Flash little green plum

Chapter 326 I am very happy 2

Lin Manman was worried and anxious, and was ready to take Su Jing to the hospital.

"Brother Xiaojing! Brother Xiaojing!"

After shouting twice, Su Jing woke up.

"Brother Xiaojing, you can't get rid of the fever, let's go to the hospital." Lin Manman shouted, "Get up quickly and get dressed, and we'll go out."

Su Jing raised his hand and touched his forehead, felt the temperature, and then said: "It's okay. I'll take some antipyretic medicine and I'll be fine after a sleep."

"No, let's go to the hospital now." Lin Manman had a tough attitude.

Su Jing took Lin Manman's hand and showed a smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm feeling better now. If you take the medicine again, you must go to the hospital if the fever doesn't go down, okay?"

Lin Manman felt a little distressed, but there was nothing she could do. Fever was easy to relapse, so she simply agreed to Su Jing's request.

After Su Jing took the medicine, he fell asleep again soon. Before going to bed, he didn't forget to tell Lin Manman to eat something and tell Lin Manman what food was available at home.

Lin Manman felt much refreshed after a good sleep. After getting up and drinking a glass of water, she started looking for food.

After walking around, Lin Manman was worried about Su Jing and had no appetite, so she simply didn't move and went to the living room to hang out for a while.

After almost an hour, Su Jing's fever subsided, and the temperature became 37.3. Lin Manman breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more relaxed, and her hunger suddenly rose.

She was not interested in the porridge cooked for Su Jing. Su Jing usually cooked, and there were a lot of things in the refrigerator. Lin Manman took the eggs and cooked a bowl of egg noodles for herself, which she also served with Lao Ganma, which was very satisfying. stomach.

After tidying up the kitchen, Lin Manman wanted to tidy up the house for Su Jing, but found that he had tidied up the entire apartment in order, clean and tidy, and she had no use for it.

Lin Manman simply curled up on the sofa and watched TV with the TV volume turned on very low. During this period, she went in from time to time to check on Su Jing's condition until Su Jing's condition stabilized.

I don't know how long it took, but when Lin Manman was laughing while watching a comedy, Su Jing suddenly got up and came to the living room.

"Brother Xiaojing, how are you feeling now?" Lin Manman asked immediately.

Su Jing didn't say anything. He was already awake. He walked towards Lin Manman and gently hugged her in his arms.

Lin Manman hugged him back subconsciously and asked with some worry: "What's wrong? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, she's much better already." Su Jing's voice was soft and full of nostalgia, "I just want to hold her for a while."

Lin Manman stopped talking. She guessed that Su Jing was thinking of Wu Wan and hugged Su Jing tighter with some distress.

The two hugged each other quietly for a while, until Su Jing coughed, Lin Manman quickly asked Su Jing to put on a thin coat. Although there was heating in the room, he couldn't be careless. After all, he was still a sick person.

Su Jing went to get dressed and wash up while Lin Manman went to the kitchen to give Su Jing some porridge.

The porridge had been cooked for a long time, and it was still very hot even though it had been kept warm. It was just a little sticky. Lin Manman looked at the white porridge and felt it was bland and tasteless.

There were no pickles to eat with here. After thinking about it, Lin Manman added a little salt to it, which was better than no taste at all.

When Lin Manman came out with the porridge, Su Jing had already sat down at the dining table. After washing, Su Jing looked much more energetic, but her face was still a little weak.

"Brother Xiaojing, please eat something simple first. I will buy groceries and cook for you later." Lin Manman said and put the porridge in front of Su Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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