The atmosphere stagnated suddenly, and Su Hua hurriedly said: "Yes... there are no noodles, I mean go to your godmother's house to borrow some."

"Then forget it."

Su Hua suggested with some embarrassment: "How about I cook dumplings for you?"

"No, I'm actually full." Su Jing stopped teasing Su Hua, "Longevity noodles are delicious."

Su Hua's eyes widened, and then he slapped Su Jing angrily: "You brat."

The breakfast atmosphere was fairly relaxed, and neither father nor son mentioned what happened last night.

Today is the last day of the new calendar year. The two of them had dinner with Fang Chuyue's family and Zhao Yu's family tonight, and the children also made an appointment to go to the playground during the day.

So after breakfast, Su Jing tidied up and went to find Lin Manman.

Lin Dongyang had just prepared breakfast, and Xu Hongyi and Lin Manman hadn't gotten up yet. When they saw Su Jing coming, they called for them to eat together.

Su Jing explained that he had eaten, and then helped Lin Dongyang arrange the dishes, while Lin Dongyang went upstairs to wake people up.

After a while, Lin Dongyang went downstairs, went straight to the dining room and started to eat breakfast by himself, obviously the wake-up call failed.

Although Su Jing didn't eat, he still sat in the restaurant and chatted with Lin Dongyang.

While chatting, Lin Dongyang suddenly remembered: "By the way, don't you have to go to the amusement park today? You'd better wake up Manman."

"It's okay, she will sleep more..."

Before Su Jing finished speaking, the phone rang. It was Zhao Yu's call, asking if he and Lin Manman had set off.

After hanging up the phone, Su Jing got up and went to call someone.

He went upstairs to Lin Manman's bedroom in a familiar way, and when he entered the room, he saw a bulge in the middle of the bed, and even Lin Manman's head could not be seen.

Lin Manman is afraid of the cold, and Jiangcheng rarely has the habit of turning on the heater in winter, so Lin Manman has a special characteristic when sleeping in winter. She likes to cover her head with a quilt, otherwise she feels that the air she breathes is cold and she cannot sleep at all.

Su Jing walked over, slowly pulled back the quilt, revealing Lin Manman's head, and called out his name softly.Maybe it was because of enough sleep, today Lin Manman was uncharacteristically not getting up, and Su Jing woke up after yelling a few times.

"Brother Xiaojing..."

"We are going to the amusement park later, remember?" Su Jing asked.

Lin Manman thought for a moment and nodded.

Su Jing said again: "Then get up quickly, wash up and come down to have breakfast, milk or porridge?"

"Milk." Lin Manman was completely awake.

Su Jing went downstairs.

Lin Dongyang looked at Su Jing who came down in less than 2 minutes, with a look of "I understand you", and asked: "Can't you wake up?"

"Get up." Su Jing said.

Lin Dongyang was so shocked that he stopped chewing for a few seconds. Why did Su Jing get up when he shouted? Could it be that the person he just called was not his daughter?
"She said she wants to drink milk, I'll heat it up." After Su Jing finished speaking, he went to the kitchen without looking at Lin Dongyang's reaction.

Thinking of how I had just called Lin Manman, and was attacked by Lin Manman...

Lin Dongyang was biting the bun, feeling a little depressed, Lin Manman was treated differently, she was about to turn her elbow to Su Jing.

When Lin Manman went downstairs to have breakfast, she found that Lin Dongyang was looking at her with small resentful eyes, and his speech was also yin and yang.

Lin Manman took advantage of Lin Dongyang walking away and asked Su Jing secretly: "Brother Xiaojing, why does my dad seem to be in a bad mood?"

"I don't know." Su Jing shook his head, even if he knew, he had to say he didn't know.

Lin Manman muttered puzzledly: "I was fine last night, why am I unhappy this morning..."

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