Flash little green plum

Chapter 109 Not Like a Good Person 2

As if he couldn't see the shrunken expression on Fang Chuyue's face, Zhao Yu thoughtfully put the notes next to the test paper Su Jing bought, then took out an Ultraman from the bag, and handed it to Fang Chuyue.

Fang Chuyue: "What... is this?"

"This is a gift from Lemon." Zhao Yu said.

Fang Chuyue: "..."

For some reason, Fang Chuyue thought of the very popular phrase "Do you believe in light?", but he was already too old to like Ultraman. All mature men like Transformers, okay?
But Fang Chuyue still took it, and smiled at Zhao Ningmen: "Thank you, Lemon."

Obviously, compared to Lin Manman's Barbie doll, Ultraman was obviously more acceptable to Fang Chuyue.

Zhao Ningmeng said sullenly, "You're welcome."

Originally, Zhao Ningmen thought that since Fang Chuyue and her elder brother were good friends, they should be similar to Zhao Yu and Su Jing, but if they didn't want to meet him, they wouldn't give him a good impression. They didn't even want to bring their favorite Ultraman with them. Give it to him.

"Why does Lemon want to give me Ultraman?" Fang Chuyue asked.

Zhao Ningmen didn't speak, Zhao Yu answered for her: "Lemon has always liked Ultraman since she was a child."

Fang Chuyue was surprised, and looked up and down Zhao Ningmen dressed like a little princess. It was very surprising that Zhao Ningmen, who is such a young lady, would like Ultraman. In his cognition, little girls like small skirts and dolls kind of.

Feeling Fang Chuyue's sizing eyes, Zhao Ningmen was even more unhappy, and couldn't help but stare back, the meaning was obvious, what to look at!

Fang Chuyue thought Zhao Ningmeng was very interesting, and the little girl had a temper.

Zhao Ningmeng liked sports since she was a child, and she liked casual clothes, but she had a mother who was willing to help her dress up. The closet was full of beautiful clothes and skirts, but she didn't wear them at all.

This white dress was also forced to wear today. Zhao Ningmeng's mother said that it should be taken seriously when visiting someone else's house, so she had to dress up before going. Zhao Ningmeng couldn't refuse, so she had to wear it.

When everyone arrived, Fang Chuyue naturally began to show a few people around his home.

Fang Chuyue's house is a four-story European-style villa. The decoration of the house is very magnificent, but compared to the nouveau riche-style decoration, Fang Chuyue's house still has a sense of design.

It happened to be on the first floor. Fang Chuyue took a few people to the back garden for a walk first, and then began to visit the house.

The basement floor is the basement, which is mainly used by Fang Chuyue's parents. The design style is leisure and relaxation, with a reading area, a fitness area, and a large wine storage area.

The first floor is the normal living room, dining room, and a large kitchen, including Chinese and Western partitions.

A few people took the elevator to the third floor first. The third floor was the rest area and office area of ​​Fang Chuyue's parents. They didn't stay much.

The second floor and the first floor are all Fang Chuyue's, bedroom, game room, musical instrument practice room, and a collection room, which is like an exhibition, full of figures collected by Fang Chuyue.

After the visit, Fang Chuyue took a few people to his game room to play. Until noon, the housekeeper told Fang Chuyue that he could go down for lunch and that his parents had returned.

Fang Chuyue's father, Fang Wenshan, and mother, Chu Wan, were childhood sweethearts. They got married early and gave birth to Fang Chuyue early, so they were both very young.

After the two came back from the company, they changed their clothes again. They welcomed Su Jing and Zhao Yu very much and attached great importance to them.

(End of this chapter)

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