Flash little green plum

Chapter 305 Looks a lot like you 1

When chatting with Su Jing, Lin Manman mentioned that she did not dare to tell Xu Hongyi and the two of them. This time, Su Jing was very kind and said that he was not in a hurry.

Su Jingdu said he was not in a hurry, so Lin Manman was not in a hurry either. The two of them were not in a hurry, but Xu Hongyi was quite anxious.

On Sunday, Lin Manman didn't sleep too late. She was woken up early in the morning by Xu Hongyi's life-threatening series of calls.

"My good mother, even if you want to go shopping, the mall doesn't open that early." Lin Manman opened one eye helplessly, looking at the screen on her phone that it was not yet eight o'clock, and her heart collapsed.

But Xu Hongyi dropped a shocking message: "Get up quickly and pack up. I'll bring you breakfast. After you eat, you can go see the house."

"Looking at a house?" Lin Manman sat up in shock, "What house are you looking at?"

"This is a house for you. Stop nagging and get up quickly. If you don't get up when I arrive, you know the consequences." Xu Hong hung up the phone as soon as he finished speaking.

Lin Manman was scared away from her drowsiness. She thought Xu Hongyi had just talked casually the night before, but she didn't expect him to be so resolute. Was she familiar with Beicheng?Aren’t you afraid of being cheated by an agency?

There was a mess in her head, but Lin Manman had only one thought: she didn't want to move.

Under the authority of her mother, Lin Manman got up slowly. While washing, she did not forget to ask her father to "share the same responsibility" and dialed Lin Dongyang.

Lin Manman's little calculation was wrong. Lin Dongyang never slept in. When the call was connected, he had gone for a morning run, took a shower, had breakfast, and was already preparing lessons in the office.

"Dad, it's unjustifiable if the school doesn't award you the Most Diligent Professor Award!" Lin Manman couldn't help but sigh.

Lin Dongyang laughed twice, and then asked cheerfully: "Aren't you going to look at a house with your mother today? Your mother will be angry if you don't do it quickly."

"I can't even figure it out when it comes to this. Dad, have you reached an agreement that mom wants to buy a house?" Lin Manman asked deliberately.

Lin Dongyang reacted immediately: "What, you don't want a house?"

"It's quite convenient for me to live on campus..." Lin Manman couldn't help but say, "I'm not always at Brother Xiaojing's place."

"Your mother is right. You and Xiao Jing are both old. Private space is very important. You still need to buy a house. It is convenient for your mother and I to visit you occasionally. If you really want to live in school, you can."

Lin Manman saw that Lin Dongyang was determined to fight with Xu Hong, and she pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "That's what I say, but buying a house in Beicheng is so expensive, can't you save a little?"

"You don't have to worry about this. You don't have the money to buy a house. How can you live happily? Don't worry, it's no problem for our family to buy a few more houses."

Lin Manman: "..." The key is that she won't be happy if we move away!

After trying to persuade Lin Dongyang to no avail, Lin Manman stopped worrying and hung up the phone, feeling depressed alone.

Xu Hongyi arrived before Lin Manman changed clothes. Looking at Lin Manman's messy hair, Xu Hongyi was a little disgusted, but at least he had washed up, so he could barely get by.

"Eat quickly, finish early and leave early." Xu Hong placed the packed breakfast on the dining table.

Lin Manman nodded. Seeing that Xu Hongyi didn't intend to eat, she asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going to eat?"

“I ate at the hotel buffet.”

Lin Manman: "..." Hotel self-service...how early can you get up? She is not envious at all!

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