Flash little green plum

Chapter 166 Please Shut Up Uneducated People 4

"To shut up!"

Before Su Zhengyang could finish speaking, Lin Manman interrupted angrily.

Su Zhengyang glanced at Lin Manman disdainfully: "Which onion are you? How dare you tell me to shut up?"

"I told you to shut up, what's the matter?" Lin Manman said in a serious tone, "Please shut up, uneducated people!"

Before Su Zhengyang could fight back, Lin Manman's words had already been typed out like a cannonball.

"Seeing that you are not very old, why do you want to dress up like a nouveau riche? Do you think it's cool to wear sunglasses indoors? Turtle!"

"You only scold others and don't look at yourself. You make a lot of noise in public and make rude demands. Do you think you are great? Attacking others indiscriminately is no different from a mad dog?"

"Still scolding Brother Xiaojing for not having a mother, bah! You are the one who was born without a mother. If your mother knows that the child she gave birth to is so vulgar and unreasonable, she will embarrass her in public, she probably wants to push you back and be reborn!"

"You...you...you..." Su Zhengyang was so angry that his sunglasses fell off, he pointed at Lin Manman and was speechless.

Lin Manman said unhappily: "What are you? Didn't you speak so well just now? Are you pretending to stutter now? Don't worry, even if you are really stuttering, no one will sympathize with you!"

"You bitch—"

Su Zhengyang became anxious, secretly thought that he couldn't beat Su Jing, and he couldn't deal with you, a yellow-haired girl, so he raised his hand to slap Lin Manman and teach Lin Manman a lesson.

Seeing that Su Zhengyang wanted to hit Lin Manman, Su Jing subconsciously wanted to stop him, but Lin Manman stopped him.

"Brother Xiaojing, don't move! I'm coming!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Manman quickly dodged Su Zhengyang's slap, bypassed Su Zhengyang's back, and kicked Su Zhengyang's knee.

Su Zhengyang knelt down on one knee, so embarrassed.

"Don't think I'm easy to bully, my sister is the national taekwondo champion, and the champion's sister is naturally not bad!" Lin Manman looked relaxed.

Su Zhengyang had never felt so humiliated before. He stood up and clenched his fists, but he didn't dare to move anymore. His eyes were red and he was trembling with anger.

"Is this how you open the store? Let someone do it casually? Let your VIP be beaten?" Su Zhengyang yelled at the manager.

Su Jing calmly said to the manager: "He is underage, the VIP card should not belong to him."

Being close to Fang Chuyue, Su Jing is quite familiar with Su's restaurants, except for a few of them who have special VIP cards, all the restaurants of Su's do not issue VIP cards to minors.

Su Jing's words hit Su Zhengyang's vitals right away. After all, he was only in his teens, so he couldn't hide the guilty conscience on his face.

"Excuse me, is your VIP card your own?" The manager cooperated with Su Jing very much and asked.

Even with a guilty conscience, Su Zhengyang still insisted: "Isn't it my own, could it be that I stole it?"

"I figured it out, you are in the same group, I want to find your boss!"

"If the boss doesn't come out to apologize today, I won't take a step!"


"Who wants me to apologize?"

Fang Chuyue came late, and when he heard that someone was making trouble, he didn't hesitate, and called the security guard to come in.

Because they were afraid that Su Zhengyang's quarrel would affect the guests outside, the waiter had already closed the door of the box when Su Zhengyang confronted Su Jing and Lin Manman.

The sound insulation of the box was very good, Fang Chuyue didn't hear anything outside, but when he opened the door and came in, he heard the fire had already burned himself.

"Are you... the boss?" Su Zhengyang looked at Fang Chuyue in disbelief, unable to believe that the boss was so young.

It’s Chinese Valentine’s Day, I wish all the babies happiness, and by the way, vote for me to be happy too? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…

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