Flash little green plum

Chapter 196 Be Happy 3

At this moment, the "supernatural ghost" finally came to the door.

First he reached out and dragged Su Jing's feet, but Su Jing was very calm and didn't scream. He was even afraid that Lin Manman would be touched, so he just let Lin Manman jump on his back and carry Lin Manman through the first level.

Listening to the roars coming from both sides, Lin Manman didn't dare to open her eyes. She buried her head tightly on Su Jing's back, thinking silently in her heart: Go away, go away...

Zhao Mengmeng, who was walking alone, was so frightened that he screamed, walked back in a panic, and caught Fang Chuyue.

Fang Chuyue immediately felt proud: "Just say you are afraid. You don't have to insist that you are not afraid. Okay, I will reluctantly escort you."

After saying that, Fang Chuyue took the initiative to hold Zhao Mengmeng's arm and quickly led Zhao Mengmeng through the manned passage.

After passing a level and calming down for a while, Zhao Mengmen broke free from Fang Chuyue's hand and resumed walking alone.

Fang Chuyue shook his head dissatisfied and said, "Look at you burning bridges across rivers. Didn't you hold me very tightly just now?"

"Hmph." Zhao Ningmen didn't speak, and walked alone.

Walk to a hut with a huge wooden box inside.

"Do you want to close your eyes? There might be something coming out later." Su Jing asked Lin Manman.

Lin Manman nodded, closed her eyes nervously, and let Su Jing lead her forward.

Sure enough, after taking only two steps, a "ghost" popped out of the box, with disheveled hair and a very scary look, and it was still moving slowly this way.

Everyone has two "stop signs" issued by the staff in their hands, and they will not move if they are pasted on the NPC.

Su Jing casually stuck the ghost, then pulled Lin Manman away quickly and left the room.

Zhao Ningmeng breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried to follow, but when he reached the door, a ghost suddenly fell from the door frame.

Zhao Mengmeng and Fang Chuyue were both hit hard from the front. Now not only Zhao Mengmeng was scared, but also Fang Chuyue was frightened.

"Ghost!" Fang Chuyue wailed, jumped a little, and hugged Zhao Mengmen subconsciously.

Zhao Mengmeng was also scared. He grabbed Fang Chuyue's clothes and shouted: "Put on the talisman, quickly put on the talisman!"

Before Fang Chuyue could make a move, Su Jing came back and stuck the ghost on him.

With the help of the faint light, several people quickly escaped from the room. There were still several levels behind, and Fang Chuyue and Zhao Mengmen also pulled each other in unison.

It was still almost 15 minutes before we left the haunted house.

As soon as they came out, Zhao Mengmen and Fang Chuyue let go of each other's hands in a tacit understanding and stood far away, feeling embarrassed that they had just been in the haunted house.

But the most frustrating thing was Lin Manman. She went in with curiosity. After entering, the experience for the ears was [-]%, but the experience for the eyes was almost zero.

From the time she entered to the time she came out, Lin Manman didn't see a single ghost. Su Jing acted as if he had made a strategy guide. Almost every place where he guessed there was an ambush turned out to be a ghost in the end, and he successfully helped Lin Manman avoid all the ghosts. .

Several people went to the beverage shop to meet Zhao Yu, had something to drink, and then continued to play other games after taking a rest.

By the time everyone left the amusement park, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, so they went directly to the place where they had dinner.

Dinner was Chinese food, at Fang Chuyue's own restaurant, and Fang Wenshan reserved a private box.

Because of the hotel investment, the relationship between Su Jing's family, Lin Manman's family and Fang Chuyue's family is closer, but because the children have a very good relationship, Zhao Yu's family is often invited to dinner parties.

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