Chapter 28 Memories
Perhaps because of his determination, the green jade vine used his ability to summon the vines in the forest, collecting all the worries that others thought could be exchanged for money.

This is where the benefits of the sapphire vine are revealed. When others go into the forest to collect these things, they will be chased and killed by spirit beasts, and they have to work hard to get them or simply don't have them.

The sapphire vines are not afraid of these things, they are not afraid of being discovered by spirit beasts when they take these things, because no spirit beasts will guard against these vines, even if they are discovered, it is nothing, after all, except for some treasures, both humans and spirit beasts can use them. The precious medicinal materials in the eyes are just some weeds in the eyes of the soul beast, which are useless at all.Therefore, it is very easy to collect green jade vines.

But some things are not as simple as just being collected, they also need to be sold for money.

If it's only a small number, then it's nothing, but if the number is large, it will arouse the suspicion of others or the coveting of some greedy people.

When Tang Min first saw the green jade vine twitching, she was still thinking about what shameful things he had done, but it turned out that the green jade vine gave her such a big surprise.

Tang Min didn't know the value of these things, so she could only pull Tang San over. At that time, her excuse was that the person who saved her took her as an apprentice, and after knowing that she was poor, he sent her these things. She said it would be fine if she sold it, but she didn't know these things, so she called you here.

At that time Tang Min was still very nervous, afraid that the famous pharmacology master in front of her would expose her lies, but Tang San looked at these medicinal materials and said with a serious face: "It seems that your teacher takes good care of you!"

Tang Min didn't know why at the time, although Qingyuteng was occasionally out of tune, she did take good care of her, so she nodded accordingly.

Then Tang Min saw that those people were crazy about the herbs in her hands.Every time the medicinal materials were sold, Tang San took Tang Min away quickly with a serious face, never staying.

At that time, Tang Min really didn't know that these things were so expensive, and he didn't know why Tang San was so cautious every time.

After selling it several times, even Tang San felt strange, when Tang Min suddenly received the sound transmission from the green jade vine.

"Don't move! Stand there first! Don't talk! Don't turn your head!"

Tang Min was dumbfounded from the beginning to the end, but his IQ was still there, and he didn't really ask questions like a child.

Tang Min immediately grabbed Tang San, and when Tang San was about to turn his head to ask what happened, he quickly stopped him.

Years of getting along made Tang San know Tang Min's meaning in an instant, even if the terrifying soul power came from behind, he didn't move, but his hands only held Tang Min's hand.

The coercion of the soul power belonging to Contra behind him crushed Tang San and Tang Min, but it couldn't enter within a few centimeters of Tang Min.

Then an even more terrifying aura counterattacked, and with the crushing of the green soul power, the ground cracked inch by inch.


A person in a black robe appeared after being crushed by soul power. The other person seemed to have been seriously injured, and his body turned into a granary, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The other party clutched his chest and knelt without hesitation, "Senior! It's the little one who doesn't know Taishan, blinded by greed, and has the audacity to rob your junior. Senior, please forgive the small mistake!"

Seeing the vines slowly surrounding him, the other party panicked, thinking that the other party had not forgiven him, gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly: "Senior, I will always be loyal to you!"

Tang Min listened to the movement behind him and the man's words, and connected everything together. When the vines were approaching the man in black robe, and the man in black robe couldn't help but stand up and fight to save his life, Tang Min suddenly shouted: " Wait a moment!"

Tang Min still didn't turn around, but turned his back to the other party and said, "Wait a minute, master! This person is still useful!"

Qing Yuteng couldn't help saying in Tang Min's mind: "What's the use of such a treacherous and cunning person!"

The man in black looked at the stopped vines, and knew that the child who spoke now was his lifeline, so he said directly to Tang Min, "Little master, please keep me, I am willing to swear allegiance to the little master forever and never betray! "

Tang Min ignored the man in black, but asked Qing Yuteng in his mind, "Is this oath useful? Could it be false?"

"It's useful! As long as you swear to heaven and earth, you will be protected by the rules of heaven and earth! But why do you keep this person? You won't be soft-hearted, right? You can't be soft-hearted! If I hadn't made a move just now, you and your brother would have Turned into a pool of mud! Do you know that!"

"Being soft-hearted to the enemy is the greatest cruelty to yourself. Do you, a human being, understand that?"

After Tang Min knew what he wanted, he didn't care about Qingyuteng's daily madness, but asked, "What's your name?"

The man in black paused, looked at the vines that were moving forward again, and immediately replied: "Little Wang Hua, little master!"

Tang Min didn't care what Wang Hua thought. It was inconvenient for Qingyuteng to show up. It would be nice to have a thug to frighten other coveted people. It's good to be able to counter-kill them all, but as long as there is a fish that slips through the net, their life will not be easy.

"Okay, Wang Hua, right! Then you swear it! Master, help me see, if this person is cheating and cheating, then I don't want it!"

Qingyuteng cursed in Tang Min's mind, "You know how to command me! See if you can!"

In reality, the vines surrounding Wang Hua took a symbolic step forward following Tang Min's words, and the densely packed vines threatened Wang Hua to strangle you if you didn't agree.

Wang Hua's cold sweat ran down his forehead, and his aching chest kept telling him that he had no choice. Wang Hua no longer hesitated, "I, Wang Hua, swear to the sky, I will always be loyal to my little master——"

"Tang Min, my name is Tang Min." Tang Min said his name under the prompt of the green jade vine, "Okay, let's continue!"

Wang Hua was stuck for a moment, and at Tang Min's urging, he came again, "I, Wang Hua, swear to the sky that I will always be loyal to my little master, Tang Min. If there is even the slightest bit of betrayal, I will die a terrible death."

Wang Hua looked at the vines that not only didn't back down, but also raised their heads, and hurriedly continued: "If you have the slightest heart of betrayal, you will not be able to improve your cultivation, and you will fall back every year!"


As Tang Min's "Yuan" fell, the vines disappeared without a trace, and Tang Min also felt a strange feeling about the contract.

After that time, Tang San knew that he hadn't been followed before, because Qingyu Teng dealt with those people behind his back, and it was also at that time that Tang San only understood the power of Title Douluo.

After Tang San went back, he practiced in closed doors, and the level that had been stagnant before naturally stepped forward.

And after having Wang Hua, Tang San was relieved a lot, but he followed every time.

Tang Min felt that it was not an option to keep selling like this, so he thought of opening his own shop, and the money he sold during this period was just right, plus there was a Contra sitting in charge.

Tang Min immediately made a decision, pulling Tang San and Xiao Wu to open the shop together.

It was really difficult at the beginning, there was no source of customers, and there was no effect, but more people bought it, and they gained a reputation. After all, their products are indeed precious and fresh enough, after all, they are freshly picked.

In this way, the store grew bigger and bigger, and found several people behind it, of course they were all people who had been intimidated by the green jade vine.

Because they earned more money, the quality of life of Tang San and Xiao Wu also improved, and at the same time they gained more knowledge, and then they were driven to practice by Tang Min. According to Tang Min's original words, "I cultivate Why are you all higher than you, if you haven't cultivated well, how can you protect me in the future!"

And this sentence also gave Xiao Wu and Tang San a blow, they all thought of the last time Tang Min was forced to lure away the spirit beast.

And Tang San also thought of the attack they encountered last time, the feeling of powerlessness that they could only stand still being slaughtered by others, if Tang Min's teacher didn't take action, he couldn't imagine what would happen to Tang Min.

Xiao Wu's eyes darkened, hatred flashed by, she didn't say anything pretentious, she just hugged Tang Min, said thank you, and went to practice.

In this way, Tang Min was busy making money, Tang San and Xiao Wu were both practicing hard. When they were ten years old, they both reached level 29, but they only caught up with Tang Min who had less time to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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