Flash little green plum

Chapter 183 Went to Heaven 4

"Godmother, how come it's late as soon as you find out?" Su Jing only felt that his throat was dry and he was almost speechless.

"Before she found out, she didn't tell us, and secretly treated her, but the effect was not good, and she was reluctant to part with the school children..."

Xu Hongyi's tone contained powerlessness, remorse and guilt. She felt powerless because Xu Ying only cared about others and disregarded herself. She also felt remorse and guilt because she was a daughter and didn't find out about her mother's illness.

The two of them looked at each other in silence, and the atmosphere gradually became heavy.

"Okay, Xiao Jing, you can go home and have a rest first." It was Xu Hongyi who broke the silence first.

Su Jing shook his head, not planning to leave.

Xu Hongyi said: "You go home and have a rest, and then go to school to pick up Manman, the godmother is here to watch over."

At this time, Su Jing would not refuse if he could help, so he agreed.

After returning home and putting away her luggage, Su Jing didn't rest, changed her clothes, and went directly to pick up Lin Manman.

When I came to the familiar campus, the security guard at the gate hadn't changed yet. When I saw Su Jing coming back, I greeted him with a smile. Parents can also enter the school today, so I didn't stop anyone.

Su Jing naturally knew where Lin Manman's classroom was, but he didn't go upstairs, but waited for Lin Manman under the teaching building.

The campus is well-greened and breathes fresh air, which is not available in Beicheng, and it seems to be able to relieve the mood a little.

Lin Manman came out with Zhao Ningmen, and Zhao Ningmen was talking with Lin Manman's arm, but both of them had serious expressions on their faces.

The moment she saw Su Jing, Lin Manman's eyes were sour, and she called out "Brother Xiaojing", but she was not as excited as before.

Zhao Ningmeng and Su Jing greeted each other, and the three of them walked out together.

The three of them separated at the school gate, Zhao Ningmen went to take the bus home, and Su Jing took Lin Manman to the hospital by taxi.

After getting into the car, Su Jing saw that Lin Manman was still carrying her schoolbag, looking out the window with her head tilted, sitting motionless.

Reaching out to take off Lin Manman's schoolbag, Su Jing naturally knew the reason for Lin Manman's bad mood, and was unwilling to mention Xu Ying's condition.

"How was the test?" Su Jing asked.

Lin Manman said sullenly: "Class No.8."

"That's a big improvement, be happy." Su Jing added, "Grandma will be very happy to find out later."

Hearing Xu Ying, Lin Manman finally regained her energy, nodded and said, "I hope grandma can be happy."

"Grandma wants us to be happy, so she will be happy. You have a sad face now, and grandma has to worry."

Lin Manman twitched the corners of her mouth, showing a forced smile, and stopped talking.

On weekdays, Lin Manman mostly talked a lot. Today, Su Jing tried hard to think of a few topics, but Lin Manman couldn't even bring himself to do it.

In the end, Su Jing had no choice but to let Lin Manman rest on his shoulder, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

I thought that the mournful Lin Manman would keep it up forever, but unexpectedly, the moment she stepped into the ward, Lin Manman returned to her former image of the little sun.

"Grandma, grandma, I got No.8 in the exam, and I improved by fifteen places!"

"The No.8 in our class is also the No.8 in the grade. The teacher has praised me."

"I've made so much progress, should I be rewarded?"


Lin Manman chattered non-stop, looking very excited, which made Xu Ying laugh happily.

Su Jing looked at her still immature face, feeling inexplicably distressed, for that heartless little girl who had grown up at this moment.

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