One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 15 Continuation: The Hunted Sun

Chapter 15 Continues from the main text: The Thousand Suns Hunted
In order to make it easier for everyone to keep up with the plot, this article reproduces the last two chapters of "One Piece's Deputy Captain", and the next article will continue to develop along this line.


On the Qianyang.

"The way is out, but I didn't intend to attack~~" Anke looked ahead with a smile, and then said to Chopper and the others while BIGMOM was completely attracted by the wedding cake, "Chopper and Brook Go lower the sails and prepare for the wind blast. It's not very sensible to force a breakthrough now."

"Understood!!" Chopper and Brook immediately lowered the sails and replenished Coke respectively, preparing to fly out of the encirclement as planned.

"Surrounding the net is indeed a good tactic, but don't underestimate Qianyang~~" Anke stood on the side of the ship with his arms folded, with a proud face on his face, "When you are in a bad mood, just use the lion's roar The cannon has blown you all~"

At this time, Benji's pirate ship was about to pass Smoothie's fleet and enter the encirclement. Suddenly, Benji said, "Stop! Don't go in! Turn around now!"

Brin was startled and asked, "What's going on?! Mom is inside!"

"Idiots are so stupid that they enter the encirclement of the enemy, not to mention, we just need to use the wedding cake to lure BIGMOM out!" Benji snorted, and the surrounding subordinates immediately turned the ship around according to his order.

Smoothie noticed their movements and couldn't help but clenched the knife, "What are those guys planning to do?!"

And just when she was distracted from looking at the Qianyang, a black shadow suddenly flew over her head.Under the exclamation of the surrounding soldiers, she suddenly raised her head, and saw that the Qianyang had put up its sails and flew away quickly.

"It's still flying?!!" Smoothie couldn't help but widen his eyes. Although he had heard the reports, he couldn't help being shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

Stucey frowned slightly. She originally planned to try to get some information while the Witch was fighting Smoothie, but why was the Witch always fighting guerrilla warfare?And it's not guerrilla warfare, it's just running away instead of fighting.

"The Thousand Suns!" Sanji's heart sank when he saw the pirate ship flying directly above his head.He hasn't gone back yet!

Brin looked at him, then looked at BIGMOM who had been attracted by the bait in front of him, gritted his teeth and said directly, "I'll take you back!"

"Huh?!" Sanji was taken aback when he heard her words.

Brin was startled, and immediately turned into evil mode and shouted, "I'm not trying to help you!! Anyway, you will all die sooner or later!! I just don't want to see you die here so uselessly! !Sanji!! Mister~~~~”

For her always changing attitude, everyone is now familiar with it, Sanji said happily directly, "Thank you, little Pulin."

Brin's face turned red in an instant, and he roared half-twitching and half-violently, "I...I'm not helping you!! You and I...I just want to go to that pirate ship!!"

Sanji just smiled happily, then looked at Benji, "Benji, what are you going to do?"

"Hmph, if Weifeng didn't want to repay his kindness, I wouldn't meddle in this mess!" Benji snorted and said, "We will use this cake, let BIGMOM get away! Then we will part ways completely!"

"Ah, thank you for your help this time too! And as long as BIGMOM eats this wedding cake, nothing will happen! Take care!",
"Mr. Sanji, you hide in first!" At this moment, Brin directly let the blanket roll up Sanji and hide it, and then she jumped on top with the pudding homias, "Catch up with that pirate ship!"


"Take care!!" Wei Feng held the children in his right hand, and waved vigorously at them with the other hand.After seeing them fly away, he looked at his husband, "Banji, thank you for your help."

"Don't say such things in your own family." Benji looked at her with some helplessness. His wife is good at everything but is too soft-hearted, but this is also her advantage that attracts him~~
Afterwards, he directly took the radio phone bug and yelled at BIGMOM in the distance, "BIGMOM!! The wedding cake is here!! If you have the ability, chase it!!"

Afterwards, he ordered his subordinates to leave here quickly, preparing to lead BIGMOM to another place.

"Hand over the wedding cake!!!", BIGMOM yelled, wanting to speed up but found it impossible, because as long as she moved a little, the boat under her feet would shake desperately.

Fortunately, BIGMOM still sensibly knew that he was a landlubber, so he could only keep urging the frightened soldiers, "Hurry up and catch up with them!!"


Smoothie's boat.

"Mom!" Smoothie looked anxiously at BIGMOM who only had the wedding cake in his eyes, but he didn't know how to calm her down.

"...", Stussy just looked at the ship carrying BIGMOM, and then looked in the direction where the Thousand Suns was leaving.If Smoothie led the fleet to chase BIGMOM, then it would be pointless for her to come out to rescue this time, and she still wanted to get more information.

"It seems that I have to find a way..." Just as she was thinking quickly, Perospero woke up and slowly walked out of the cabin, clutching his wound.

Stuci glanced at him, and the corners of her lips, which were originally smiling gracefully, curved up a little, but she didn't say anything, just kept quiet.

"Brother?" Seeing him coming out, Smoothie was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said worriedly, "Brother, your injuries are too serious, and you were teased by the witch with illusion again, you still need to rest well."

Perospero sat on a chair beside his wound, panting and asked, "I don't have time to care about such little things now... Where is Mom..."

"The wedding cake was ready and placed on Bengui's boat, and my mother chased after it. The witch and their boat flew away, and Zeus and Prometheus were also snatched by the witch."

"I didn't expect things to become like this now..." Perospero frowned, and when he remembered his last pair of magical pupils, his brows frowned even tighter, "The witch shouldn't let her go so easily. me, what happened?"

"When we went there, my brother was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and the witch also tampered with my brother's memory. Fortunately, Miss Stuci also came to help, and temporarily sealed the witch's illusion."

"Miss Stuci...?" Perospero looked at the beautiful woman sitting nearby, frowned slightly, then stretched out his long tongue and licked his lips and said with a smile, "Thank you so much, Stuci Miss."

"You're welcome, after all, Lingling and I are old friends." Stussy smiled as gracefully as if he was telling the truth.

Perospero frowned slightly, but he couldn't feel any difference in his body.Even so, he would not naively think that nothing really happened.There is no need for the witch to doubt that nothing good will happen.As for Stucey, although he has had friendship with the BIGMOM Pirates, it is impossible not to do something...

But now I don't have the heart to guess what their intentions are, and it is a blessing to be able to regain my sanity.Afterwards, he looked at the ship carrying BIGMOM in the distance, frowned and said to Smoothie, "I'll lead a few ships to catch up with Mom, and you lead the others to hunt down the Witch and the others! Absolutely. Get rid of those guys!!"

"There is no doubt about it! But can you be alone, brother?" Smoothie asked worriedly, after all, the current BIGMOM simply cannot be approached casually.

"There's no time to dwell on that now, no one knows if that wedding cake was rigged or not, but the only thing that is known is that if mum doesn't get what she wants, she'll just keep going crazy ! At that time, not only us, but also all nations will be destroyed!!" Perospero said in a deep voice, although he didn't want to admit this conjecture, but according to the current situation, it is very likely that it will evolve Adult tragedy.

"!!!", Smoothie's heart sank, but he couldn't deny that there was no such possibility.

After gritting her teeth, she ordered the fleet to be divided into two teams. One team was led by Perospero, and the remaining two-thirds were led by herself to hunt down the witches and the others.

Stucey goes along with Smoothie as a matter of course, ostensibly to help but actually to her own ends.

After the two fleets separated, they chased after their respective targets, while Stuci leaned on the side of the ship and looked at the fleet led by Perospero, burying his true thoughts with an elegant smile, "If Lingling really There are only three cases of eating that cake.One is that the wedding cake is highly poisonous, so that the four emperors Charlotte Lingling will die under her favorite cake, thus making the BIGMOM pirates leaderless and then defeated.The second is that the cake is unpalatable, and Lingling, who is not satisfied, continues to go crazy, and then destroys the kingdom she built with her own hands.The third possibility is that the wedding cake is delicious, and Lingling falls asleep after eating too much.However, the possibility of the third situation happening is very small~~'

Stretching out her hand to caress her hair fluttering in the wind, she continued to smile and thought, 'If I were not poisoned in the wedding cake, I would put tons of explosives in the wedding cake, after all, this would wipe out the BIGMOM pirates What a great opportunity~~~'


On the Qianyang.

After confirming that there is no danger for the time being, Encore walked to the huge mirror, silently looked at his own shadow in the mirror, "Luffy..."

Although I believe that my captain can defeat that formidable enemy, the process will definitely not be easy.What's more, Gloria has been in for so long, so there should be some news.

And now that it's been so long, the only possibility is...

"Is that guy lost again...", shaking her head with a headache, she tried to get closer to the mirror but found that she couldn't get in at all.

"Cute, Ms. Nami~~~Miss Carlot~~~~~", Sanji shouted from outside, and when everyone looked over, Sanji, who was wrapped in a blanket, kept yelling Waving at them, the awkward posture didn't affect the happiness on his face at all.

"Back?" Encore looked at them, and didn't care that it was Brin who brought Sanji back. He waved his hand and created an entrance on the barrier, "Come in."

"Okay!" Sanji nodded vigorously, and Brin just let the blanket fly in silently.After entering the barrier, Sanji jumped off the blanket and landed on the long-lost Qianyang. His expression was a little moved, and he knelt down on one knee and gently reached out and pressed the deck, "I'm back... ..."

"Welcome back~~", Nami and Chopper immediately ran up to hug him excitedly, after all, he was the one who made the wedding cake this time.

Sanji completely ignored the little reindeer, and in an instant, he burst into infinite hearts because of the beauty's active hug, and immediately opened his hands to hug him back, "Miss Nami~ Long time no see~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~"

"!!!", Nami, who was vigilant in an instant, slid back quickly, avoiding the strong embrace of the pervert in time.

"!!!", and Chopper who replaced her was pitifully hugged tightly, almost strangled and unable to breathe.

After calming down a bit, Sanji let go of the guy he was holding, seeing the little reindeer who was about to be strangled to death, and immediately said in disappointment, "What, Chopper?!"

Chopper, who had finally recovered his breath, immediately shouted angrily when he heard this, "Don't be so disappointed! It's too much! You bastard!"

"Sorry, sorry, I thought you were Miss Nami," Sanji put down the angry little reindeer, then looked at the unscathed Qianyang and heaved a sigh of relief, "Great, Qianyang is fine , everyone is fine."

"..." Brin, who was standing nearby, only pursed his lips slightly when he saw his gentle look, and then looked away.

Suddenly, a huge slash that was almost as tall as Qianyang directly passed by Qianyang, directly smashing the already broken barrier.

Jinbei, who was in charge of the helm, turned the rudder abruptly to the left when the slash attack came, and in time made the Qianyang deviate from the attack that was originally facing.

"!!!", the sudden attack raised the hearts of those on board who were somewhat at ease, subconsciously all looked to the rear, and were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them.

I saw that Smoothie, who was originally four or five meters tall, had turned into a little giant of seven or eight meters for some reason, and stepped on a pirate ship of the same proportion as her, looking extremely majestic.

But seeing huge beauties, one person's reaction is always so different.

The lecherous cook immediately twisted his body into twists, and kept exuding his heart, "Wow~~~Super giant beauty~~~~"

"If you get hit, the ship will be in trouble!", Nami looked back nervously, and when she sensed another attack, she immediately shouted, "Right rudder!"

Jinbe immediately turned the rudder quickly, and changed the course in time to avoid the attack that followed.

Miss Rabbit, who was still contained in the bubble, flew out uncontrollably due to the airflow, and immediately shouted in a panic, "Wow!! I'm going to float out!!"

"Miss Carlot!", Sanji immediately jumped up quickly, stepped on the air and flew over to bring the huge bubble back and carefully placed it where it would not be easily blown by the wind, "Be careful."

"Well~~Thank you~~~", Kailuo Te immediately nodded happily, and then looked up at the bright full moon in the sky.In the past, she avoided looking directly at the full moon as much as possible, but this was the first time she saw such a beautiful full moon...


"It's pretty quick to escape..." Smoothie looked at the pirate ship in the distance, and after making his body a little bigger despite the obstruction of the subordinates below, he swung his knife fiercely towards the front again , if the nearly vertical slash hits, it will definitely split the Qianyang into two from the middle.

But the tenacious pirate ship avoided the attack again at an incredible speed, and even kept a relatively safe distance from the pursuers in the case of successive attacks.

"Damn it!" Sanji cursed softly when he saw Qianyang running away in embarrassment, but he couldn't help gritting his teeth when he saw the enemy behind him.

"Sanji," suddenly came the indifferent voice of the vice-captain, and then she came over with a white fan and said, "Leave this to me, and you go to Chocolate Town and wait for Luffy."

"Oh?" Sanji was stunned for a moment, then looked back at the huge mirror and asked, "Didn't Luffy come out from here?"

"I forgot to explain to him when I brought the mirror over, he might be waiting for us at Chocolate Town after the battle." After a pause, Encore looked at him seriously, "No problem. "

Seeing her rare earnest request, Sanji's startled face became steady, and he nodded vigorously, "Ah, leave it to me. I will definitely not let the captain do anything wrong."

"That's fine~" After tilting his head and smiling slightly, the white fan held by Anke's right hand had quietly turned into a sharp white knife that was bubbling with cold.

"Go ahead and don't worry about the things behind." After calmly speaking, Encore disappeared from everyone's eyes as soon as the words fell, and some cold white ice and transparent crystals fell on the deck.

"..." Sanji's blond hair was blown by the cold sea breeze. After looking at the back with a cigarette in his mouth for a while, he just bent down and gently picked up a transparent crystal. Also become dignified and firm:
Don't worry about fighting, Miss Vice Captain, I will take care of your worries perfectly! !
"..." Brin, who was waiting quietly, saw that this was just slowly pursing his lips, and looked back at the brothers, sisters and companions he was supposed to help, then turned his head resolutely, and turned to Sanji Said, "Aren't you going to Chocolate Town? Let me see you off."

"Oh?" Sanji, who originally planned to fly over by himself, was stunned for a moment, and then immediately thanked happily, "Thank you! Little Pulin! It was a great help!"

Hearing his direct thank you, Brin immediately shouted angrily, "Who... who helped you!! I just... just dropped by!! Yes! I just need to go back to Chocolate Town on the way! That's the island I'm in charge of! "

"Hmm! Thank you!!", Sanji was used to her duplicity, and thanked her happily.

"It's so noisy! I told you I'm just taking medicine to go back to Chocolate Town!! Ghosts control you!!" Although Brin yelled like this, Brin still let the flying carpet wrap around Sanji in a half-hearted way, and after jumping on it, Just fly away from here.

"Tell cutie! Leave Luffy to me with confidence!" After pointing at himself confidently, Sanji ignored all the male creatures again and shouted to the beauties on board, "And Ms. Nami and Miss Carlotta~~be careful~~~~”

"You too!! Remember to protect Luffy!!" Nami waved her hand vigorously. Although she knew that Chocolate Town must be full of enemies now, Sanji could only entrust this important task.

Afterwards, Nami put down her hand and turned around to look at the back. After thinking for a while, she said to the others, "Can Chopper and Carlot fix the barrier? It will be troublesome if they are attacked by siege next time." .”

"I can do that. This enchantment has helped me restore a lot of strength." Kailuo nodded, and Chopper said seriously, "I also found the trick just now, and it will definitely help me!"

"For me, go to the back and guard there. If Miss Anke needs help, I can rush there in time." After Brooke finished speaking, he immediately ran towards the back.

"Yeah!" Nami nodded, and then said, "I'm here to assist Boss Jinbe at the bow of the ship. After all, my sailing ability can be of great help. I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Leave it on us!" Chopper and Kailuo nodded, and then began to discuss what kind of protective barrier to make.

Jinbe held the rudder, looked back worriedly, and thought, "Is it okay for the little baby to be alone?"But the old man can't go over to help, no matter what, he has to save some combat power on board. '


"Did the witch finally come out in person? It looks like she's coming for me!" Smoothie snorted coldly, and with both hands he swung a huge slash forward, and the huge movement of her body even caused her feet to fall. The boat that was stepping on shook violently.

The soldiers on the boat were shocked by the violent vibration of the hull, but they were more concerned about the girl who flew towards them along the sea and refused to dodge the attack, "Won't she dodge?! That's General Xing Simu Master Ji's attack!!"

Seeing their fuss, Stussy, who was leaning nearby to watch the show, just curled up the corners of his lips with a slight sarcasm, "It's ridiculous, that's a witch, no one knows how much the difference in strength is." '

"It's really a merciless attack~ I'm still flying~" Even though he said so, Anke looked indifferent, and swung the cold white demon knife straight forward, "Crescent Slash!!"

The fierce slashes collided with each other halfway, and they exploded in the next moment, and the gust of wind that swept away directly caused big waves to roll up the sea.

The fleet also vibrated with the waves on the sea surface, but after a few seconds, the hull suddenly shook and then stopped.

"What's going on?!" After the soldiers on the fleet barely adapted, they immediately looked at the surrounding environment and found that the sea surface where the fleet was located had turned into crystal at some point, and the fleet was completely immobile as a result.For a moment the panicked shouts rose and fell from one another:

"The surface of the sea has turned into crystals!!"

"I can't move at all!! How can I catch up with the Straw Hat Boys and their boat!"

"The witch is an ability user of the natural department! How to deal with her?!"


The huge Smoothie heard the shout from his feet, and couldn't help frowning and shouted in a low voice, "Less destroy your own prestige and grow others' ambition!"Isn't he just an outdated little pirate? ! "

Upon hearing her words, the shocked soldiers immediately gained confidence.

yes!So what if the other party is a witch? !They have Lord Smoothie here!
In the next second, the panicked wails immediately turned into excited cheers and shouts, as if they were the winners:
"That's right!! We have Mrs. Smoothie on our side!!"

"Just a mere witch!! There's nothing to be afraid of!!"

"Get rid of her!! Let these ignorant little pirates know the horror of the new world!!"


Encore, who was standing on top of the crystal, just smiled when he heard the commotion over there, tilted his head, raised his left hand and hooked his fingers at the huge Smoothie on the distant boat, "Dare you come down~~~"

"####", Smoothie popped out a few wells, but rushed down rationally without impulsiveness.Below are the crystals made by the witch. No one knows whether those crystals are in ambush or not.

Seeing Anke's blatant provocation, the soldiers were furious, "That guy dared to provoke Mrs. Smoothie!! He really didn't know what to do!!"

"That's right!! It's just right to turn the surface of the sea into crystals!! I'll go down and fight that guy!!"

"Although she is a woman, she is an enemy!! Show her the horror of the BIGMOM Pirates!!"

"Come on!! Get on!!!"


Accompanied by bursts of roars, all the soldiers backed by the general star jumped out of the boat and rushed towards the girl standing in the distance.

"Wait a minute! You!!", Smoothie wanted to stop them subconsciously, but found that most of the soldiers had already run off the boat. After gritting her teeth, she first changed back to her original size, but she didn't Follow the men to rush off the boat.

Now let those guys consume the witch's physical strength first, and test the safety of these crystals, and then she will go out in person.This is a wise move~
Stuci, who was leaning aside, just watched with a smile and didn't express any opinions.She won't be so stupid if she confronts the witch head-on or something, and when the witch and Smoothie fight each other, let's reap the benefits of the fisherman~~
And Anke looked at the soldiers rushing towards him, just smiled and turned the white demon knife into a sharp trident, "Although I hate physical labor, it doesn't mean I'm not good at melee combat~ ~"

After clenching the trident tightly, she arched her body slightly, and in the next moment, she was already rushing towards the densely packed enemies like an arrow off the string.

"Are you really planning to fight so many of us alone?! You really don't know how to live or die!!" Seeing her without hesitation, the soldiers became even more angry, but they knew in the next second,
Who is the one who doesn't know how to live or die?

Under the bright full moon, a cold light that was sharper than the bright moonlight emerged one after another among the densely packed crowd. After the sharp cold light, blood mist splashed out.

Before many people saw where the enemy was, they only felt a chill in their throats, and the next second, warm liquid sprayed out under their own eyes.

After many of the comrades fell down, the panic shouts sounded among the soldiers who barely recovered, and many even wanted to turn around and run back to the fleet because of fear.

In less than ten seconds, almost half of the hundreds of soldiers who rushed down had fallen down, and unimaginable horror spread all of a sudden.

Before dying of breath, many people stared round their gradually gray eyes, their faces full of disbelief:
Witch, isn't it because of those eyes that the world is so afraid? ?Why……

Before they could figure out the reason, they closed their eyes forever unwillingly.And more and more soldiers followed their footsteps and fell, lying dead on the beautiful water.

The transparent crystal reflected the bright moonlight and looked as beautiful as a gemstone, but the blood splashed on it stopped people.


The soldiers who were lucky enough to stay on the fleet watched the battle on the icy crystal in the distance, or rather the unilateral killing.

They couldn't see clearly the petite figure shuttling among them, they could only watch helplessly as their companions continued to fall down, and the sprayed blood mist looked so cold under the bright moonlight.

That, who is it? !
"..." Smoothie pursed his lips and looked at that side, but he didn't immediately go to save his subordinates, but squinted his eyes and stared at the situation there, trying to figure out how to learn from the witch's fighting style Weaknesses in .

Stuci also looked over there silently, but his expression was more calm, without the surprise of others.Because she knows very well that the reason why the witch is called a witch is partly because of those eyes, and more because of:

Her way of fighting is completely lifeless.

Although she has become a lot gentler now, this does not change her original nature.Being able to make the witch show her true killing intent, the BIGMOM Pirates did a good job this time~~
However, the crystal floor where corpses were strewn across the field was still splashed with blood, and the number of fallen people continued to increase.And the soldiers who hadn't yet had their turn were already green with regret, regretting why they ran down so impulsively to seek death.

Even though they wanted to turn around and flee back to the relatively safe fleet, their bodies seemed to be frozen, unable to move at all, unable to move and escape at all.

And seeing their partners being killed by one blow before they could resist, they were already sweating coldly in horror, as if they had witnessed the scene of the god of death with their own eyes.

In less than a minute, there were hundreds of soldiers on the crystal surface, and in the blink of an eye, there were less than a dozen people standing there.

The girl standing among the corpses on the ground is still extremely clean. The black-handled silver halberd weapon has clearly ended the lives of many people cruelly, but there is no blood at all.

She looked down at the bright red shirt on her body, and after making sure it wasn't dirty, she glanced at the remaining guys, and smiled slightly.

The girl's smile was very gentle, and the bright moonlight shone on her like a fairy.But the scenery under her feet is silently telling what kind of tragedy this girl who seems to be otherworldly has done.

"It's okay to get Luffy's clothes dirty~~", the cute girl smiled innocently, and then slowly walked towards the few people standing there.

"Devil... the devil..." After uttering a few words tremblingly, they came to their senses, and immediately fled backwards.

"It's really impolite to say that to a lady, and the child who is not good needs to be punished a little~~", An Ke smiled lightly, and after lightly exerting his right foot, he immediately chased after them.

"Don't bully people too much!!"

Smoothie's low voice came, and then a huge figure fell from the sky and landed directly between Encore and the few surviving soldiers. At the same time, a huge long sword directly slashed at Encore. .

After quickly backing away, Anke just smiled and landed not far away, and said lightly, "Why? Don't you continue to watch?"

"It's almost done." Smoothie said coldly. She originally planned to find out her weakness in the witch's battle, but she couldn't find any clues at all because of her speed.

"Hehe~~", Anke just smiled lightly, and then looked back at Qianyang, which was getting farther and farther away.

Seeing what she was thinking, Smoothie rushed up and slashed at her with his long sword.The girl standing there didn't dodge, but when she was hit directly, she turned into mist and disappeared.

"Is it an illusion again?!" Smoothie gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his head suddenly and saw the girl floating in the mid-air far away, it was obvious that the other party was completely unprepared for a fight.

"It must be interesting to fight against you, but unfortunately I don't have time to waste on you now~" Anke bowed slightly and saluted, and the next second he used the trident to open the space tunnel and disappeared inside.

"Cunning guy!!" Smoothie subconsciously stepped forward to chase after her, but found that she was nowhere to be seen.

After clenching the long sword in her hand, she coldly swept the crystals that trapped the fleet, and said with an angry smile, "I'm really underestimated by people, I really think this little crystal can Trapped us?!!"


(End of this chapter)

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