Flash little green plum

Chapter 105 Little Sister Calls Brother 1

As soon as Xu Hong picked up the phone and looked at it, it was a coincidence that it was Su Jing who called.

"Hello, Xiaojing." Xu Hong picked up the phone.

Su Jing asked: "Godmother, is Manman asleep?"

"Sleeping, what's wrong?" Xu Hongyi was a little puzzled.

"Then is it convenient for you to come over now?"

Xu Hong was taken aback for a moment, thinking that something happened to Su Jing alone, and immediately said: "Okay, I'll come right away."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hong immediately went to the opposite side. When he came to the door, he found that the door was not closed, it was covered.

Pushing the door open, I saw Su Jing coming out.

"What's the matter, Xiao Jing?" Xu Hongyi asked while looking at Su Jing, and he was relieved to be sure that he was fine.

Su Jing dragged Xu Hongyi to the restaurant, and there was a bowl of steaming egg noodles on the dining table.

As soon as Xu Hong thought that Su Jing was hungry, she couldn't help but said: "You are hungry and want to eat supper and tell your godmother, why did you make it yourself?"

"This is cooked for you. Didn't you eat much tonight?" Su Jing said and pushed Xu Hong on the chair and sat down.

Xu Hong was taken aback for a moment, and then he became a little moved. Unexpectedly, Su Jing noticed that he had no appetite, and even cooked noodles for himself.

"Thank you, Xiao Jing." Xu Hong smiled, and then started to eat without being polite. She was indeed a little hungry.

Su Jing poured another glass of water for Xu Hong, and then chatted with Xu Hong one after another.

When Xu Hong was almost done eating, Su Jing took out the love letter.

"Godmother, are you worried about me today because of this?" Su Jing asked directly.

Xu Hong was surprised, and she knew it was Lin Manman who said it after thinking about it, but she was even more surprised that when she was worrying about how to speak, Su Jing actually said it by herself.

"Godmother was about to talk to you about this matter, but I didn't expect you to talk about it first." Xu Hong smiled.

Su Jingting nodded, with a calmness on his face that didn't match his age, he explained: "I don't know why this love letter appeared in my schoolbag, it may have been put quietly by someone else."

"Is that so..." Xu Hong was taken aback for a moment, it turned out to be different from what she had imagined.

Su Jing continued to give Xu Hongyi a reassurance: "Godmother, don't worry, I don't have puppy love."

In junior high school, everyone is in the puberty of love. Su Jing has always been No.1. This excellence has indeed attracted the attention of many people, but Su Jing has always been a stranger in school. So this is the first time I have received a love letter.

Xu Hongyi breathed a sigh of relief, so she just said, Xiao Jing is so obedient and obedient, so likely to fall in love early, just because he is always the first in age, it is impossible to fall in love early.

"Xiaojing, the godmother definitely believes in you, but at your current age, it's relatively easy to have puppy love. You have to treat and deal with these things correctly."

As soon as Xu Hong finished speaking, she felt a little nonsense, but because she was worried, she really couldn't help telling her.

Su Jing nodded: "Don't worry, godmother."

The conversation was brief, but it made Xu Hongyi's heart sink. She got up to wash the dishes, but was snatched away by Su Jing, and Xu Hongyi could only watch.

"Godmother, my classmate invited me to play at his house the day after tomorrow. Can I bring Manman with me? Zhao Yu will also bring Zhao Ningmen over there." Su Jing asked.

Xu Hong nodded, and agreed: "Okay, it happens that the godmother will go out the day after tomorrow, so you can take Manman to play."

(End of this chapter)

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