Chapter 111 Alpha
After the bell, north of the cemetery.

"Excuse me, who is my younger brother?" The little girl blinked her big eyes and looked between the three of them hesitantly.After hesitating for a while, he could only rule out the blonde Sanji first.But it's not quite sure that Luo Lun and Yi are also black-haired and black-eyed.

As everyone knows, none of these three is true.

"Cute..." Sanji stared blankly at the little girl, especially her left eye for a long time before taking out a cigarette and lighting one to calm down.Now it is no longer a matter of appearance, this little girl is simply a copy and paste of Encore two years ago.

"Wow..." The bun held by him with one hand moved his nose, and found that the smell of the child in front of him was somewhat similar to that of Encore, which made him confused.

"What brother?", B couldn't react for a while, but after a while, he suddenly remembered that it was the blue whale who followed the butterfly, and he was indeed Anke's younger brother. Why do you think you are a witch?And her left eye is exactly the same as the witch's eye, which is really creepy. ]
Sanji also felt more and more chills in his heart, of course he remembered what Enke was like two years ago.And the little girl in front of her has exactly the same smile, behavior, weapon and eyes as Encore two years ago.If she was Anke, she wouldn't even feel any doubt.

[Illusion?But it doesn't look that simple. ], Sanji glanced at Lauren next door, and found that his face was also very serious, presumably this little girl was not a simple illusion.

Lauren pondered for a moment, and before the little girl became suspicious, she suddenly stepped forward, bent her right leg and squatted down, lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice, without much ups and downs, "Sister."

As an illusionist, it is impossible to only rely on the illusion of nothingness. Realistic acting skills are still necessary.And he has known Blue Whale for a long time, imitating his expression and character is not difficult,
The little girl tilted her head, then reached out and tugged at his expressionless face, as if looking for her younger brother in the blank memory.

Sanji and B were not surprised by Lauren's sudden move, they pretended to glance at each other casually, then stood there silently, while maintaining vigilance, because they didn't know what would happen next.

After a while, the little girl seemed to have confirmed it. She held the trident in both hands and said with a smile on her face, "You have grown up much better. When the doctor told me, I still didn't believe it."

"Yes," Lauren just responded in a low voice, and stood quietly aside after she motioned for herself to stand up.

"Then who are these two adults?" The little girl tilted her head, but she didn't show any obvious hostility.

Sanji recalled the information he had obtained before, and said calmly, "I am Sangoro, General Orochi, that scum... Orochi-sama is going to hold a banquet before the fire festival, and sent me and... Otorokuro to inform that bastard... Doctor."

"..." B was silent for a few seconds, accepting the new name, and then nodded coldly and noblely.No way, if he opens his mouth to speak, the first thing he will complain about is this crappy name.

Listening to Sanji's intermittent words, the little girl's expression was a little hesitant. She stared at him until he was about to break out in a cold sweat before she suddenly came to a conclusion, "Master Sangoro, are you a stammer?"

"Yes," B directly affirmed before Sanji spoke, and then continued to maintain an indifferent expression, otherwise he might laugh out loud in the next second.

"Hmm... yes." Sanji could only admit that he couldn't say that he almost used to call that doctor an asshole just now.

"Then I was really rude just now, and I apologize to you." The little girl bowed slightly to him, and then introduced herself with a smile, "It's the first time we meet, I'm No. Ⅰ324, adults can call me alpha, please Give me more advice."

[The name is indeed a code name, and she is also an experimental subject? ], Lauren swept her, subconsciously hiding her thoughts.As an illusionist, there is still some caution.

After introducing himself, Alpha turned around and took the lead and walked forward, "Then I will take all the adults to find the doctor, and the doctor has always wanted to see Noah."

"Yes." Lauren nodded, and then the three of them glanced at each other, and they could only take one step at a time.Now the three of them have a lot of doubts, but they also know that they can't ask any questions now, otherwise it will be easy to be exposed.

This cemetery seems to have no boundaries. Looking at the past, it is full of tombstones and graves. From time to time, you can also see some dilapidated coffins that have not been buried.On the tombstone, there are only some simple symbols, and some are numbers. It seems that the people who buried these coffins are too lazy to engrave the name of the deceased on the tombstone.

The alpha who took the lead in the front seemed to be in a good mood. From time to time, he used illusion to create some small things to play with, and occasionally chatted with Lauren. His cheerful appearance was the complete opposite of his pretentious mature appearance.

[Although the appearance, weapons and eyes are exactly the same as the cutie, this character is completely different from the cutie two years ago,], Sanji looked at the little girl in front of him, and couldn't help but think back to Ann who looked like a child two years ago. But, [and with a cute personality, it is absolutely impossible to come down and walk when there are acquaintances around. ]
However, this idea just appeared, the alpha in front suddenly stopped, and looked back at the three of them with some hesitation.She felt a very strange thought just now, but it was fleeting but it gave her a weird feeling.

Seeing the vigilance on her face, Sanji was suddenly shocked, and after guessing the reason, he immediately kept his mind free of distractions.He forgot that the first ability of Anke's eyes is not only illusion, it can also sense other people's thoughts when she cultivates to a certain level, which is also one of the important means for her to collect information.

"The number on the tombstone just now has changed from I1 to I323 intermittently," B said suddenly, successfully drawing Alpha's attention to himself, "Then your code name is I324."

"Yes, Otorokuro's observation ability is really powerful." Alpha thought it was a strange feeling that B was calculating these numbers in his mind just now, and explained with a smile after letting go of his vigilance, "A total of 324 people were invested in the reappearance of the hell way ability. I am the only successful case among them, so I was named 'alpha'. Alpha represents the experimental body that can successfully use the first ability. If a more perfect experimental body is born later, I will replaced."

As if he was stating a written document that had nothing to do with him, Alpha smiled slightly throughout the process, and even pointed to some tombstones farther away with the trident in his hand, "Look, there are still people named II, The ones starting with Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ, Ⅵ. These are all from five or six years ago, and you will only see the latest ones if you walk forward for a while.”

Those tombstones seem to have been erected for several years, and the numbers nearby are basically three-digit numbers, and according to Alpha, it is estimated that those numbers will only become more terrifying as they move forward.

"..." Standing in this tombstone, Sanji only felt a sense of suffocation, but he couldn't think of anything at this time, and he didn't dare to think.Baozi, who was being held by him, felt his stiffness, and some paws stretched out to grab him.

As an illusionist, Lauren can hide his thoughts, but looking at this tombstone, he couldn't help but feel chills in his heart, [No wonder the witch and the blue whale don't take human life very seriously, because in their view , the so-called human beings are worth about the same as white mice.It doesn't make any difference if one dies or hundreds die. ]
"How did so many experimental subjects come here? Wano country has been locked down, so you can't buy them from outside?", B said a little heartlessly, suddenly remembered his current high-cold personality, and endured it Live the next bunch of questions.

"As long as there is enough nutrient solution, the doctor can use his ability to produce a large number of high-quality experimental subjects in a short period of time." Alpha smiled and said, but the words he said were creepy, "Our body structure is human, see It looks like a human too, but it's not human~"

It sounds contradictory, but it really states the facts. After all, they are just a combination of cells and compounds.

Lauren raised his hand and touched a nearby tombstone. The originally sturdy wooden tombstone suddenly became dense. It was obvious that these were illusions created by illusion.

"Noah, it's too rude to do this!", Alpha suddenly said angrily, and waved the trident to strengthen the illusion of these tombstones, "Although no real tombstone can be erected, the ancestors are all sleeping here!" ,
"Sorry, sister." Lauren immediately lowered his eyebrows, imitating the blue whale's usual appearance very vividly, "I'm just thinking about engraving the code name or the current name."

"Don't worry, the doctor will definitely cure your illness." Alpha immediately comforted him worriedly, "And if you have any accidents, I will definitely set up a real tombstone for you."

(End of this chapter)

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