Flash little green plum

Chapter 149 The Trip to the North City 2

"Brother Xiaojing!" Lin Manman complained dissatisfiedly, "Why are you so fond of snitching now!"

"So casual?" Su Jing laughed.

Lin Manman said angrily: "It's just not teasing, don't you know I'm stingy?"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you."

"It's about the same." Lin Manman immediately let go of the soft words and started a new topic, "Brother Xiaojing, what clothes do you think I should bring to Beicheng for the National Day?"

"Already packing your luggage?" Su Jing laughed. The National Day would be less than half a month away, so he started to pack his luggage so actively, which showed someone's expectation.

"I'm just asking if I have nothing to do. Let's clean it up slowly." Lin Manman said, she seemed to be a little anxious when she realized that she had exposed something, so she asked instead, "Did you tell my mother about Guoqing going to Beicheng?" ?"

"Not yet." Su Jing forgot.

"Then remember to tell her that I will only come if she agrees!"

Su Jing agreed: "Okay."

"Brother Xiaojing, are you tired from military training now?" Lin Manman asked.



The two chatted one sentence at a time for more than half an hour, and they hung up the phone when they saw that Lin Manman's phone was running out of battery.

Just as he was about to put away his phone, Su Jing saw a WeChat message from Lin Manman.

[Brother Xiaojing, remember to go to dinner, no one will play with me on National Day if you are starving! 】

Su Jing smiled. He was not hungry before Qin Fen and Zhou Dongdong called him out to eat, but now he was suddenly hungry.

Guessing that Qin Fen and Zhou Dongdong had already finished their meal, Su Jing didn't call to ask them to bring food back. After thinking about it, he ordered a barbecue, so they could eat together when Qin Fen and Zhou Dongdong came back.

Sure enough, the two returned to the dormitory after a while.

"Oh, I'm too full tonight. The aunt in the cafeteria wonders if it's because I'm handsome, and I don't shake my hands when I cook." Zhou Dongdong said cheerfully when he walked in.

Qin Fen followed in and rolled his eyes. It was obvious that this guy wanted to order more food because of the delicious food tonight.

Su Jing took a look and asked casually: "It seems that you are quite full?"

"Of course! In order not to disappoint the aunt in the cafeteria, I had no choice but to eat the big plate." Zhou Dongdong pretended to wipe his stomach, sat down with his waist, and deliberately told Su Jing, "Brother Jing, you It’s a pity I didn’t go.”

Qin Fen didn't dare to compliment Zhou Dongdong's first sentence, but he also agreed with the latter sentence.

"Tonight's food is really good." Qin Fen nodded.

Su Jing gave Zhou Dongdong a meaningful look, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"What's wrong? Brother Jing, why are you looking at me like that?" Zhou Dongdong felt a chill behind him for a moment.

"Do you want to go for a walk now to digest food?" Su Jing warmly reminded.

Zhou Dongdong subconsciously refused: "Forget it, I can digest food while lying down."

Saying that, Zhou Dongdong kicked off his shoes, climbed onto the bed in two or three steps, and then lay down comfortably.

Su Jing didn't mention the midnight snack either, so he took a book and read it leisurely.

Half an hour later, the barbecue was delivered downstairs, and Su Jing went to get it back, but immediately called Qin Fen with gestures without making a sound.

As soon as the two of them opened the package, the fragrance instantly permeated the bedroom.

Zhou Dongdong, who was lying on the bed, was still watching game videos, so he didn't know where the scent came from.

"Why do I smell a barbecue smell? It smells so good. Have you smelled it?" Zhou Dongdong asked suspiciously.

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