Flash little green plum

Chapter 118 Write a Love Letter to Brother Xiaojing 1

Lin Manman couldn't see Su Jing's incompatibility, so she embraced the doll with her arms full, looked at this one, touched that one, and liked it so much that she even threw one to Su Jing.

Su Jing followed subconsciously, and found that it was a brown bear with a red love heart on his chest, which instantly looked like a hot potato.

"Don't Xiaojing like it?" Xu Hongyi noticed Su Jing's stiffness.

Su Jing never showed what he liked, and Xu Hong arranged it cutely as soon as he arranged it. After all, the birthday should be brighter.

Su Jing shook his head: "I don't like it, I'm just not used to it."

He hasn't experienced this kind of grand arrangement for a long time, and he is very uncomfortable. Although he doesn't like cute and cute things, he thinks that it is arranged by his godmother, and he doesn't think it is so difficult to accept. Instead, he feels warm in his heart.

The meal was ready in a while, and the table was filled with Su Jing's favorite dishes, Su Hua's favorite Beicheng dishes, and Lin Dongyang's Su Jing's favorite Jiangcheng dishes.

The bustling atmosphere at home made Su Jing feel very relaxed, his appetite was much better than usual, and he had a very pleasant meal.

After the meal, it was the normal birthday celebration process, cake, birthday song, wishing, nothing left behind.

In the darkness, the faint light of candles illuminated everyone's faces. Under Lin Manman's strong request, Su Jing closed his eyes and silently made a wish in his heart.

If possible, he hopes that the happy days in front of him can be longer and continue indefinitely.

After making his wish, Su Jing opened his eyes, and blew out the candle under the smiling eyes of everyone.

Turn on the light, and naturally it's time to cut the cake, and Lin Manman is the most excited.

Su Jing knew what Lin Manman was thinking without asking. After all, someone knew that there was a birthday cake, and he was too picky to eat it for dinner just now, so he immediately cut a super big piece for Lin Manman.

Lin Manman laughed with satisfaction, and took the plate to the side to enjoy the delicious food.

The rest of the people were quite full after eating, and put them down after tasting a few mouthfuls of birthday cake.

Xu Hong took out the presents she had bought, and picked out a trendy sports suit for Su Jing.

At Xu Hongyi's request, Lin Dongyang also prepared a gift separately, a box of extracurricular reading materials.

Although Xu Ying didn't arrive in Jiangcheng, she sent the gift early and prepared a set of the Four Treasures of the Study for Su Jing.

Su Hua, the father, prepared a bank card for Su Jing, and said with a smile that he didn't know what to buy, so he let Su Jing buy it by himself.

Su Jing thanked them one by one after accepting them, and immediately changed into the new clothes Xu Hongyi bought. The two families took a big group photo, and the cream on Lin Manman's mouth had not been wiped off.

After the birthday celebrations, the adults were busy cleaning up the kitchen and dining room.

Su Jing went back to the room to pack her things, and after a while, Lin Manman followed her in with her schoolbag on her back.

"Brother Xiaojing." Lin Manman closed the door carefully after entering.

Su Jing looked up and saw Lin Manman carrying a schoolbag, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"I also prepared a gift for you!" Lin Manman said, put the schoolbag on the chair, unzipped it and began to search.

Su Jing raised his eyebrows, looking at Lin Manman's mysterious behavior in surprise, unexpectedly Lin Manman also prepared a gift for him.

Lin Manman dug and dug, digging for half a minute but didn't come up with anything.

"Can't find it?" Su Jing asked with a smile.

Lin Manman frowned, and she became puzzled: "Hey, where is the item? Why is it gone..."

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