Flash little green plum

Chapter 185 Adulthood 1

After dealing with Xu Ying's affairs, school will start soon.

Time will really dilute the sadness gradually. Those who go to work and those who go to school seem to be back on track.

This semester, Lin Manman took the initiative to choose evening self-study, leaving the house at seven o'clock every day and arriving home at ten o'clock in the evening. It seemed that such busyness allowed her to forget the sadness of losing Xu Ying.

Su Jing was gradually getting busy in Beicheng, but he did not forget to contact Lin Manman every day.

He was a little worried about Lin Manman. Since Xu Ying left, for a long time, Lin Manman was not as lively as before, and she talked less. Every time she contacted, Su Jing became the one who talked a lot.

During the Qingming Festival, Su Jing came back from Beicheng, and the two families drove to Shiguang Town to visit Xu Ying's grave.

Obviously, it was less than two months since I came back last time, but weeds and wild flowers have grown on the brand new tomb this time.

The only thing that is still new is the tombstone. The tombstone was washed away by the drizzle during the Qingming Festival, and Xu Ying's name is even more profound.

When sweeping the tomb, Lin Manman didn't shed tears, and talked to Xu Ying with a smile for a long time. Su Jing watched from the side, feeling aching in her heart.

After returning to Jiangcheng, everyone unexpectedly received a letter, a letter from Shi Guangzhen, written by Xu Ying.

It turned out that Xu Ying knew that her time was running out, so she wrote a letter to everyone, estimated the date and sent it to Jiangcheng.

The content of each letter is different, but they all mentioned one point. I hope that everyone will not indulge in the grief of her death, and hope that they can continue to live a new life.

Lin Manman took the letter back to her bedroom to read, and closed the door, the sound of crying was no less loud than when Xu Ying left.

Su Jing didn't push the door open until the room was silent, and found that Lin Manman had fallen asleep holding the letter, with wet tears still hanging on her face.

After crying a lot, Lin Manman finally returned to her previous appearance, full of vitality and vitality, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

The only difference is that Lin Manman still continued to study by herself in the evening, and changed the drawing class to the weekend.

After half a semester, Lin Manman's grades reached No.2, ranking behind Zhao Ningmen, and she was able to maintain it for a long time, which surprised Xu Hongyi and Lin Dongyang.

Only Su Jing knew that Lin Manman studied hard because after Xu Ying left, she changed her dream of becoming a painter and wanted to become a doctor.


Another two years have passed, and Lin Manman has entered the critical moment of the third year of junior high school. Su Jing wants to finish all undergraduate courses in the third year of junior high school, so it is also a very important year.

December 24th, Su Jing's birthday, too.

Su Hua flew abroad because of work, and Xu Hongyi took the opportunity of a business trip to Beicheng to give Su Jing a simple birthday, and agreed with Su Jing to go home on New Year's Day to celebrate his birthday.

As soon as New Year's Day was off, Su Jing bought a plane ticket and flew back to Jiangcheng.

After getting off the plane, Su Jing pulled the suitcase, and saw Lin Manman and Xu Hongyi waiting for him at the exit from a distance.

Walking out quickly, Lin Manman rushed over, grabbed his suitcase and pushed it away.

"Brother Xiaojing, why have you become handsome again?" Lin Manman joked with a smile, "I'm afraid you have to punish yourself after talking about a girlfriend!"

"What nonsense?" Su Jing said helplessly.

Walking in front of Xu Hongyi, Su Jing greeted him, and wanted to take the suitcase over and push it by himself.

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