller and finally disappeared, as if a grand fireworks show had come to an end, and the surrounding world seemed darker and quieter.

Yuan Xian said warmly: "Little junior sister, let's go back together."

Sheng Xi's voice was low and a little sad: "Elder brother, I can't go back... It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't do it."

"Go back. Just listen to me for the last time, okay?"

There was only a little bit of consciousness left in her, and just staying here to take one more look at Yuan Xian would take all her strength.

"What if you use your Nirvana Fire?" Yuan Xian asked.

"My Nirvana Fire is all used up." Sheng Xi said for a moment, then looked at Yuan Xian carefully, and suddenly realized something, "You didn't accept my Nirvana Fire?"

Not long ago, when Huofeng, who had Shengxi consciousness, went to say goodbye to them, he distributed his Nirvana Fire to everyone.

At that time, Sheng Xi was equal to Heaven, which was equivalent to a gift from Heaven.

The vitality in the Nirvana fire healed everyone's injuries and restored them to their best condition.

Only Yuan Xian spit out a mouthful of blood when the fire phoenix disappeared.

That was not only a burning rage, but also the backlash of his rejection of the gift of heaven.

He was vaguely aware of something at that time, but he couldn't figure out all the thoughts, so he could only secretly hide this power in his body.

He didn't know if he could successfully store this power. Even after vomiting blood, he would no longer be able to sense this power.

But the moment he and Sheng Xi had their minds figured out, he felt this power again.

He tried to draw out this power.

Perhaps it was because of the special place here, or perhaps it was because of the moment of connection that allowed him to take advantage of Sheng Xi's personality.

Yuan Xian successfully mobilized this power.

A faint orange-red light appeared on his fingertips.

Because their fellow apprentices were not seriously injured, Sheng Xi didn't give much Nirvana Fire to Yuan Xian, only this little bit.

Yuan Xian took out everything without touching the ground.

"Are these enough?" His voice was anxious, suppressing the tension in his heart.

Sheng Xi did not answer the question, but after being quiet for a long time, he slowly said: "Elder brother, please put it away. This is for you."

"What's mine is yours. Xiao Xi, answer me, is this nirvana fire enough?" Yuan Xian asked solemnly.

Sheng Xi was silent again.

After a while, she sighed: "Senior Brother, this is not a question of whether it is enough, but it is useless to me."

"Fire needs wood to burn, and so does the fire of Nirvana."

"The life force of Nirvana fire can only be burned and released by using old life as fuel."

"I actually have no life left."

"Senior Brother, strictly speaking, I am dead."

It was as if a giant hammer hit Yuan Xian hard, making his heart sink to the bottom.

He was in a daze for a moment, then quickly regained his composure: "I have a way."

Sheng Xi suddenly realized what he was going to do and hurriedly shouted to stop: "Stop!"

But it's too late.

Yuan Xian smiled into the empty darkness and lit the Nirvana Fire in his hand.

Orange-red flames instantly enveloped his whole body, and Yuan Xian's life force drained away at an extremely fast speed.

He set his life on fire. (End of chapter)

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