Flash little green plum

Chapter 172 Is there anything your brother likes? 1

Lin Manman finished her art class in the morning, and free time in the afternoon.

After lunch, Lin Manman sent Su Jing the drawing results of the morning class, and made a phone call by the way, wanting to share what the teacher praised her work today.

The phone rang for a long time before it was answered, and Su Jing's deep and hoarse voice came, which sounded wrong.

"Brother Xiaojing, what's the matter with you?" Lin Manman's originally excited expression collapsed, and she immediately asked with concern.

At this moment, Su Jing's head was even more dizzy, his nose was blocked, and he felt a little hot and uncomfortable, but when he heard Lin Manman's voice, he still answered her gently and patiently.

"It's okay, I was sleeping just now, cough cough cough..." Su Jing coughed as he spoke.

Lin Manman frowned, and asked worriedly: "Brother Xiaojing, do you have a cold?"

"It seems a bit." Su Jing was confused, his head was heavy.

"Then have you taken your medicine?" Lin Manman asked immediately.

"Well... I forgot to buy it when I came back... It's fine if you don't take medicine..." Su Jing said, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he was about to fall asleep before he knew it.

Lin Manman shouted anxiously a few times before getting Su Jing's response.

"I'm a little sleepy, can I call you later?"

"Brother Xiaojing, then I'll deliver you medicine..."

Su Jing didn't hear what Lin Manman said later, because he had already fallen into a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Jing was awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone, followed by fever all over his body.

"Hello?" Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, Su Jing cleared his throat before answering the phone.

"Hello, sir, the medicine you bought has arrived. I am at your door now. Are you at home now?"

Su Jing was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, he didn't seem to have bought the medicine, and the memory went back to when Lin Manman was talking, she bought it?
"Please put it at the door for me, I'll take it later, thank you." Su Jing said.

"Okay, let's open the door for you then."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jing was dizzy and dizzy. He probably had a fever, but he still managed to get up, and went to open the door to get the medicine with heavy and slow steps.

The delivery boy put the medicine on the shoe cabinet at the door. It was quite a big bag, and I don't know what it contained.

Su Jing took it into the room and opened it to see. Cold medicine, anti-fever medicine, cough medicine... Not to mention many types, there are several of the same type.

Su Jing smiled, first found antipyretics, took warm water and took the medicines, then went back to the room and fell asleep.

This sleep went straight to [-] o'clock in the evening. When I woke up, I was covered in sweat, but the fever had subsided, and I felt much more refreshed.

Picking up the phone to look at it, Lin Manman sent him several WeChat messages, asking him about his situation.

Su Jing directly called Lin Manman back.

"Brother Xiaojing, you finally got back to me! How are you doing now? Are you better?" Lin Manman picked it up immediately.

"It's much better, thanks to your medicine." Su Jing asked with a smile, "Why do you still want to take away the medicine?"

As soon as she heard that Su Jing was much better, Lin Manman's heart fell to the ground, and she couldn't help but sigh a little: "Of course it's because I'm smart!"

During Lin Manman's National Day, I ordered milk tea here at Su Jing, and I still have the address, which happened to be convenient for me to order some medicine.

"But you bought such a big pack of medicine, isn't it a little too much? I can't finish my colds for a year." Su Jing joked, "You don't want me to have more colds on purpose, do you?"

"Of course not! I don't know what your symptoms are, so I rummaged through the medicine cabinet, and I ordered for you what my mother prepared at home."

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