Flash little green plum

Chapter 159 Sister, You Are So Beautiful 2

While eating noodles, Su Jing thought for a while and asked Lin Manman: "Do you want to visit my school later?"

"Is it okay?" Lin Manman was puzzled, she thought that university campuses could not be entered casually.

"Yes, do you want to go? If so, you can try our cafeteria after visiting the school, or I will take you to have dinner near the school, there is a food street..."

Before Su Jing could finish speaking, Lin Manman couldn't wait to agree: "Go!"

Su Jing nodded, the itinerary was finalized.

However, Su Jing found out that Lin Manman, who was still a bit wolfish just now, was eating slowly at this moment, lowering her head as if thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Su Jing couldn't help asking.

Lin Manman was distracted, and without thinking about it, she blurted out her true inner thoughts: "If you want to eat in the cafeteria at night, you should go to the food street."

Su Jing froze for a moment, then couldn't help laughing.

Lin Manman suddenly realized what she said, her face was hot, and she was a little ashamed and annoyed.

"Brother Xiaojing, don't laugh!" Lin Manman didn't even need to think about it, Su Jing must feel like a snack at this moment.

Su Jing stopped smiling and gave a good suggestion: "Why don't you eat less now, we will go to the cafeteria to have dinner first, then go shopping on campus, and after shopping, go to the food street for supper?"

Lin Manman's eyes lit up, and she nodded immediately: "That's a good idea!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Manman put down her chopsticks resolutely, but hesitated: "But the half bowl left is a waste."

Su Jing didn't dislike it either, and directly picked all the noodles from Lin Manman's bowl and put them in his own bowl.

"Thank you Brother Xiaojing!" Lin Manman smiled with crooked eyebrows.

After eating the noodles, the two of them went out after tidying up. It took only ten minutes to walk to Su Jing's school.

Since it was a holiday, many people went home or went out to play, so there were naturally fewer students on campus than usual.

Su Jing led Lin Manman to walk leisurely on campus, and did not forget to introduce Lin Manman.

Lin Manman was still very interested. She listened carefully to Su Jing's introduction and asked other questions from time to time.

Unknowingly, they walked to the nearest canteen, and Su Jing took Lin Manman into it.

At this time, it was meal time, and although the cafeteria was not full, there were still quite a lot of people and it was very lively.

Lin Manman was very excited to scan the food in each window first, choose what she likes, and finally ask Su Jing to swipe the card to pay.

The two chose a seat by the window and sat down. They still ordered a lot of food, such as dry pot for one person, wraps, fried dumplings...

However, the servings are relatively small, and Lin Manman felt that eliminating them would not be a problem, after all, she kept her belly on purpose.

The two chatted while eating, and when Su Jing said that there were nine canteens in the school, all the ham sausages Lin Manman held in her chopsticks fell off.

"What! Nine...nine canteens?" Lin Manman was shocked.

Su Jing nodded, and then began to introduce: "The cafeteria we are in now is the one closest to my dormitory, and the other eight are in..."

Lin Manman listened, and suddenly put down her chopsticks.

Su Jing's voice also stopped abruptly, and he looked at Lin Manman puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Thinking that there are eight other cafeterias that I haven't eaten, the food in my mouth will not taste good in an instant." Lin Manman pouted.

"If you want to eat, shall we come again tomorrow?" Su Jing thought for a while and said, "Or take one day in the next few days to come to the school cafeteria?"

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