Flash little green plum

318 Intentional 3

Lin Dongyang turned off the light, but couldn't lie down, feeling very uncomfortable.

After a while, Lin Dongyang's voice sounded in the quiet bedroom: "My wife..."

"What are you doing? I'm about to fall asleep!" Xu Hongyi became irritable.

"I'm worried about Manman."

Xu Hong sat up irritably, turned on the desk lamp, then looked at Lin Dongyang and asked angrily: "How is Xiaojing's character?"

"Very good." Although Lin Dongyang didn't want to say it, he still had to admit it.

"That's okay. Xiaojing is not only a good character, but also very measured in his actions, so there is nothing to worry about." Xu Hongyi said.

"I understand the truth, but... when the relationship between the young couple is strong, isn't it possible to control certain things?" Lin Dongyang said, feeling a little aggrieved.

Xu Hongyi was already feeling sleepy and said helplessly: "Then what do you want?"

"It's time to speed up buying a house for Manman." Lin Dongyang thought for a while and said, "I'll take leave next week to go to Beicheng."

"It's up to you, I don't care about the house." After saying that, Xu Hong turned off the light and fell asleep.

Lin Dongyang, an old father, didn't fall asleep until midnight.

Su Jing, who was far away in Beicheng, didn't know about his future father-in-law's troubles, because he also encountered a trouble at this time.

Let’s start from the end of the phone call with Xu Hongyi. After Su Jing hung up the phone, he went to take a shower. After taking a shower, Su Jing wanted to change the plan made by Zhou Dongdong and Qin Fen, so he stayed up all night to fight.

At this moment, a WeChat message suddenly came from the phone. Su Jing glanced at the time. It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. He picked up the phone and glanced at the message. Su Jing couldn't help but frown.

Meet·Coffee: [Hello, I am the waiter at the coffee shop today, are you there? 】

Su Jing didn't know yet about Lin Manman adding the store's WeChat account to get pudding, but after looking at the news, he knew it was related to Lin Manman without even thinking about it.

Su Jing: [Is something wrong? 】

Meet·Coffee: [First of all, I may want to apologize to you. Actually, I am not a waiter in a coffee shop. I noticed you as soon as I entered the coffee shop today. I wanted to make friends with you, but I was afraid of being too rude, so I thought I came up with a way to pretend to be a waiter and trick you into adding the store's WeChat account to deliver pudding, but I don't mean any harm, so can I get to know you? 】

Su Jing's face turned dark instantly when he saw this large piece of news.

When Lin Manman got up the next day, she felt that Su Jing was strange. Although she was still gentle, she was indescribably weird.

During breakfast, Lin Manman sipped shredded chicken porridge.

Su Jing suddenly said: "Was the pudding in the coffee shop delicious yesterday?"

"Not bad... Hey, how did you know I ate pudding?" Lin Manman asked doubtfully.

"You added the store's WeChat account."

Lin Manman suddenly realized, but then she was confused: "My phone is out of battery. I used your phone to add WeChat, but how do you know about the pudding?"

"Last night when you were asleep, the coffee shop sent you a WeChat message."

"Huh? Is there another gift-giving event?" Lin Manman asked casually.

Su Jing looked at Lin Manman, who looked innocent, and suddenly had a headache. She wouldn't be deceived when he was away.

With a silent sigh, Su Jing picked up the phone and checked the chat history, then handed it to Lin Manman to read.

Lin Manman took it, her expression changed as she looked at it, and then explained anxiously: "Brother Xiaojing, I...I don't know who he is, he said he is a waiter..."

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