One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 153: Enemy or Friend

Chapter 153: Enemy or Friend
Jiuli, Taoyuan Farm.

As one of the few or only sources of food in Wano Country, this place has clean water, vegetables and fruits. Compared with most places in Wano Country, this place is like a paradise.

And precisely because of the importance of Taoyuan Farm, it is heavily guarded all year round. Even the coolies captured from Jianlou Village have to go through strict inspections before leaving Taoyuan Farm after finishing their work. Not even a single piece of grass can be taken away.

More than ten years ago, many refugees gathered to seize Taoyuan Farm, but they were completely suppressed by Orochi or Kaido's men.After being crushed more times, the people of Wano Country did not dare to step into the vicinity of Taoyuan Farm even if they starved to death. They could only struggle to live in Jianlou Village, relying on the food thrown away by city officials to barely survive.

Luo and the others often came to Taoyuan Farm to steal fruit and food before, and they also saw that there were many soldiers there, but with Luo's ability, it was not difficult to freely enter and leave Taoyuan Farm.

When he and Robin came here today, they thought they would see Orochi's warriors patrolling as frequently as before, but now they only saw two warriors standing guard in front of the heavy iron gate, and only two warriors on the thick city wall. Four warriors stood guard.

After the two looked at each other, the previous guess was roughly verified, but they didn't force their way in. Just in case, Luo still used his ability to replace the two of them in Taoyuan Farm.

In the farm, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the fruits are abundant, the crops are harvested, and the livestock are fat. It really deserves to be the hometown of Taoyuan in Wano.

You can see shabby coolies working hard everywhere in the manor, and carts full of food pass by from time to time. The patrolling guards occasionally let those coolies transport food to designated places, so they frequently patrol Taoyuan Township. Border, in case someone sneaks into Taoyuan to steal food.

The two who sneaked in temporarily hid behind an apple tree, then carefully observed the situation outside, and found that Taoyuan Township looked the same as when they sneaked in a few times before.The coolies who are still busy, and the guards who are still patrolling frequently.

"It looks the same as before," Robin looked around vigilantly, and then pointed to the central area of ​​Taoyuan they had never set foot on, "According to the information I inquired, there is a small waterfall and a summer tower in the middle of Taoyuan. If they were really here, they might stay there."

"Well," Luo just nodded, looked around and asked in a low voice, "Do you feel the breath of illusion? They can't come in openly, they must have used illusion to cover up their identities."

"This is what I care about, but whether it is the border or the Taoyuan, there is no enchantment or illusion."

The two who could not make up their minds did not decide that Tiger Shark was not here, and decided to check all the places where people could live in Taoyuan, first of all, the summer resort near the waterfall.

However, as soon as they arrived near the classical and elegant summer resort, their guess had already been verified, which saved them the time to search the entire Taoyuan Farm.They didn't show up right away, but hid in a flower bush to check the situation on the building.

The elegant terrace reveals classical beauty everywhere, and there is a hill and a small waterfall near the elegant two-story building. It is surrounded by countless fruit trees with rich fruits, and even a lot of decorative flowers are planted here.And there are no coolies and guards here to work or patrol, and the quietness is a little weird.

In front of the steps of the building, B was standing steadily on a jagged fake rock with horse gait, holding a heavy steel block of unknown weight in both hands, and a big pumpkin on his head.

And on the steps in front of him, A, who was blindfolded with a black cloth, was sitting lazily there, holding the big black bow horizontally in his left hand, and a sharp arrow in his right, trying to aim at the big black bow on B's head. The pumpkin, or rather his head.

On the handrail of the stairs, Lauren sat cross-legged, biting an apple while directing A's movements, "Go down a little bit, just kill his little brother, and he's still babbling all over the place." .”

"Yeah." A was blindfolded and couldn't see it, but the bow and arrow he was holding moved down a little distance with great precision, and the trajectory of the sharp arrow happened to be aligned with the target that Lauren said.

"Hey hey hey!! Be a little lenient!!! Boss never said he was so ruthless!!" B, who didn't have much burden on his body, didn't dare to act rashly, still stood there motionless and anxiously Roared, "Didn't I just run a little faster then!! And she was coming back soon at that time, I didn't know that scumbag Hawkins would dare to make such a ruthless hand! What's more, I haven't been around since then Did you secretly protect her until the boss came? #¥!@¥!#¥!#¥!@#” (500 words omitted below)
"Noisy." A didn't listen carefully to his explanation. When he loosened his slender fingers, a jet-black sharp arrow flew out of the bowstring. It directly scratched his trouser leg before nailing it to a peach tree behind B.

B immediately shut up aggrievedly, but still refused to admit defeat and kept winking at Lauren.

"If you were smart enough to get Hawkins away at that time, I wouldn't have almost lost my life because of saving the witch, and I would even be thrown in the messy Leak Village while recuperating." Throwing away the core, he took out another peach from his sleeve and continued to chew, "I'm so aggrieved, it's just to help you finish it."

"Yeah." A nodded in agreement, pulled out an arrow and shot ahead again, but this time it only stabbed the big pumpkin and then stopped.

Robin looked at the noisy three people, and then looked around, and could vaguely see a few coolies who occasionally stopped and looked around out of curiosity. After discovering this, she whispered, "Working around People occasionally stop to look at the situation here, it seems that they have not used illusion to hide their identities."

Luo also noticed, and couldn't help frowning slightly and said, "But if someone of unknown origin suddenly occupied Taoyuan Farm, the general or Kaido would definitely send someone to take it back, but there is no movement from them now. That is to say, Are Tiger Sharks and the others living here aboveboard?"

"Master Luo? Master Robin?"

Before the two of them could discuss a result, a cold voice with doubts suddenly sounded from behind. The voice was somewhat familiar but it also made them look back vigilantly.

Against the background of fruit trees full of fruits, a long-haired boy in a white kimono was carrying a fruit basket full of strawberries, his handsome face didn't have much expression.Unlike the weakness visible to the naked eye before, his face looks normal now.

"Noah?!", Robin was surprised to see the boy who appeared here, somewhat unexpected but expected, "Is your body okay?"

"Yes, it's back to normal." Noah nodded, looking at the two people who came here suddenly with some puzzlement, "Are the two adults here to find Lord Tiger Shark? He is resting there on the second floor now. ",
"Well," Luo just nodded, glanced at him again and asked, "Are you living here now?"

"Yes, this manor is temporarily under the management of Master Tiger Shark." Noah replied obediently, as if seeing his doubts, he continued, "I don't know the details, I was here when I woke up. "

At this time, Lauren, who was sitting on the handrail of the steps, saw the situation over there, raised his voice and asked, "Blue Whale, what are you doing over there? Come here quickly, don't be abducted by the inexplicable guy again. "

"Didn't you say that today is a guest?" A, who was still blindfolded, moved the bow and arrow over there, and then continued to point at B who wanted to sneak down after a while.

"Then I'll take the two adults to find Master Tiger Shark first?" Noah looked at Luo and them again, and after seeing them nodding, he took them to the balcony not far away with a fruit basket.

The three people staying at the door didn't seem to be surprised. Luo and Robin, who came here suddenly, still stayed there leisurely.

When they came to the living room on the second floor, they only saw Tiger Shark in a black kimono sitting cross-legged, flipping a book with his face propped up leisurely.

Luo glanced at the simple living room, and found that apart from the low table and tea set near the tiger shark, the only furniture here was a huge screen with a corner on the right, and the rest were clean tatami mats.

"Would you like to sit down?" Tiger Shark didn't look at them, but asked without telling them to sit down.

"No need," Luo didn't intend to sit down at first, and after looking at the eye-catching screen again, he asked straight to the point, "We're just here to ask some questions, hoping to get answers."

"I'm not interested in your plan to overthrow Kaido, defeat Orochi, and then open Wano, and I don't intend to interfere." Tiger Shark just said the answer they wanted directly, but corrected it right after finishing speaking After a while, I said, "That's not right. If I'm really bored, I'll have some fun."

Robin frowned slightly, and then said softly, "In the whole new world, there should be many more interesting places than Wano Country? You don't need to condescend to act in the chaotic Wano Country and watch the faces of Kaido and Orochi, right? ?”

Hearing this, Tiger Shark just turned over a page, and said with a smile, "There happens to be a good show going on here, so it's not bad to watch. As for whose face and actions I see, I don't need to bother you."

"You stay here, it's not just as simple as watching a play, right?" Luo didn't let go of his inner vigilance, and asked in a deep voice, "When you leave, it should be during the World Conference. It is absolutely impossible for the five old stars to let you stay here Leaving the world government at a critical moment and coming to this dangerous place outside the law. And even if the head of Encore threatens you, you probably won't take that threat seriously, right?"

"That's the secret between me and the little witch~", Tiger Shark just blinked his left eye, shrugged his shoulders after seeing their dignified expressions, and answered truthfully, "At that time, I happened to be holding a revolution Jun, and she just wanted to save him. And I just came here to clean up the doctor's mess, after all, if the little witch dies, I will be in trouble~"

Just at this time, Noah came in with the washed strawberries. Hearing this, he nodded quietly and added, "According to my sister, Mr. Tiger Shark is her bodyguard to some extent."

In this regard, Hu did not deny or admit it, but continued to look at the book in his hand.

"What is your real purpose is actually not what we are concerned about." Luo paused, clenched the handle of the knife and asked word by word, "In the decisive battle that is about to break out, you, stand Where."

"I'm neutral here. This is not a member of the world government, and I have no interest in it. Even if you level this place, it's none of my business." Tiger Shark replied casually. Originally, he was also a member of the government. I won't meddle in the affairs of the pirates.

Hearing this, Luo and Robin breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't plan to doubt Tiger Shark's words, because he didn't need to lie.

"As for the food, you can go directly to the warehouse in the east to move it. It can be regarded as my gift to the little witch." Tiger Shark said casually, as if he is the real owner here.

After Luo and Robin looked at each other, they just nodded to Tiger Shark, then turned and left.

After Noah watched them leave, he just sorted out the strawberries on the plate and didn't say anything.

After turning over a page again, Tiger Shark suddenly sighed and said, "I see, before the little witch recovers, I'll be her errands myself, okay?"

Hearing this, the expressionless young man seemed to be slightly relieved, and after bowing to the tiger shark, he quietly walked behind the screen.

On the first floor, as soon as Luo and Robin came here, they saw that the three of them were still in the same posture as before, except that the big pumpkin on top of B's ​​head was about to be pierced into a hedgehog by a sharp arrow.

"Are you leaving?" Lauren, who was biting a lollipop, looked at them, then took out an apple and threw it to Luo, "The warehouse is not locked, you can take whatever you want."

Luo caught the apple with his backhand, and asked the question that he cared about before, "Giving the food to us who are preparing for the battle, it can be regarded as helping us to some extent, aren't you afraid that Kaido will find out?"

"Ah? That's none of our business." Lauren chewed the lollipop indifferently, and spread his hands indifferently, "Kaido's people are in charge of the warehouse, so what's our business if they can't take care of it?"

B, who was still gaiting on the jagged rocks, couldn't stay idle, and said in a long-winded manner, "That boy Luo Lun is using those guys to test illusions, one or two of them have been tossed like cerebral palsy by him, Even if you raze the warehouse in front of those guys, no one will notify the people outside."

"Miss Witch taught a few interesting little illusions, and I just used them to practice~" Lauren didn't care what the consequences of those illusions would be for those people, and he was still chewing the lollipop casually.

"Whatever you want, as long as you are in a neutral position." Luo said nonchalantly, then turned and left with the knife in his hand.

Robin nodded to them before following him.

After their figures disappeared into the grove full of fruits, B curled his lips and said angrily, "Anyone with eyes knows which side to take in the next battle, I really don't know why they are still Be wary of us audiences. And if the witch is awake now, he will definitely let us be coolies. Especially the armor that destroyed her two recovery bodies."

"After all, it is the order of the five old stars. I have tried my best to delay the time." A said calmly. He originally thought that the recovery of the witch would be as powerful as the master's fighting power, but in the end, one arrow lost two.

"After the witch recovers, you just wait to be tossed to pieces by her. With her character, she will never let us, the high-powered ones, be let go in this decisive battle of uneven combat power." Yi curled his lips. , and then looked at Lauren, whose body became stiff inexplicably, "And I always feel that the witch has a soft spot for Lauren, and even started to teach him the illusion that I invented."

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying Lauren couldn't even feel the sweetness of the candy in his mouth. He said tremblingly, "A, why don't you reward me with an arrow... I feel that I will be killed by her next time." ..."

"No, it's just right for the witch to see you, so we can continue to be spectators." A resolutely refused, put away his bow and arrows, and prepared to leave, "I'll go patrol again."

"Then I'll go see if the Blue Whale's new weapon is finished. That guy is already a capable person, and the Hailoushi chain can't be used before." After unloading it, he pulled out his machete and quickly slipped away.

Thinking of his miserable future, Lauren just lay powerless on the handrail of the steps, and murmured to himself, "Why don't you put anesthetics in the food and let her sleep until after the decisive battle..."

(End of this chapter)

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