One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 156 The Creator's Gift

Chapter 156 The Creator's Gift
Queen Ling. ,

After throwing off Ushikimaru who was chasing after him, Zoro lost his way among the barren tombstones after Linghou for a while, before he found the huge deep hole with a width of nearly [-] meters left over from the explosion. Blackened by the flames of the explosion.What is unbelievable at first glance is that it is obviously an extremely destructive explosion, but the edge of the deep pit that was blown out is very neat.

Sauron looked around the remaining deep pit, but found no useful clues.Everything that was left on this land has been reduced to ashes in the big explosion a few days ago.

[I always feel something is wrong...], Zoro frowned slightly and looked at the pothole with a bit of burnt smell in front of him with a solemn expression, always feeling that the end of the matter was a bit simple.After being unable to see anything from the pothole that only smelled of coke and gunpowder smoke, Sauron decided to walk around to see if he could find any clues.

And after walking aimlessly among the numerous tombstones for a long time, he suddenly saw a small fruit basket thrown at a certain tombstone.Walking over and picking it up, he recognized that Encore was carrying the fruit basket when he went to see the doctor.

Looking around, he saw a few apples lying on the ground that had begun to dry out, and the nearby tombstones were only engraved with Greek letters and some numbers, just like code names.Sauron recalled the birth of Alpha and the others, and also guessed that these tombstones belonged to the restored bodies that could not survive the experiment.

Picking up one of the apples and looking at it, Zoro was shocked to see some strange spiral patterns appeared on the other side of the apple, just like the immature SMILE fruit he had seen in Dressrosa.

Suddenly, what the girl said with a smile seemed to ring in my ears, "I am very grateful that the doctor is alive until now, and it has become an indispensable chess piece by a very coincidence.If anyone in this world can save my younger brother, then the doctor is the only one~]
At that time, he was still a little confused about what that meant, but seeing these fruits, his vague guess was confirmed.If he guessed correctly, Noah probably has become a capable person now, and the fruit ability is cell transformation, which is the devil fruit ability obtained after the girl personally killed the original capable person.

However, the surprise was only for a moment, and Sauron continued to move forward after putting the small fruit basket and the apple back on the ground.The purpose of his coming here was not to investigate Encore's previous whereabouts, but to find out something he had always cared about.

When I was in Punk Hazard, there was a so-called gift that the doctor wanted to give to the Persian cat in Caesar's research institute, but the box was turned into ashes in the flames before it was opened.

At that time, he felt strange, if the doctor was really alive, that so-called gift would definitely not be entrusted to others, but his most proud work would be handed over by himself.

In other words, that so-called gift is now in Wano Country.And it was definitely not a gift, maybe it was a sharp weapon to kill the cat.

[The nightmare that threatened her should also be over,], thinking of the fatigue that was rarely shown by that girl, Sauron's expression could not help but become full of haze, subconsciously revealing a little bit of forbearing killing intent.

Xu Shi was disturbed by the terrifying aura of the swordsman, and the originally peaceful cemetery suddenly became a little erratic, dizzying like ripples on the surface of calm water touched.

Sauron stopped immediately, holding the handle of the knife vigilantly while carefully observing the surroundings. After scanning the nearby tombstones one by one, he found something interesting.Nearby are wooden tombstones of some age, messy and dilapidated, and the inscriptions on them are similar to the tombstones seen before, all of which are the numbers of the experimental subjects.

But there are messy tombstones, but there is a tombstone that is about to fall. The lettering on it is different from the others. There is only a simple English letter A on it. The years of carving have made the lettering blurred, but it cannot change the fact that there is only a single letter.

[A? ...that is, the abbreviation of Encore's name? ], Sauron frowned, walked over and drew out his knife and carefully touched the tombstone, but nothing happened, just like it was just an ordinary tombstone.

Zoro looked back to see the direction of the deep pit left by the previous explosion, but found that he couldn't help but know where it was, that is, he lost his way again unknowingly.After regaining his focus, he continued to circle around the tombstone, and even after looking around, he couldn't find anything similar to a secret door or switch.

Then, he stared at the slightly raised mound under the tombstone, thought for a while, and then made a bold decision.

After a while,

Sauron, who had a lot of dirt on his body, silently looked at the tomb dug in front of him. Just as he thought, there was no coffin inside, only a stone door the size of a coffin.Although he didn't know what this door was, Sauron knew that he had no choice.

A few flashes of knives flashed, and the solid stone door cracked open, revealing the stairs leading to the underground hidden below. The stones that had been cut into pieces rolled down the stairs. It looks like this tunnel has no end.

Sauron just held the autumn water and walked down the dark stairs. The light at the entrance was quickly swallowed by the darkness in the tunnel, but in the darkness, the swordsman still walked down calmly holding the knife, as if there was no Any influence from darkness is normal.

I don't know how long he walked before he saw the faint blue light at the end. After clenching the knife in his hand, he approached with light steps and cautiously. Outside of the large number of instruments and the countless wire guides on the ground and walls, no human figure was seen, nor was there any trace of anyone living here.

However, Sauron did not relax his vigilance. He took a step forward and scanned the basement completely. Only then did he see a huge cultivation tank with a faint blue light in the corner.

Most of the tubes on the ground are connected to the base of the culture tank, the cue light occasionally jumps and flashes other colors of light, and the surrounding strange instruments also emit a steady 'tick' sound.The basement is very cold, and a faint white mist can be seen in the breath.

In the middle of the culture tank filled with transparent liquid was a slender figure curled up like a baby. Judging from her figure, she was a young woman.The jet-black long hair spread out like seaweed covered her naked body, but the whiteness revealed in the slightest strands was even more noticeable.Occasionally, some large and small air bubbles would rise up and pass through the floating black hair.

Sauron walked forward softly avoiding the wires all over the floor, while looking around to find some useful information, but found that there was nothing he could understand except for a bunch of instruments and words that he could not understand. .

Sauron saw the cultivation tank in the research institute once again, and after walking around this strange tank, he didn't see the face of the person soaked in it.Because of the cover of the long black hair, only a few slender toes can be seen.


Several air bubbles popped from the bottom of the culture tank.The round bubbles rose leisurely, knocked away the black hair that was flying, and then continued to rise, but at this moment, Zoro saw two simple lines of small black characters on her fair calf exposed from between the black hair.


[Give me the most proud work, and give me the most perfect container in the world. 】


After reading that line, Sauron couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and a chill came out from the bottom of his heart, until he fell into an ice cave instantly.

In the transparent liquid, the black hair startled by the bubbles slowly fell down again, gradually burying the two lines of words in the darkness. :

(End of this chapter)

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