One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 138 Crisis! BIGMOM is coming!

Chapter 138 Crisis! BIGMOM is coming!

Ghost Island.

Because of the approach of the fire festival day, Kaido's subordinates in black clothes are everywhere on Oni Island. If you look casually, you can find many people with animal features. It is estimated that they have the ability value of eating artificial devil fruits.

After hearing that Quinn had captured the legendary witch and came back without a single soldier, the subordinates who got the news were all excited, and one or two asked everywhere where she was locked up, wanting to see with their own eyes what made the world cry. What kind of person is the witch that everyone is afraid of?

And because the day of the fire festival is approaching, many cadres under Kaido's command have also returned to the island of ghosts one after another.Similarly, after they heard the news, they also wanted to come and observe it.

If it was just an ordinary war criminal, Quinn would be more than happy to show the spoils to everyone, but it's a pity that he doesn't dare to let too many people have contact with the witch.

The most important thing is that the witch surrendered by herself. If she didn't premeditate, it might be raining red.That's why he used a lot of sea stones and sealing paper to lock her up so that she wouldn't cause any trouble.

"Empty the fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the North Tower. Except for the people chosen by that bastard Jhin and I, no one else is allowed to approach!" Quinn, with a big cigar in his mouth, said in a low voice, raising his hand to signal the onlookers to disperse .

The people who crowded over actually only saw several layers of superimposed Hailou stone cages, and many of the gaps in the cages were covered with paper strips with strange symbols written on them.

The arrogant pirates didn't have much patience in the first place, and now that they couldn't see anyone, they yelled loudly, "Lord Quinn! Is that one inside a witch?"

"That's right! We can't see anyone at all!"

"I heard that there is a lot of information on this woman! We must not let go of this good opportunity!"

"Hahaha!! It's just a woman! It's not easy to get information about her?!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"


Rampant and obscene laughter kept ringing out, but Quinn, who was leaning comfortably on the seat, had no intention of stopping it at all.Although he was worried that the witch had other plans, but this is the territory of Kaido, the Four Emperors. No matter how powerful she is, it is estimated that she will not be able to cause any disturbances.

After thinking of this, his originally nervous mood relaxed a lot, and he listened to the humiliating words of those subordinates with a cigarette in his mouth.

Seeing that Quinn didn't want to stop him, one of his subordinates boldly moved into the sea tower stone cage, and winked to see what was going on inside, "Let me see the woman whose fame spreads all over the world..."

The lewd words came to an abrupt end as if the pause button had been pressed, and after a while he fell straight on the ground, the expression on his stiff face still hadn't had time to change, but there was a piece of ice the size of chopsticks on his head. column.

The person who saw the nonsense in the last second fell to the ground in the blink of an eye, even the pirates who had seen too many storms couldn't help but subconsciously took a few steps back.

The slender woman sitting in the Hailou stone cage has Hailou stone shackles on her wrists and ankles. When she entered the island, a high explosive shackle was placed around her neck. As long as she leaves the island, she will be arrested. Deep fried to pieces.The eyes that countless people dare not look directly at were also wrapped several thick layers with cloth strips written with complex symbols, but all these shackles did not seem to have any effect on her, and she even stood upright from the beginning to the end. Spine sits there.

But at this time, after hearing the unpleasant voice outside quiet down a little, she slightly raised the corners of her lips, clenched her hands folded on her legs slightly, and endured the discomfort caused by discomfort. trembling.

The people outside the cage were experienced in many battles, and they quickly came back to their senses.Before he could erupt out of anger, the temperature here suddenly dropped to a few degrees below zero in the blink of an eye.They shivered collectively because of the sharp drop in temperature, and even the hazy white mist could be seen between their breaths.

The unusual drop in temperature made them all tense up collectively, keeping quiet and vigilant about their surroundings.Quinn also stood up from the chair, staring at the Hailou stone cage with a serious face while smoking a cigar.

When the surroundings became quiet and even the sound of a needle being dropped could be heard clearly, a gentle female voice with a chuckle came out from the cage, and the calm and elegant tone did not flinch because of the identity of the hostage:

"I thought that the subordinates of Lord Kaido of the Four Emperors would have a little taste, but now the reality is really disappointing. If the warning just now is not enough, I can give you a little warning~"

The slightly raised tone made the people who were close to the cage back subconsciously for a distance, and the sense of danger as if they were being targeted by a poisonous snake even made them sweat coldly.

"Besides, I don't like to be appreciated as an animal. If you really want to see me, my lords, why don't you send your eyes in?" There was an unconcealable smile in the leisurely voice, and after a pause, she was slightly shy He added, "I am a concubine, I really like the eyes of the adults~"

"!!!", the gentle voice at this moment made many people present immediately stand on end, and stepped back a little away from the cage again, as if a vicious beast was locked inside.

[Obviously the power of the devil fruit and eyes has been blocked, where did the power come from just now! ? ], Quinn frowned tightly, and then he stopped playing around, and hurriedly had someone pull the prison car carrying the witch to the new prison that was vacated.

Those pirates who were really shocked didn't dare to speak out, and hurriedly dragged away the corpse of their companions and left here.I can only be thankful that they didn't come together just now, otherwise maybe they all ended up going to another world inexplicably.

Quinn followed the prison car in person, and he was a little relieved when he saw his subordinates put the heavy sea tower stone cage on the fifth floor of the North Tower and sent people to guard every entrance and exit.The fourth, fifth and sixth floors of the North Tower have been emptied, and each floor is heavily guarded.It's not because she's afraid that someone will come to rescue her, but because she's afraid that she will escape easily by herself.

One of the three plagues, Huo-Jin (King), who was wearing a black uniform, quietly appeared nearby, and said in a deep voice, "Do you want to interrogate now? From just now, it seems that this woman must have other powers hidden."

"Without a trump card, how dare she surrender and come to the territory of one of the Four Emperors by herself?" Quinn also rarely choked with him, and whispered after biting his cigar, "For the new plan, the witch and Nick- Robin must have one in hand. It’s rare for a witch to come to your door, so we can’t let this chance go!”

"But don't step into the trap designed by others at this critical moment." Jhin still couldn't believe that the legendary witch would come to her door by herself, but the problem was that they now had a more imminent trouble.After he said a few words to Quinn in a low voice, Quinn's expression became a little funny because of the excessive shock, and the subconsciously opened mouth could almost hold dozens of eggs.

After a few seconds, he suddenly came back to his senses, and asked anxiously in a low voice, "Where are the guards?! Aren't they going to stare at the waterfall and start bombing once they find a ship?!"

"How can a few cannons be able to stop that woman, that's why I will go out in person." Jhin sneered, looked at the heavily guarded north tower, and then spread his black wings and flew away from here quickly, "You stare at This woman! I'm going to get the other one!"

"Absolutely don't let her in!" Quinn reminded loudly, feeling more and more wrong, he decided to look at the witch in person, he didn't believe that under so much surveillance, the witch who was blocked by the devil fruit and eye ability could go to heaven up!

The news that the witch was taken to the ghost island was naturally reported to the boss of the island, and Kaido, who heard the news, was so happy that he drank a few more swigs of wine, laughed heartily and said, "The witch was caught? Just right I have a few quick questions for her."

Holding the wine jar, he had just walked a few steps when he heard another worse news. After hearing it, his anger immediately went up to several stages. The altar hit the ground and growled with a gloomy expression, "Don't forget what you said! Old woman!! If you dare to come up to Wano Country, I will definitely not be polite!!"


At the same time, Wano Country's entrance to the sea.

Amidst the clattering of the waterfall, there was the deafening sound of shelling, but none of the large number of shells could hit the gorgeous pirate ship that was advancing fast in the river.

"Well hahahaha!!!", BIGMOM standing at the bow didn't pay attention to those cannonballs at all, and the dozens of sons and daughters of ability users who guarded behind her didn't let a single cannonball fall on the boat.The pirate ship going straight forward is like the countless battles of the BIGMOM pirates, invincible.

Most of BIGMOM's children were on board, but there was no sign of Katakuri. It is estimated that as the strongest general, he needs to defend the nations, so he did not go with him.

BIGMOM did not know where he learned about the method of climbing the waterfall. After tying dozens of huge carp with dozens of ropes, he used the pull of the carp to directly let them drag the huge pirate ship up the waterfall.

However, at this time, a huge black shadow suddenly flew over the dark cloudy sky, and the raging flames wrapped around the black shadow successfully attracted the attention of the people on board.

Now the pirate ship is about to climb the waterfall soon, and of course no one wants to be interrupted at this critical moment.So, all the people on the boat who were able to stand still took out long-range weapons such as guns and guns, and kept shooting at the black figure who wanted to approach, "Fire! Don't let him get close to the hull!"

It was a huge pitch-black pteranodon, with warm flames burning all over its body, which looked very strange.But in the face of the hail of bullets, it just circled with the help of the strong wind washed by the waterfall, easily avoiding those shells.But under heavy shelling, even if it was as dexterous as it was, it couldn't get close to that ship.

"That's..." BIGMOM squinted his eyes at the black pterosaur flying around the boat, and remembered who he was, "It's Jhin, right?"

The carp struggling to climb the waterfall didn't care about the shelling not far away, and dragged the heavy pirate ship up the waterfall with a slumped head. The huge inertia directly pulled the pirate ship into the air.

And Jhin, who had been waiting for this opportunity, suddenly leaned over and rushed under the bow of the ship. Under the soaring hull, he spun quickly and exerted force, and kicked the bottom of the ship with all his strength, with incredible force. Directly let the pirate ship that has not landed go back, and fell down the waterfall with the dozen or so carp.

"Jhin!!", BIGMOM had already guessed what Jhin wanted to do when he swooped down, and quickly jumped on the back of a carp to stop Jhin, but she underestimated the slipperiness of the carp's scales, so she slipped and fell off. Down the whirling waterfall.

"Mom!!" Many children have witnessed this scene, but they are now at their wits' end as they fell with the pirate ship, and can only watch helplessly as the top of the waterfall gets farther and farther away.

Jhin flapped his flaming wings in mid-air, looked at the pirate ship that fell down the waterfall and the BIGMOM that was swept deep by the vortex with satisfaction, and then flew away with a soft grunt when he could no longer see them. :

"Turn into algae in the deep sea!"


(End of this chapter)

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