Flash little green plum

Chapter 310 Smiling from ear to ear 1

Zhao Mengmen also laughed after hearing this. She understood what Lin Manman meant.

So the two looked at each other with happy smiles.

Lin Manman's words did not mean that Zhao Mengmeng was online, but wanted to emphasize that a champion's self-confidence is not acquired overnight. Once a goal is set, it will be difficult to escape.

After dinner, the two went shopping together.

The weather in Beicheng has gotten colder these days. Su Jing will be back tomorrow. Lin Manman bought Su Jing a long down jacket while shopping.

When visiting a boutique, a pair of cute cartoon couple's gloves caught Zhao Mengmeng's attention, and he couldn't help but take a second look.

Lin Manman knew Zhao Mengmeng well, and she knew she liked it at first glance, so she encouraged Zhao Mengmeng to buy it.

"Then let's have a pair each?" Zhao Mengmen suggested.

Lin Manman naturally refused: "These are lovers' gloves, not sisters' gloves. Besides, are you going to give me the men's version or keep it for yourself?"

"You can choose whichever one you want." Zhao Mengmen generously let Lin Manman choose.

Lin Manman still shook her head: "Forget it, you should wear it with brother Chu Yue. If I buy it, I will wear it with brother Xiaojing."

Zhao Mengmeng: "...Praise for sex over friends."

Lin Manman smiled proudly.

Just when Zhao Mengmen was still hesitant, Lin Manman simply assisted.

"Just buy it, and I'll buy a pair too. Brother Xiaojing will be back tomorrow. It's normal for couples to give small things to each other." Lin Manman said and started to choose.

Seeing this, Zhao Mengmen silently put the gloves he was interested in into the shopping cart.

Lin Manman saw Zhao Mengmeng's movements with her peripheral vision and secretly smiled.

It was almost nine o'clock when she returned to Su Jing's apartment. Lin Manman took a shower very quickly despite her sleepiness.

However, after lying on the bed, Lin Manman's sleepiness disappeared without a trace. It seemed that she had triggered the ability to stay up late, or maybe she thought that Su Jing would be arriving tomorrow afternoon.

After watching a movie, Lin Manman went to Weibo to browse information about her favorite celebrities, and fell asleep unknowingly.

The next day happened to be Saturday, and Lin Manman had a rare sleep.

After getting up, I made myself some brunch. After eating, I slowly started to clean up the house. I still wanted Su Jing to see a clean house when he came back.

After cleaning, Lin Manman ordered herself a cup of milk tea to reward herself. Seeing that it was getting late, she started putting on makeup.

Lin Manman has liked to dress up since she was a child. She liked to dress up dolls when she was a child, and she liked to dress up herself when she grew up.

Influenced by Xu Hongyi, Lin Manman had already started thinking about makeup when she was in high school. During the summer after graduating from the college entrance examination, her interest reached its peak.

By the time college starts, Lin Manman's makeup skills, although not perfect, can be said to be proficient.

However, after only half a semester, her makeup skills returned to those before liberation.

If you ask her why?
Sorry, medical students are not allowed to wear makeup.

The class schedule is so full, there is so much professional knowledge to memorize, a lot of homework, many topics, and many exams... She usually looks plain and haggard.

So today, Lin Manman deliberately dressed up to welcome Su Jing back, but she was unable to show her normal makeup skills.

After failing to apply eyeliner for the third time, Lin Manman gave up decisively and secretly said that she would still have to pick up her makeup skills when she had time.

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