Flash little green plum

Chapter 176 No Puppy Love 3

"You don't want Brother Su Jing to have a girlfriend." Zhao Ningmen immediately expressed Lin Manman's subconscious thoughts.

Lin Manman suddenly panicked, her heart was beating fast, and she was anxious to refute, but she couldn't open her mouth anyway.

Zhao Ningmeng has always been more stable and mature than Lin Manman, so looking at Lin Manman's appearance, she felt that she had guessed right.

"How could it be? Brother Xiaojing is several years older than me..." Lin Manman's tone was puzzled.

Zhao Ningmeng sighed, and couldn't help but said: "In those novel idol dramas you watched, there are more male protagonists than female protagonists."

Lin Manman was silent.

Seeing that she was really distressed, Zhao Ningmeng said seriously after thinking about it: "It's possible that you actually don't like Brother Su Jing."

"Huh?" Lin Manman looked up, and there seemed to be hope in her eyes.

Zhao Ningmeng began to analyze again: "It's also possible that your possessiveness is causing the trouble. Look at how good Brother Su Jing is to you. If you have a girlfriend, he must be good to your girlfriend. It's normal for you to be a little jealous and uncomfortable."


"Of course it's true. My brother is very kind to me. If he gets a girlfriend, I might feel a little uncomfortable." Zhao Ningmeng comforted Lin Manman.

Lin Manman nodded in agreement: "You seem to have a point in saying that."

Seeing that Lin Manman seemed to have calmed down a bit, Zhao Ningmeng's words came back on track: "Of course, it's also possible that you just like Brother Su Jing. After all, Brother Su Jing treats you well, is handsome and excellent, it's normal."

Lin Manman: "...Zhao - Lemon - Lemon -"

"Sister, calm down, OK?" Zhao Ningmeng said, "We are still young, young, just when we are young and ignorant, do you think those classmates who fell in love with each other early in the class really like it? Like and love are different, maybe You like Brother Su Jing now, will you like other people after a while?"

Lin Manman: "...you are really like an emotional mentor."

"I'm telling you very seriously. I don't want to see you worry about this and affect your mood. You also want to be open. If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it."

Zhao Ningmeng continued to enlighten: "If you like it, then see if you can keep it until you grow up. If you still like it at that time, you will get the moon first. Are you afraid that you won't be able to win Brother Su Jing?"

Lin Manman blurted out: "Will it be too long? What if brother Xiaojing is already in love?"

"Well, I see that you really like it now." Zhao Ningmen asked casually, "If Brother Su Jing likes you too, do you want to date him?"

Lin Manman's cheeks were flushed, and she whispered, "I don't know..."

Zhao Ningmeng immediately emphasized solemnly, "What don't you know? Your priority now is to study, and you have a clear score."

"Don't talk, don't talk, I want to study." Lin Manman immediately promised.

"It's good if you know it. If you know it, study hard and make progress every day." Zhao Ningmeng couldn't help but patted Lin Manman's head, teasing, "I don't even have full hair yet, and I still want to fall in love."

Lin Manman: "..." You are not the same!
It has to be said that Zhao Ningmeng's enlightenment made Lin Manman's mood improve successfully, and she returned to [-]% concentration in the afternoon class.

Lin Manman felt that what Zhao Ningmen said was right, no matter whether she liked Su Jing or not, her priority now was to study.

How can a good student fall in love early?Never fall in love early!The Flag of Lin Manman was established here.

After returning home from school in the afternoon, Lin Manman got her phone and saw that Deng Jingjing had sent herself another message.

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