I'm not Tang San's younger sister in Douluo Continent

Chapter 23 Brother, my chapter is coming!

Chapter 23 Brother, I'm back!

Tang Min counted the time, put the fan back, looked at the fan whose light had weakened, sighed helplessly, and could only comfort in a soft voice: "Okay, okay! I will definitely not write on your body next time. Isn't it because you don't have pen and ink! Don't be angry, okay?"

Tang Min coaxed for a long time before he managed to calm his martial spirit.

Tang Min also had no choice, she wanted to send a letter back, but there was no paper and pen by her side, so Tang Min had no choice but to dip some tree sap in her hands and write on the fan, just as Tang San also knew that this was her spirit.

The only bad thing is that the fan is too small to write too many things, and of course the fan doesn't want to let those things get on itself.

Tang Min thought that at the beginning of writing, the Nine Heavens Moon Fan kept swaying and dodging, but she didn't want Tang Min to write on it, or that Tang Min had to use the master's majesty to half coerce and half coax the Nine Heavens Moon Fan to agree to deliver the letter, and she felt tired.

It wasn't that Tang Min didn't want to explain more, but it was because he really couldn't write, and there was a boss watching over him. Although the boss was always easy-going, he never gave Tang Min a chance to refuse.

In this way, Tang Min sent Tang San a safety letter, telling Tang San not to worry about her, and followed Qing Yuteng's instructions to get those good things that Tang Min didn't know, but Qing Yuteng knew.

Really, in the hunting soul forest, it is not an exaggeration to say that the green jade vine is the soul beast with the highest cultivation, as long as the green jade vine appears, other soul beasts can only run away, so along the way, Tang Min is really just a carrying tool.

Fortunately, Tang Min has a soul tool for storing things on his body, so Tang Min doesn't need to hold those things all the time.Not to mention whether they are heavy or not, it is enough to say that several pieces are held together.

Tang Min also met other people during the period, as long as there was no danger, Tang Min would not let Qingyu Vine hurt them.

Although there were also some people who were not good-looking and wanted to rob Tang Min, but surprisingly, more people remained silent. Sometimes they were on the same road, and they just kept vigilant and guarded each other, but no one did anything.

What Tang Min didn't know was that in the eyes of others, she was a child of a big family with a strong background who came out to practice, and she must be silently followed by powerful guards.

No wonder other people thought this way. Originally, he came to the depths of the Hunting Soul Forest alone. Either he was so powerful that he was fearless, or he had a strong background and someone secretly protected him.

As for Tang Min, a six-year-old child with a delicate appearance, he looked like a pampered porcelain doll. Everyone agreed that Tang Min came from a big family to practice, and there must be a strong person behind him to protect him.

Compared with their own strength, they are obviously more afraid of these people who are followed secretly. After all, in the depths of the forest, it is normal to have one or two casualties, but when you strike, someone suddenly sees you attacking the person they are protecting. It will be very embarrassing.

So they all adhered to the attitude that even if they couldn't make friends, they couldn't make enemies. They wouldn't fight and kill Tang Min as soon as they came up. At the same time, they didn't relax their vigilance. After all, some children of big families were arrogant and domineering.

But they did guess almost the same. Tang Min did have a powerful protector beside him, but it was not a human but a spirit beast.

In this way, Tang Min spent several months walking sideways in the Hunting Soul Forest, occasionally watching spirit beasts fight.

Yes, several months.

Tang Min did not expect that this treasure hunt would take so long. Fortunately, he met someone during this period, borrowed some pens and paper from other people, and wrote a more detailed letter.

But omitting some things, he just said that he was saved by a strong man. The strong man saw that Tang Min was talented, so he forcibly accepted Tang Min as his disciple. Now he is leading Tang Min to practice in the deep forest, so Tang San and the others don't have to worry.

Tang Min knew it wasn't very good to say this, but only one letter couldn't fully explain it clearly, and saying that he was kidnapped by a spirit beast would only increase Tang San's and the others' worries, so he had to say this first.

When Tang Min stepped out of the forest and looked at the bustling town in front of him, he still had a feeling that things were right and wrong.

Tang Min hadn't felt this kind of excitement for a long time. When she was in the forest before, even if she met other people, she was on guard against each other, and she would not talk unless she opened her mouth. The only person who kept talking with her was the sapphire vine in Tang Min's hand.

"Hey! Aren't you rushing back? Why don't you leave, why are you here in a daze!"

Qingyuteng's irritable voice sounded in Tang Min's mind, and he no longer had the aloofness when we first met, as if everything was under control, even if he told himself that the end was approaching, it was only a sigh of calm.

After the current Qingyuteng knew that Tang Min was a girl, its aloofness was shattered all over the place, and it was just a irascible old man.

Tang Min was interrupted sadly, and sighed faintly, "So when we first met, did you rehearse countless times while I was still in a coma to make your tone so calm and stylish?"


Qingyuteng snorted coldly, but did not refute Tang Min's words.

Tang Min didn't expect that he just said it casually, and he guessed it right. Tang Min couldn't help being surprised, "Hey, you really rehearsed before I woke up?"

Qing Yuteng heard the surprise in Tang Min's voice, and turned into anger from embarrassment: "You don't care if I have practiced or not! You still can't go! Rory, you are so annoying!"

Tang Min looked amusedly at the green jade vine, which changed the topic. The past few months of getting along with each other also made Tang Min understand the green jade vine. At this moment, she was a little curious. How did the other party resist her character and pretend to be an ordinary vine for 10,000+ years?
Although Tang Min was curious, he didn't ask. Everyone has secrets, and Tang Min didn't get to the bottom of it if Qing Yuteng didn't talk about it.

At this time, Tang Min followed the words of the green jade vine and looked forward, the longing flashed in his eyes.

I wonder what happened to Tang San?Is Master in good health?Did Xiao Wu forget herself?

Brother, I'm back!Did you think of me?Xiao Min misses you very much!

Tang Min walked slowly towards Notting College under the urging voice of the green jade vine. Seeing that the gate of the college was closed and the college became deserted, he realized that it was the holiday time, and everyone who could go home went home.

"Hey, why are there so few people here? Your brother won't abandon you, will he?"

Unable to bear the loneliness, Qingyuteng jumped out again, commenting on the deserted campus.

Tang Min didn't care what Qingyuteng said, didn't see Tang San and the others in the academy, turned around and ran in the direction of Holy Soul Village.

Tang Min hurried all the way, just to get back as soon as possible, but still spent too much time on the road.

At this time, the closer he was to home, Tang Min couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and the closer he was to home, the more obvious this tension was.

Qing Yuteng didn't understand Tang Min's feelings now, but felt that Tang Min was dying slowly, completely different from the person who was anxious to go home before.

Qingyuteng doesn't understand human feelings. If you use human terms, Tang Min is now close to home and timid.

Qingyuteng originally wanted to say a few words to mock Tang Min, when the door creaked open.


Tang San originally just wanted to open the door to get some air, but he didn't expect to see Tang Min standing outside the door as soon as he opened it.

Tang San didn't move, he didn't know if it was a dream or real, until he heard Tang Min's voice, Tang San didn't know it was real, Tang Min really came back.

"Brother, I'm back!"

Tang San stepped forward, hugged Tang Min, his voice trembling slightly, "Xiao Min, you are finally back!"

Tang San had a lot to say, but when he really touched Tang Min, there was only one sentence left.

"Well, brother, I'm back! I won't be leaving anymore!"

Tang Min hugged Tang San back, comforting Tang San gently like Tang San did before.

(End of this chapter)

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