One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 12: The Island of the Fog: The Success of the Chapter

Chapter 12 Extra Story of Fog Island: Recapturing Success
The vibration of the deck continued, and it took a long time before it stopped.After a few seconds of silence, the deck shook again, but this time it changed.

The deck in front of the mainmast automatically opened to reveal a pothole with a side length of 5 meters. At the same time, a large amount of white cold air was emitted from the hole, which made many sailors shiver.The white mist that looked even colder under the bright sun continued to drift away, and then slowly melted away.

Sanji frowned and looked at the hole where the cold air kept coming out, and couldn't help but whisper, "It's so cold, why does it feel like a refrigerator..."

"..." Sauron didn't speak, but his face became more hazy because of the strong cold air.

After a while, a thick iron pillar slowly rose from each of the four corners of the pit. There was also a track on each iron pillar, and there was a ten-centimeter-wide rope tied to the top. Heavy chains.

As the four iron pillars slowly rose, a huge transparent water tank with a side length of about four meters was slowly pulled up.A lot of ice had formed around the water tank, and there was also a lot of white ice on the thick black iron chains.And as the water tank rose, cold white mist rushed out, making it impossible for people to see clearly what was in the water tank for a while.

It didn't stop until the water tank was raised one meter above the ground, and the icy white mist slowly dissipated, but left a thin layer of ice on the deck.When they could see what was in the water tank, Sauron and the others only had disbelief and shock on their faces, and many young sailors also felt a little bit unbearable after they recovered their senses.

In the water tank, there are a lot of ice cubes floating because of the cold, but most of them are still water.In the center is a slender girl hanging there in a large font, with heavy sea stone shackles on her wrists and ankles, and the other end of the iron chain is inlaid on the edge of the water tank.The girl wore an oxygen mask on her face, but from the outside, she couldn't see the white mist on the transparent oxygen mask due to breathing.

Not only that, but a dark red cloth strip full of complex symbols was wrapped around the girl's body, from her legs to her neck, like a vicious and quiet snake.The long jet-black hair floated in the icy water, like messy seaweed, and faint ice crystals could be seen on the hair.The girl with her head slightly lowered couldn't see her face clearly because of her loose long hair, but the pale skin exposed between the dark red cloth strips looked like a person who had lost her life.

Time seemed to be frozen because of the cold, and the people on the deck of the warship didn't move at all, they all stared blankly at the person locked in the icy water tank.Robin and the others who had just arrived on the deck froze because of the scene in front of them. Nami and Chopper couldn't help but burst into tears.

What happened to their deputy captain when they didn't know it? ?

At this condensed moment, a faint shout suddenly came from the air, and it was getting closer and closer.But even so, no one on the naval warship looked up to the sky, and all of them were staring at the water tank that was constantly steaming.

There was a sudden 'bang' sound of explosion in the air, and then one fell straight down, and then slammed into the water tank fiercely.The huge impact caused the water tank to shake, but there was no slight damage.

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel saw this and suddenly remembered something.The water tank seems to be reinforced, and ordinary guns don't seem to work.However, if so many rifles and cannons bombarded together, it would probably be destroyed.

"Wow! Help!!" There were two screams in the air again. After two loud bangs, a large and a large one was inserted upside down on the deck near the pothole. The little guy looks like Foxy the Silver Fox and Burger Gu in terms of clothing, but he doesn't pay much attention to these two guys now.

"I didn't expect that the fastest way would be to directly shoot me with a cannon..." The person who fell first stood up, touched the place where he fell and put on a straw hat, only then he felt The coldness under the feet cannot be ignored, "Why is it so cold? It's like ice."

Zoro only now recovered from the facts in front of him, and while rushing forward, he shouted to Captain Straw Hat standing on the water tank, "Luffy! Encore is inside! Bring her back quickly!"

"Encore is in it?" Luffy looked down at the icy water tank under his feet, and his pupils shrank instantly when he saw the black hair floating like seaweed from the large and small ice cubes.

Bending down and trembling, he stretched out his hand to press the icy water tank, and what he touched was only a heart-piercing chill.What did they do to their baby...

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel also recovered from his original surprise. When he saw the captains of the pirates coming, he swung his knife directly at the water tank where the sword was hit, "Shoot!!!"

"Yes!!", the sea soldiers who came back to their senses immediately pulled the trigger under their fingers, and for a while, there was a storm of gunshots and countless bullets rushing towards the fragile-looking water tank in the middle, like a rainstorm. It's about to tear it apart in a second.

"Protect the Encore!" Captain Straw Hat shouted suddenly, clenching his fists and intending to smash the water tank, but he was worried that the broken glass would hurt the people inside.

"Damn it!" Sanji, who was unarmed, had already rushed in front of the sailors just as they pulled the trigger, with his hands on the ground, he kicked them all into the air with brilliant kicking skills, "Full banquet! !!"

"I can't let you hurt Miss Encore!", Brook blocked a large number of bullets shooting towards him with his sword, trying to prevent any one from hurting the person locked in the water tank through himself.

"Luffy, move faster!! The baby's state is very wrong!!", Franky directly blocked the dense bullets with his steel body, and at the same time directly opened his left wrist and blasted the front with the wind. sailors.

Still not wanting to cause her any more harm, Luffy could only grit his teeth and jump to Sauron's side, and shouted to the swordsman who rushed up at the same time, "Sauron, cut off the water tank! Don't hurt Encore!" !"

"I know!" Sauron had long thought that this would happen, and the three knives flashed a sharp cold light in an instant.After the two passed by and exchanged positions, Luffy took a deep breath and turned into a rubber balloon to block the incoming bullets, but no one saw what the three swordsmen did, just watched When it arrived at the water tank, it was cut into several pieces in the next second, and it perfectly avoided the person tied in the middle.

But the iron chains tied to her wrists and ankles were made of Hailoushi, and even a violent blow could not cut them off.However, the iron chains holding the water tank had been cut off, and the slender girl with the stone shackles on her body fell down into the big hole below along with the fragments of the water tank.

"Encore!!", after the captain of the straw hat turned into a rubber balloon deflected the bullet and bounced back the bullet on his body, he immediately rushed up and reached out to catch the falling person, but the strength on his body directly hit Hailou Stone with his hands. She disappeared, so she could only fall down with her, "Damn... strength was..."

"Luffy!" Sanji, who turned his head and saw this scene, rushed towards it immediately, but Lieutenant General Ghost Spider had quietly appeared behind him, and the giant sword in his right hand was slashing at him like this go down.

Sanji didn't seem to notice the attack behind him at all, and still accelerated towards the falling captain and deputy captain.And just as Lieutenant General Ghost Spider's sword was getting closer, a knife blocked his fierce attack, and at the same time, the green algae-headed swordsman with a knife in his mouth said mockingly, " Didn't expect the navy to engage in rear attacks?!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider just snorted coldly, and the knives held in his left hand and the eight hands behind his back simultaneously slashed at Sauron standing there, but they were still blocked.In the next second, a fierce battle began, and it was completely impossible for people to approach under the shadow of swords and swords.

And at some point, a dark cloud formed over the bow of the ship filled with the navy, and by the time the sailors noticed the thunder and the shadow covering the sky and looked up at the dark cloud, it was already too late.

"Thunderstorm!!", Nami's voice suddenly sounded, and then the flashing electric light directly slammed down on the sailors with swords and guns. After the screams, there was only a large area on the bow Scorched guy.

"Resurrected!!!", amidst the hail of bullets, Foxy the silver fox suddenly jumped up, but then lay down vigilantly again. After all, the bullets that brushed his forehead were not just for fun.

Sanji has already carried Luffy and Encore to a slightly safer corner, and after removing Captain Straw Hat from the sea floor stone and throwing it aside, he hurriedly began to take off all the messy devices on the deputy captain .

"Sanji! Let me come with that red cloth! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssesss!
"Twenty rounds of flowers blooming-Claw!" After the hand that suddenly grew from the back of the neck knocked down all the sailors around them, Robin rushed over quickly and asked worriedly, "Encore What's wrong with Miss?! Are you okay?!"

"I don't know yet! Buy me some time now!" After Chopper finished speaking quickly, he quickly untied the dark red cloth strips wrapped around Encore's body, but after untiing, he found that Those dark red cloth strips left burnt red marks on her body, which was even more shocking when compared with the cold and pale skin.

"What's going on here?" Luffy managed to regain his spirit, looking at the red marks on his pale skin in shock, but he didn't dare to reach out to touch them.

"This is probably a sequela left by some formations. Let's take Miss Anke out of here first." Robin, who was protecting them, spoke, and quickly used his ability to kill the sailors who aimed at them with guns. kill.

Nami squatted aside, reached out to touch Anke's arm, but retracted her hand like lightning because of the biting cold, "It's so cold!! Encore's whole body is like ice now!"

Sanji saw that Chopper had taken away the obtrusive red cloth, and immediately took off his suit jacket to cover the unconscious and soaked girl's body, because his fingers touched the skin that was so cold that there was no warmth at all. But couldn't help frowning, "Miss Anke's body is very cold! Now is not the time to fight them!"

"I know!", Luffy nodded vigorously, and stretched out his hand to hug the man who was still wearing Hailoushi shackles on his hands and feet, but because he accidentally touched the Hailoushi, he fell directly to the ground. "Damn... Hailou Stone..."

"Luffy! Just let me take care of the cutie!" Sanji reached out to take the pale-faced vice-captain, and shouted loudly to Zoro who was engaged in a fierce battle not far away, "Hey! Chlorella Head! Take off your clothes!"

Sauron quickly blocked the eight or nine knives of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, parried them with all his strength, and then took the opportunity to quickly retreat to their vicinity.But at this time, several hands suddenly grew out from his waist, and they quickly pulled out the green coat that he had already taken off but hung on the red ribbon.

As soon as Sauron's hand holding Gui Che touched the ribbon around his waist, he found that his clothes had long since disappeared. When he turned around, he saw the historian covering the vice-captain's head with his clothes. body.

After looking worriedly at the unconscious deputy captain, he asked the straw hat captain standing there with his fists clenched in a low voice, "Luffy, what are you going to do now?"

Luffy clenched his fists tightly, looked coldly at the surrounding sailors, and then said in a deep voice, "Although I want to destroy this warship, encore is the top priority now! Go back to the Thousand Suns first." !"

"I see!!!"

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel stood in front of the sailors, looking at the group of pirates who were surrounded in the middle with a blank expression, "Don't think you can go back! Don't forget that there are five warships here! The number of elite sailors It is hundreds of times that of yours!"

At the next moment that no one noticed, light pink circles of light were fired directly towards Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, and then, a short and stubby guy circled around the straw hats standing in a pile The pirates were running around, while the pale pink light was constantly firing towards the sailors who hadn't reacted, "Slow light!! Light!! Light!! Light!!! Light! Extra reinforcement! !Strengthen! Strengthen!! Strengthen!!!!!!”

"!!!!" Unexpectedly, all the sailors who had this move almost stopped their movements due to excessive slowness, including Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and Lieutenant General Ghost Spider who were careless for a while.

After running for more than a dozen laps to make sure that all the sailors and nearby warships were slowed down, Foxy stopped panting, his shoulders slumped and his face covered in sweat, "Damn... tired... exhausted... I'm so tired ...If you want to run...just..."

"Colossal colors - huge tree!!", Robin crossed his hands without missing any chance, and seven or eight huge hands composed of countless hands grew out in front of the stationary sailors, and immediately after they hadn't When he had time to be surprised, he slapped him fiercely, "Slap!!!"

"!!!!!!", the huge momentum directly sent all the sailors, including the two lieutenant generals, flying, and even the mast and cabin of the warship were snapped into two pieces.And they, who were almost still because of the slow light, couldn't even widen their eyes in surprise, and they all fell into the sea water with a 'bang bang bang bang'.

At some point in the sky, dark clouds had piled up, completely covering the sky over the warship.Standing on the side of the boat, Nami grasped the weather stick and waved it at the water swimming with countless sailors, "Thunderstorm weather!!!"

"Boom...", the thunder suddenly sounded, and then the bright and piercing lightning directly fell on the sea surface. Even on the warship, the sea water was heard 'crackling' due to the electric shock, and a large number of lightning strikes even made the sea water They were all charged with water vapor.

"..." For a moment, almost everyone on the deck was stunned by the violent attack of the two beauties. Even the partners couldn't help being surprised by the clean and tacit attack.

However, this surprise also lasted for a very short time.Captain Straw Hat looked worriedly at the person who was being held in the arms of the cook, and said anxiously, "Now go back to the Thousand Suns! I'm very worried about Encore!! Hurry up!"

"Understood, calm down, Luffy!" Although he said so, Sanji himself was equally nervous.It's just because even though several layers of clothes are separated, the coldness on the girl's body still makes him feel biting.

Sauron retracted the knife, looked at the four heavy sea stone chains on Anke's body, and asked Robin in a low voice, "Have you got the keys to those shackles on Anke's body?"

"There is no key~" A faint male voice suddenly sounded, and then Lauren, who was leaning on the side of the boat and eating a lollipop, slowly appeared in the quiet mist, "Because the keys of the four shackles are all in the crane. over there."

"It's you?!", Luffy was a little surprised that the person who had helped him in the promotion city would appear here, but then he just reached out and touched Encore's cold face, and then retracted his hand and said to himself in a deep voice. The partners said, "Go back to the Qianyang first, and then think of a way."


(End of this chapter)

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