Flash little green plum

Chapter 157 Is This Your Girlfriend? 4

Before going back, Su Jing took Lin Manman to have a second breakfast, because the sandwich at around four o'clock had already been digested.

On the way back, Lin Manman was considered tired, and fell asleep shortly after getting in the car.

Su Jing let Lin Manman rely on himself. Seeing the serious traffic jam on the way back, he also began to doze off, unconsciously squinting for a while.

When the car arrived at the community, Lin Manman was in a deep sleep. Su Jing thought that she got up really early this morning, so she hugged Lin Manman and got out of the car.

It's only less than eight o'clock, but there are already many people doing morning exercises in the community, running, doing Tai Chi, doing aerobics... It's still very lively.

Su Jing walked past with Lin Manman in his arms, and naturally got some attention, so he had to speed up his pace.

Coincidentally, when he first entered the building, he happened to meet his professional professor.

"Su Jing?" The professor was wearing a tracksuit, apparently out for morning exercises.

Su Jing was stunned for a moment, and quickly said hello politely: "Hello, Professor Zhang."

"What a coincidence, you live here too?" Professor Zhang looked into Su Jing's arms and asked with a smile, "Is this your...girlfriend?"

Su Jing held Lin Manman's hand tightly, and only answered the first question: "It's really a coincidence, Professor Zhang, did you run in the morning?"

Professor Zhang naturally noticed that such a clumsy change of subject, he just thought Su Jing was embarrassed, nodded and replied: "Yes, go out and run a few laps."

"Then I won't delay you." Su Jing immediately took a step back to the left to make way.

Professor Zhang was not embarrassed, and said with a smile: "I live in 601, come and play when I have time."

"Okay, thank you, Professor Zhang. Goodbye, Professor Zhang." After Su Jing said his goodbyes, he carried Lin Manman to take the elevator.

Professor Zhang, who was walking out, suddenly stopped and turned around secretly to see Su Jing holding Lin Manman and getting on the elevator.

"I didn't expect Xiao Su to have a girlfriend at such a young age, she seems to be very kind to her girlfriend..." Professor Zhang couldn't help but sigh.

Although the military training has just ended and the freshman has not yet fully entered the formal study, many teachers in the college have paid attention to Su Jing.

Su Jing is the youngest among the group of freshmen in their college, and has won numerous awards in national competitions, and spoke as a freshman representative at the opening ceremony of the college.

When listening to expert lectures, Professor Zhang noticed that Su Jing's questions were very in-depth, and he was a potential student.

Living in the same community as Su Jing was unexpected to Professor Zhang, and even more unexpected to Professor Zhang was that the young man was still learning how to fall in love at a young age.

"Old Zhang!"

Just when Professor Zhang was immersed in his thoughts, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

"Hey, Lao Zhou!" Professor Zhang turned around and saw his good friend, who was a little surprised to see Lao Zhou covered in sweat, "Have you finished running?"

"I'm going to go out with my wife later, so I'm running early today. What did you just leave here to watch?" Old Zhou asked with a smile.

"I'm a student." Professor Zhang waved his hand and said, "Stop talking, I'm going for a run, let's talk later."

Here, Su Jing carried Lin Manman into the elevator, maybe he moved Lin Manman when pressing the floor, and suddenly woke up.

Seeing that she was hugged by Su Jing, Lin Manman was a little embarrassed, and took the initiative to come down, but she was still sleepy, so she stood motionless against Su Jing.

At the door, Su Jing opened the door, Lin Manman half-closed her eyes, took off her shoes and went straight to Su Jing's bedroom with bare feet, exactly the same as yesterday.

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