Chapter 104 Clues
Jinbe had moved to another place to hide before he was discovered, and still couldn't believe what he saw, [What happened?Why was Luffy suddenly arrested? ]
After watching those people bring Luffy into the quarry, he came back to his senses. After remembering Encore’s arrangement, he also guessed that she wanted to come here to help Luffy by herself. Shall I go and rescue Luffy when we pass the stone sill in the southeast?But time is too late. ]
Jinbe looked at the route the convoy came from and found that they did not pass through the southeast at all.Moreover, this quarry is heavily guarded, so it should be impossible to forcibly save people.

Unable to guess the intention of the cat, Jinbei looked at the closed city gate again, and decided to go to the stone wall in the southeast to check the situation first.

The Shidu in the southeast is located in a wilderness with flying yellow sand, surrounded by potholes, and there is only one place where stones are piled up.

When Jinbe came here, he didn't see anyone. Although he was a little confused, he still found a secret place to hide.

After nearly half an hour passed, a guy somewhat similar in size to Jinbe slowly walked over from the flying dust, with a two-meter-long machete on his back and a flagon in his right hand, step by step. Walked slowly and unsteadily.

When he got closer, Jinbei found that it was a guy who looked very similar to himself in appearance and shape, and even his skin color was light blue. He probably took some kind of man-made devil fruit.And looking at his direction, he should be going to the quarry.

Jinbei, who instantly understood the content of the mission, knocked the guy unconscious when he passed nearby, and dragged him into the stone pestle to tie him up firmly.I searched him, and sure enough, I found a piece of paper.

The paper read simply: "Watanosuke, 45 years old, artificial fruit fauna-warthog form. New overseer at the quarry," followed by an ink-drawn portrait of a tusk and a bit The chubby black and white avatar looks 99% similar to Jinbe.

"The old man should be a little more handsome than him," Jinbe became narcissistic, and pressed him down with a stone, and took the guy's machete and flagon in his hands.After tidying up his clothes a bit, he headed towards the quarry in a decent manner.


The capital of flowers, a gathering place for the poor outside the city.

This is basically the place where people who were kicked out of the Flower City because they had no money lived. As long as they had no money, they would be kicked out of the Flower City.They always thought that they were superior to others, and they didn't bother to live in a place like Jianlou Village. They imagined that one day they could get rich overnight and then return to the beautiful capital of flowers. Unfortunately, such an opportunity never came.With resentment towards the city people, they have been making troubles, constantly wanting to break into the city, but unfortunately they will be beaten out like street rats.

But the more messy and disorderly the place, sometimes it is a good information transfer station.And because they have nothing, they don't care about what they lose. Anyway, all they have left is one life.

If what you know can be exchanged for momentary pleasure, why not do it?
"I'm telling you, brother."

In a corner that was as messy as a garbage dump, a dirty old man was sitting cross-legged. His body was dirty and smelly, but his sitting posture was still upright. The wine glass in front of him was also clean, "I used to... hiccup... ...And Orochi's subordinate, Kushiro's subordinate, Koutaro's subordinate, Yonejiro's subordinate, is amazing!"

"Oh? That's really not a person's appearance. I didn't expect you to be such a powerful person, old man." The blond young man with a cigarette in his mouth was a little surprised and poured most of his glass of wine, although most of the names Never heard of it.

The old man took a big sip of wine and put the glass on the ground fiercely, "If that woman hadn't cheated me of all my property! I wouldn't have fallen to this point!"

"Heroes bow down for beauties. After all, heroes are sad for beauties~" The handsome face of the visitor immediately smiled wretchedly, and the rising smoke turned into several heart shapes. ,
"Hey hey hey, little brother, you're right. That woman named Xiao Zi is so pretty! As long as she cries, you can't help but give her all your property!" The old man also had a rippling smile on his face. Although after he ran out of money, he saw the true face of that femme fatale woman.

"Hey, isn't it? Then I really want to see it with my own eyes~" Hearing this description, the nympho chef almost forgot his business, shook his head and regained consciousness before continuing to pour wine for the old man, "What's so strange about that? thing?"

"Hi...good wine...", the old man put down the wine glass after gulping it down, then tapped the wine glass with his dirty fingers, "Brother, if you want to know anything, just tell me, I haven't heard of it for several years. I’ve drank such a good wine, so I’ll take it as a repayment... Anyway, what I know is nothing valuable, it’s all gossip. Nothing valuable will be known to us errands..."

"I just want to know if there are any sudden sudden deaths of young people or children being trafficked here, especially children."

"Who will abduct children these days? They can't support them. Those poor ghosts wish their children were abducted, so that they can relax. Young people are taken to quarries or forges to work as coolies. It's not uncommon for a few to die every few days... hiccup..."

"That's right, after all, even adults can't survive here..." Sanji filled the old man's empty wine glass again, frowning slightly, thinking, [The doctor's experimental material is human beings, I thought it could be done from this aspect Started with.Does it seem like the road is broken now?And the information about him should be classified, and the next thing to do is to go to the mansions of those high-ranking officials to see if there are any clues. ]
Seeing that Sanji was in a daze, the old man took the wine bottle and continued to drink by himself.

Feeling that there should be no useful information here, Sanji took out a few silver coins and put them in front of the old man and was about to leave, "Thanks, old man, I'll buy you some wine with this money."

"Wow!!", the old man's muddy eyes lit up instantly, and he quickly hid the few silver coins.After carefully looking around to make sure no one saw it, he counted furtively with a wrinkled face.

Satisfied with the amount of silver coins, he happily drank the wine in the bottle, licked a few drops of wine from the mouth of the bottle, and then drunkenly called Sanji, "Hey brother, wait a minute."

"?", Sanji stopped and looked back at him, "What's wrong? Isn't it enough?"

"No, no, that's enough, that's too much money to survive in this kind of place, hiccup..." The old man hiccupped again, saying something that only he knew. "Go to the northern cemetery behind the bell, there may be valuable things there."

"The cemetery?"

"Yes, the old man once went there to dig treasures, and you know that some funeral objects can still be exchanged for a few bottles of wine... hiccup..." The old man smirked for a while, but then shivered and said, " But I haven’t been there since digging one thing, it’s too evil there!”

"What is that?" Sanji hurriedly asked, instinctively thinking that it must be related to that doctor.

The old man trembled, and then he continued to hold the wine bottle tightly with his right hand, "That coffin is very clean, and it's just placed there. It only contained a female doll in a white dress, which is very cute. Of course, the old man doesn't have those things." After seeing that there were no funerary objects, I planned to dig a hole to bury the doll. After all, it was too pitiful to hang out. But when it was lowered, the coffin was bumped, and the female doll melted like water... only A handful of skeletons in that pool of blood... oh, and the eyeballs haven't melted..."

When the old man said that, he couldn't help but trembled all over. When he recalled that horrible scene, he almost spit out the wine he just drank.After covering his mouth and waving his hands, he stood up and prepared to leave. He couldn't even imagine whether the female doll was a human or a ghost.

Sanji was also stunned, and subconsciously remembered that Chopper had said that Noah's illness was caused by the ablation of cells. At the beginning, it was just blood cells and these anuclear cells, and in the end it would be those hard skin cells, etc. , After all the cells burst, wouldn't the whole person turn into blood and only the skeleton remain?
After recovering suddenly, Sanji hurriedly called to the two who were about to leave, "Do you remember what that child looked like?"

"Who knows if it turns into water, but the eyes are of two colors, one side is red, the other side is purple... vomit!!" Recalling that horrible scene, the old man finally couldn't help throwing up while leaning against the wall.

"..." Sanji just stood there in a daze, and the conjecture he got from connecting the words of the old man made him feel chills in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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