One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 125 Unable to Escape

Chapter 125 Unable to Escape
Hawkins there.

Hawkins, riding on a stag lion, is rushing towards the port quickly. Although his face is still expressionless, his eyes are dignified. [The people who can be used as substitutes have all died in the flames just now, and we must quickly make a few more transfers. Dolls that hurt will do. ]
Suddenly he felt something, and immediately grabbed the rein to stop the stag lion. After a while, a black shadow passed over his head, and when he flew to the wasteland in front of him, a figure jumped down from above.And the black shadow also fluttered its wings a few times and stayed on a nearby stone.

Now Hawkins can clearly see that it is an eagle, and it seems that there is a child on it, but it is not very clear because of the position.But the man who jumped down didn't hide his intentions at all, his murderous look seemed to chop Hawkins into several pieces in the next second.

Sauron had already pulled back the clothes on his upper body and hung them around his waist. The three knives were already in place. At this moment, he was walking towards Hawkins who was standing there. Showed obvious anger and murderous intent.

Hawkins pursed his lips, and then just looked at the eagle parked in the distance, just in time to see a little girl poking out her head curiously from behind the eagle.When he saw the child who looked like a miniature witch, his pupils shrank directly, and the excessive shock even made him unable to turn the corner for a while.

The fatal injury has been successfully transferred to the witch. It is impossible for her who cannot use the devil fruit and eye ability to survive in such a desperate situation, but why did she suddenly appear like a child after just a few minutes? ?

Gamma felt displeased with his direct gaze, and hid behind the eagle again.What they knew from birth was each other and the doctor, as well as the master of the doctor's science popularization and her younger brothers.It was the first time for them to meet so many strangers.

Sauron, who was about to walk in front of him, didn't talk nonsense, and rushed up directly holding the knife.Hawkins immediately jumped off the stag and lion, avoiding the knife that was slashing at him in time. When he fell to the ground, he suddenly drew out a few Tarot cards and merged them into his body. Immediately, a huge scarecrow appeared.

He had predicted that he would be hunted down a long time ago, so he had already made preparations and prepared a trump card that could be used at any time.

Weaknesses are usually easy to see in Wrathful Avengers, and one-hit kills are easy to find.But for the calm and powerful Avenger, anger will only make him even more powerful.

For example, this one in front of Hawkins at this time.

The movement of the scarecrow is synchronized with that of Hawkins. As Hawkins swung his knife downward, the huge and ferocious scarecrow also threw the iron rod with the nail embedded in its right hand towards Sauron. The sharp nails were even similar to Sauron's. high.

After avoiding those spikes, Sauron just crossed the knives in both hands to block the constantly pressing mace. The heavy mace even made his feet sink deep into the ground.However, Hawkins on the opposite side was also uncomfortable. He who was holding the knife with one hand to control the scarecrow felt the strength of resistance, and immediately grasped the handle of the knife with both hands and pressed down.

However, Zoro did not intend to maintain this stalemate for a long time. After suddenly exerting force with his arms, he separated the huge mace, and rushed forward before the Scarecrow's next blow came. After the knife he held suddenly turned, he drew a knife mark on the scarecrow's right arm that almost cut off his arm.

At the same time, an identical wound appeared on Hawkins' right arm.Since there is no puppet that can transfer the wound, all the wounds that appear on the scarecrow will appear on him faithfully.

Zoro now roughly understands Hawkins' ability, but he doesn't want to talk nonsense with him now. He slightly crossed the two knives in his hands with a gloomy expression, and in the next moment he came in front of the scarecrow, "Ghost cut!"

"!!" Hawkins, who instinctively felt the threat, barely retracted the scarecrow before the unimaginable slash came, but was still injured by the slash, and a deep knife mark suddenly appeared in front of him.A few Tarot cards also flew out of his body suddenly, and after floating in front of him for a while, they landed on the ground.

But before Hawkins could recover, the attack had already arrived.However, Hawkins, who is also a supernova, is not a vegetarian, and his hands immediately turned into long and thin straws.
The straw that can be retracted at will and the nails sprayed out from time to time caused Sauron to suffer a lot, and his body was also scratched in many places.

But in terms of strength alone, Sauron is still superior.

Under the shadow of swords and swords, cut straws and nails flew everywhere. Even though Hawkins had raised his vigilance, he was still negligent, and his body was slashed again with a knife deep enough to see the bone.

The aftermath of the slash even rushed him directly to the rock where the eagle was resting, smashing the rock with a 'bang' sound, and at the same time scared away the eagle above.

When the smoke and dust filled the air, Hawkins, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, didn't even have much strength left to move. His right hand, which was originally holding the knife, was severely injured.
Sauron also had a lot of wounds on his body, but he didn't pay much attention to it.After putting Gui Che and Qiu Shui back into the scabbard, he walked in front of Hawkins holding the word He Dao, his expression still full of gloom.

The previous eagle also spread its wings and landed on the nearby ground. Gamma poked her head out and looked curiously at the sharp point of the knife against Hawkins' throat. When she saw blood dripping, she reminded, "He You can't die."

"I know," Sauron said calmly, but the hand holding He Dao Yiwen was so forceful that his veins bulged, as if he was still struggling in his heart.

"And if you waste time here again, the Lord will be angry," Gamma said again, and then retracted her little head behind the eagle, not looking at the situation there.

"Understood." Sauron exhaled, removed the knife from the front of Hawkins' neck, and directly slashed his right arm, then turned and left, "You have to thank Encore, Otherwise, I really can't help but kill you."

The severe pain from the severed right arm made Hawkins' original erratic consciousness even more blurred. The multiple serious injuries even made him fall into a coma before he could even scream. Before his consciousness completely disappeared, there was only one terrifying thought in his mind:

The witch wants to save his life, this is probably the scariest thing he has heard so far...


Sanji's side.

"Hahahaha, finally reached the river bank!!", Prometheus saw the rippling river in the distance, and immediately accelerated his speed excitedly, "I can leave this ghostly place and leave the witch soon!! Hahahaha!! "

As soon as it flew above the river, it sensed the sound of wind behind it, and subconsciously sank down to avoid the sudden attack in time.When it flew a little farther, it saw that it was an acquaintance, and couldn't help but roared with its fangs, "Heizu! Are you finished?? I'm not your slave!"

"As a little cutie's trophy, how can you run away without authorization?" Sanji, who rushed over, said lightly, and then kicked it directly.

"Don't be too arrogant!!" The small sun, which was originally the size of a basketball, suddenly swelled into a huge fireball with a width of seven or eight meters. The scorching flames directly enveloped Sanji who happened to be near it.

After protecting himself with armed domineering in time to reduce some burns, Sanji directly kicked it to the bottom.

Without the existence of BIGMOM, Prometheus would not be able to exert his full strength, because this blow almost fell into the water, and the raging flames were also extinguished by the river water that touched it.

[You can't stay here for too long, the island of ghosts is opposite, it might cause a big commotion. ], Sanji looked at the faintly visible island in the distance, and suddenly kicked his legs hard in the air in the next second and rushed directly into the depths of the river.

"Is this kid crazy?" The burning Prometheus was a little surprised, and then wanted to take the opportunity to leave here.

Sanji, who sank headfirst into the depths of the river, just opened his eyes and looked at the raging flames that illuminated the river, then his slender legs slightly bent, and he spun quickly in the flowing river in the next second, [Lanjiao-Place the lotus flower! ]
During the high-speed rotation, the surrounding river quickly formed a gradually expanding vortex. At the same time, Sanji swung his legs in the rotation, and the haze feet used by Sanji also flew towards the sky in all directions with the inertia of the rotation.Lanjiao, which rushed out from the water, directly knocked a large amount of river water into the air. The shape of the crescent moon was like the petals of water lilies. Seen from a distance, the countless arc-shaped river water flying out of the water looked like a flower. The lotus blooms wantonly, and the orange fireball just in the center becomes the stamen of the lotus, which looks really beautiful.

The river water flying upwards in an arc is like a formed slash, cutting the flames around Prometheus cleanly and directly.When the cool river water collided with the scorching flames, countless water vapors spread rapidly.

"!!!", water is the nemesis of Prometheus, and this is not only pure river water, but also a fierce attack in its body.The arc-shaped river water rising in all directions not only blocked its escape route, but even cut the flames around it completely in just a dozen seconds, allowing it to recover into a small body again amidst the dripping river water and hazy mist. The sun looks like.

"Damn! This guy is so powerful??" Prometheus, who was completely muttering to Sanji, didn't expect that he would fall into such a mess, and immediately tried every means to fly towards the sky, trying to break through this inexplicable situation from above. s attack.

The arc-shaped river water rising from the water began to disappear, and the lotus blooming on the river water also ushered in its failure.Amidst the 'crash' sound of water droplets falling into the river, there was a slight sound of water escaping. A few seconds later, Prometheus, who was flying up, suddenly found a black shadow in front of him, accompanied by a kick from that black shadow. , it directly smashed into the river uncontrollably.

The flames falling into the river water was like a human body falling into sulfuric acid. The screaming Prometheus struggled to get out of the rushing river water. When he managed to get out of the water, he felt his body tighten, and one hand Already caught it.

Sanji's cigarette was extinguished, and his whole body was dripping with water.At this time, the previous eagle also flew over, and after he jumped on his back, he turned around and carried him back.

"Damn it!!! Let me go!! I don't want to go back to the witch!!" The poor little sun kept struggling, but unfortunately he still couldn't escape the clutches of the blond cook.

"Be quiet, I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you now." Sanji flicked a few drops of water on it angrily, and now he just wants to go back quickly to check on the situation of the Persian cat.

The little sun, who couldn't escape, looked at the farther and farther river bank, and his miserable shout almost resounded through the sky, "You gang of devils!! Devils!!"


(End of this chapter)

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