Flash little green plum

Chapter 136 Worship You 2

They also brought back many special products from Tibet, such as yak meat, cordyceps sinensis, matsutake, saffron, etc. Except for their own use, the others were prepared to be given away.

On this day, Fang Chuyue called Su Jing to go out. Coincidentally, Lin Manman also received a call from Zhao Ningmen and asked her to go out as well.

Even more coincidentally, Fang Chuyue and Zhao Ningmeng had an appointment at the same place: the Taekwondo gym.

Su Jing didn't think much about it, he just thought about bringing them the special products brought back from the Tibetan market, so as to save them a trip.

"Brother Xiaojing, why do you think Lemon and Brother Chu Yue asked us to meet at the same place?" Lin Manman asked suspiciously in the car, "Is there something wrong with them?"

"You'll know when you go." Su Jing replied, thinking in his heart that Zhao Ningmen and Fang Chuyue, the two "hostile forces", would not be a good thing after all, but he and Lin Manman should be mostly spectators.

Lin Manman was guessing along the way, until she reached the gate of the Taekwondo tube. When Lin Manman was looking at the graffiti on the wall of the gate of the Taekwondo tube, two villains who were fighting, she had a flash of inspiration and suddenly guessed something.

"Brother Xiaojing, you said... Lemon wouldn't want to fight Brother Chuyue, would he?" Lin Manman couldn't help asking.

Su Jing raised his eyebrows, and looked at Lin Manman in surprise: "It's rare for you to be smart."

After speaking, Su Jing opened the door and got out of the car first.

Lin Manman followed Su Jing out of the car, and she was surprised that she guessed it right. However, when she got out of the car and walked a few steps, she finally realized it.

"Brother Xiaojing! Are you saying I'm stupid?" Lin Manman yelled angrily, and trotted after Su Jing, intending to hit someone.

Su Jing strode forward with a gift box in each hand, not slow. When Lin Manman caught up with Su Jing, both of them had reached the front desk of the taekwondo management.

With the presence of outsiders, Lin Manman restrained herself a little, and stood beside Su Jing in an orderly manner.

Su Jing reported Fang Chuyue's name, and the waiter took the two of them directly to the competition room on the highest floor of the Taekwondo Hall by taking the elevator.

When the two arrived, neither of the parties had arrived.

Lin Manman looked at the "ring" in the middle of the competition room, and couldn't help sighing: "These two are really going to duel..."

Su Jing put down the gift box, then pulled Lin Manman to sit aside.

Lin Manman was bored. The little leather sandals with diamonds she was wearing today couldn't help shaking her feet. She suddenly asked Su Jing, "Brother Xiaojing, if Lemon and Brother Chuyue were in a PK match, who do you think would win?" win?"

Su Jing was about to speak, but Lin Manman said first: "Brother Xiaojing, why don't we take a gamble and see who can win, brother Lemon or Brother Chuyue, who do you bet on?"

"Zhao Lemon." Su Jing said without hesitation.

Staying with Zhao Yu and Fang Chuyue every day, Su Jing naturally knew Zhao Ningmen's level, and naturally knew Fang Chuyue's level of fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

"But...but I also want to bet on lemons." Lin Manman pouted, "Brother Chuyue is your good brother, why don't you bet on him?"

"Shouldn't we bet on winning?" Su Jing asked.

"..." Lin Manman was at a loss for words, but she was unwilling to compromise, "Then I will also bet on lemons."

"We are the same, so there is no need to bet..."

Before Su Jing could finish speaking, Lin Manman hurriedly interrupted: "No, no, it's no fun if you don't gamble."

Su Jing: "..."

Lin Manman thought for a while and suggested weakly: "How about... let Brother Zhao Yu bet on Brother Chuyue?"

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