Flash little green plum

Chapter 322 I don’t want you alone 1

"Have you been out for a long time?" Lin Manman couldn't help but ask.

Su Jing did not answer Lin Manman's question directly, only said: "I came out to find someone for something."

"You should find a breakfast shop or indoors to talk to me now!" Lin Manman said angrily, but she was afraid that Su Jing would catch a cold.

After a while, Su Jing entered a KFC. Lin Manman felt a little relieved when she saw that the snow on his body was shaken off.

"Have something hot to drink, and buy some food." Lin Manman continued to issue instructions.

Su Jing shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

"Then I'll be angry." Lin Manman's face fell.

Su Jing had no choice but to do as he was told and ordered a cup of milk tea and a burger. Lin Manman felt relieved after watching him finish eating.

"Can you tell me what happened now?" Lin Manman asked, "Even if it's unhappy and makes me worry, I don't want you to hide it from me."

Su Jing was silent for a while and finally spoke: "I found my mother."

Lin Manman was overjoyed subconsciously, but her mood suddenly sank because Su Jing's state had nothing to do with the happy event.

Next, Su Jing's words made Lin Manman gradually feel uncomfortable...

It turned out that a few days ago, Deng Jingjing's mother accidentally learned Wu Wan's current contact information and work address in the United States, and then told Su Jing.

Su Jing naturally called Wu Wan immediately, but she didn't know if it was an unknown number, so Wu Wan never answered.

After thinking about it, Su Jing went to where Wu Wan currently worked to see if she could find her.

Everything went very smoothly. When Wu Wan saw Su Jing, although she was not excited, she always had a gentle smile on her face.

Wu Wan briefly asked about Su Jing's situation and said that it was inconvenient since she was at work, so she exchanged contact information with Su Jing, and then told Su Jing to contact her later.

Although she and Wu Wan didn't have time to say anything, the short conversation was pleasant, Su Jing thought.

In vague anticipation, Wu Wan took the initiative to contact Su Jing, gave Su Jing her current home address, and asked Su Jing to meet.

It was a coincidence that the day they met was the Spring Festival. Su Jing subconsciously thought that Wu Wan was taking him back to celebrate the New Year.

Because he didn't know Wu Wan's current family situation, Su Jing actively went to the mall to pick out gifts and new year's goods, and then happily carried them over.

However, the scene of warm reunion did not happen, but the turning point was reached.

Wu Wan did not invite Su Jing upstairs, but took Su Jing to a coffee shop nearby. Without even caring or greetings, Wu Wan stated his purpose straight to the point.

It turns out that Wu Wan has re-established a family with an American and gave birth to a son. She is living a good life. Wu Wan feels very happy.

When Su Jing appeared, Wu Wan's first reaction was surprise, but only Wu Wan knew that the surprise was more than 90.00%, and the joy was very little.

The current husband doesn't know everything about Wu Wan's past. If he knew, he would definitely mind. There is no need to weigh or think twice. Wu Wan gave up on Su Jing in an instant.

She told Su Jing that she had been gone for so many years and hoped that Su Jing would treat her as a mother without her. She also did not hope that Su Jing's appearance would destroy her current happy life, so she hoped that Su Jing would not contact her again in the future.

Although he was sitting in a room full of heating, Su Jing seemed to have fallen into a world of ice and snow, his body and heart were cold, and his full expectations for this moment were buried by the heavy snow.

(End of this chapter)

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