One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 17 Luffy VS Katakuri, the final fierce battle begins

Chapter 17 Luffy VS Katakuri, the final fierce battle begins

mirror world.

"Damn it! Why is this place like a maze! It's all mirrors, are you against my aunt?!" Gloria, who had been wandering around for a long time but couldn't find anyone, was about to explode, and the fat bun she was holding was now gone. Life has nothing to love.

After getting in from one mirror and floating out from another mirror countless times, Gloria, who was already grumpy, exploded, "See if I just blow up this place!"

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" Fat Baozi immediately struggled violently, afraid that this one-sided guy would really blow up the world in the mirror.

"Huh?" Grabbing the fat bun by the nape of his neck and bringing it to his face, Gloria blinked his blood-red eyes before suddenly opening his mouth, "You mean you know where those two kids who are beating are?"

"Wow!", Baozi nodded vigorously, shook his little nose, and then yelled to the right a few times.

"This way?" Gloria looked to the right, just in time to see a mirror on the wall not far away, and immediately flew over with the buns, "Then take a shortcut!"

"Aww!", Baozi screamed and wanted to stop this road idiot, but he was still forced into the mirror, and then went straight to someone else's house.

When Baozi worked so hard to bring this Lu Chi to Luffy, he couldn't help but roll his eyes and despise his master's 'so-called master', it's not reliable at all.

And Gloria also caught its small eyes, and directly tore off a few of its hairs.

What a joke, she can even take care of that Persian cat, let alone this little leopard?Can be rubbed against the ground at any time.


On the Qianyang.

"Achoo!" Anke, who was on guard, suddenly sneezed for no reason, and said through gritted teeth, "Damn it, is that fellow Gloria talking about me again?"

"Encore, did you catch a cold?" Chopper on the side immediately asked worriedly.

"No, I guess Gloria lost her way in the mirror world, and then she was thinking about me..." Anke was a little helpless. During the period of cultivation, she had to go to that Lu Chi three or four times a day.

Then, she looked at Nami, "Nami, is there a way to reach Coco Island on time?"

Nami looked at her pocket watch, nodded and said seriously, "Well, it's eleven o'clock in the evening. You can arrive at Cocoa Island at the agreed one o'clock."

"That's fine." Anke sat on the manufactured crystal chair, Yaodao Xuelian also turned back into a fan and hung it on his waist, "There may be a lot of trouble in two hours, everyone be vigilant."

"Okay!" Carlot nodded obediently, "Then Brother Qiao and I will check the barrier."

Brook was still watching the surrounding situation with a telescope on the observation deck, while Nami and Jinbei were in charge of the ship's course at the bow.

[To be honest, the current Luffy is not Katakuri's opponent, but if Gloria is watching, nothing will happen...] Anke frowned lightly, tapped the crystal chair with his right hand and then He stood up and walked towards the room, "I'm going to change my clothes, Carlot, and make the boat invisible."

"Okay, Mrs. Encore~", Carlot happily raised his hand, and a phone bug was thrown over in the next second.

"Let me know when Pedro has any news." After waving his hand, Anke went into the room to change into stronger clothes.

"Pedro...", thinking of the leopard man who thought he was killed, Carlot sniffled and almost cried.

[To protect so many people and the pirate ship, the little baby will have a heavy burden...], Jinping looked serious, looking at the sea in front of him and thought, [When necessary, the old man has to work harder. ]
In the girls' room.

After closing the door, she just took out a silver phone bug, dialed the number, and was connected after a while. Without waiting for the other party to speak, Anke just said lazily, "What's the matter? I was on the phone just now. Busy."

[Have you come out of BIGMOM's territory yet?Miss Little Witch~], the gentle young voice came over, with a chuckle as always.

"Soon," Anke opened the closet and asked while picking out clothes, "Is there anyone here at BIGMOM who needs to keep alive?"

[It doesn't matter if they are all destroyed, but if this is the case, the puzzle of the new world will be messed up. ]
"I have a sense of proportion, not to mention that I don't really want to attract attention at the moment." The right hand who was choosing the clothes paused, and Enke's face darkened in the next second, "What happened to Noah?"

After a while, the tiger shark's voice came from over there. The usually confident and elegant voice rarely leaked a little tiredness at this moment, [After leaving Wan Guo, come to Mary Gioia.Just do me a favor, please...]
The left hand holding the silver phone bug was so hard that it turned white. After Anke pursed his lips, he just hung up the phone, simply took a small package and threw it into the sixth space, and then pulled out a white T-shirt for a change. Take off the red shirt of Luffy before. (At the wedding scene, Encore once fought with Katakuri, and his clothes were accidentally cut by Katakuri's weapon, so he could only wear Luffy's shirt temporarily.)
With Tiger Shark's personality and ability, it is impossible to call for help unless you are in a desperate situation.What's more, with his status and importance in the eyes of the five old stars, it is not her turn to help a pirate.Then the only possibility is,
Noah, something happened to her brother...

[It is estimated that it will take a day or two from here to Marie Gioia, Noah, wait for sister...] After tying up her long hair, Anke left the room. After the door opened and closed, the expression on her face had returned to normal. That calm and gentle smile.


mirror world.

[10 minutes have passed. ], Katakuri stood with his arms folded in the already dilapidated mirror world, when he estimated the time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and moved his eyes to look forward and left.

After tying Bree to a stone in a certain corner, Luffy came out, and now there was only determination on his bloody face.

He wants to defeat the man who offered a bounty of one billion!And from the time he stepped into the mirror world again, he knew that only one of them could go out from the mirror world.

Seeing him return to the mirror world 10 minutes later as promised, Katakuri suddenly realized that he was not surprised, only a little puzzled, and a calm voice came from under the furry collar, "Why did you come back? "

Luffy stood ten meters away from him, clenched his fists and arched his body and said in a low voice, "I'm here to defeat you!"

"Defeat me? I didn't prepare for this option!", Katakuri clenched his fists, his slender hands turned black because of his armed domineering, and he appeared in front of Luffy in the next instant.

"I heard the sound~" Gloria, who was lost in the mirror world, felt the unique atmosphere of the battle, and immediately flew over excitedly, but when she just passed, she saw that Luffy was just punched away.

"...", Baozi blinked his round eyes, then silently stretched out his paws to cover his eyes.

[The guy's knowledgeable look...], Gloria found the reason after taking a look, and raised his eyebrows in surprise, [It's a bit surprising. ]
"Wow~", Baozi tried his best to move his chubby body to find a comfortable position, and then began to watch the play leisurely.Anyway, it's not the one that got hit~
[But let my aunt first see what kind of man the cat is looking for...], Gloria raised her legs in mid-air, threw the bun casually and was caught by a bubble that appeared out of thin air, And she also took out a bag of melon seeds and started knocking.

"Peerless donut!", a huge black fist suddenly appeared in the white donut floating in the air, and with Katakuri's punch, the black fist in the donut immediately stretched out at an extremely fast speed directly hit Luffy.

The extremely fast speed made it too late for Luffy to dodge, so he could only subconsciously raise his arms to defend, but he was still slammed into the distant wall, smashing a hole in the solid wall before falling to the ground.

After putting down his fist, Katakuri suddenly raised his head and looked around. Just now he always felt a line of sight floating in mid-air, but he never saw anyone.

[According to the previous view, it is impossible for the witch to come in and intervene in the battle.Is that line of sight just now Boule...], Katakuri is currently thinking of this possibility only, after all, members of the Straw Hat Pirates, except for the witch, can freely enter and leave the mirror world.Moreover, although the witch has strange abilities, she will never intervene in battles that do not belong to her, which can be seen from before.

After turning his attention back to the pirate in front who stood up again, Katakuri made a few flying white donuts again, and then asked his own doubts in a deep voice, "I really don't understand, obviously With such a huge gap in strength, why do you continue? Why do you still fight when you know it is impossible to win?"

"It's so noisy! How many times do I have to say it? I..."

"How many times do you want me to say it? No matter how hard you struggle, you can't defeat me." Katakuri interrupted him coldly, clenched his hands, and the white donut floating in the air immediately A huge black fist appeared.

"I, absolutely want to defeat you!" Luffy's eyes were determined, he quickly ran towards Katakuri and put his thumbs in his mouth to bite, "Third gear!"

Katakuri narrowed his pupils slightly, and saw that a few seconds later, Luffy's hands became like giants. He moved his right foot a little, and the next second, when Luffy's huge fist hit him, he avoided it. , and kicked him away fiercely.

After slamming against the wall again, Luffy stood up panting slightly, pursed his lips and looked at Katakuri in front of him, then suddenly closed his eyes, trying to calm down and trying to use his knowledge Domineering to perceive his next attack.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Katakuri frowned slightly, and stretched out his hands straight forward. Huge white palms suddenly appeared from the two nearby white donuts and extended to both sides of Luffy. Following Katakuri's hard slap, the two giant white palms slapped Luffy directly, "Slap the rice cake!"

Luffy, who had been on guard for a long time, directly took a big breath and turned into a round balloon to resist this attack. He eased the attack and used the elastic force of the rubber to bounce off the two raised hands, "It's useless."

"What about this one? Arming - slapping rice cakes!", the white giant palm hardened and turned black because of the arrogance of the armed color, and before Luffy fell to the ground, he slapped hard again, released and opened the distance, and then used all his strength again one shot
Even though Luffy is a rubber fruit capable user, he couldn't stand it when he was slapped with armed domineering several times in a row, and fell directly to the ground hard.

Standing up quickly, Luffy gasped heavily and tried to concentrate, "Concentrate, you need to concentrate more..."

"Mochi Blade Bullet!", Katakuri stretched out his right hand towards him, posing with a pistol, and foreseeing the next few seconds of Luffy's movements, [Right. ]
Sure enough, seeing his action, Luffy immediately ran towards Katakuri's right, but was hit by the bullet-like black rice cake that flew out, even though he subconsciously blocked it with his hands, but still because The impact force took several steps back.

[Above, mochi blade bomb! ], Katakuri raised his right hand slightly, and at the same time Luffy jumped into the air, he also shot a black rice cake bullet, which hit him without accident.

After quickly blocking the damage of rice cake bullets with armed domineering, Luffy ran towards the left as soon as he landed on the ground, but was still hit by the bullets that followed.Next, no matter which direction Luffy is attacking in, all actions are predicted by Katakuri.

"Damn it!", after being repelled by Katakuri's attack again, Luffy couldn't help but gritted his teeth fiercely, "It's so knowledgeable! It's really strong..."

While panting heavily and trying to calm down, Luffy also remembered what Katakuri said before.As long as you use domineering, you can predict the future, but the ability to learn and learn is activated after you calm down.

[If I also calm down...], Luffy gritted his teeth, if he wants to defeat this guy now, the only way is to improve his arrogance and find out the opponent's weakness.

"It seems that you want to resist? Then I will beat you completely!" Katakuri seldom encountered such a difficult opponent. After changing his right hand, it became a machine gun.

"Calm down! Hit the mind and concentrate!" Facing the black muzzle of the gun, Luffy took a deep breath and then closed his eyes, trying to calm down and hit the focus to perceive the countless bullets that will follow.


"Hmm, is it the type that is strong when you meet the strong?..." Gloria was now floating upside down in mid-air without any image, eating melon seeds in an awkward posture while watching the fierce battle below.

"Aww...", Baozi in the side bubble saw Luffy who was beaten to the point where he could hardly fight back, and couldn't help crying a few times in distress.

[The gap in strength is too great, it is impossible to surpass it in a short period of time...], Gloria watched the fierce battle below, although she saw that Luffy was obviously at a disadvantage, she had no intention of making a move at all.

[It’s just a nice kid, how far can you do it?Monkey-D-Luffy...], Gloria's body turned around, and finally changed from the upside-down state to sitting upright, and continued to raise her legs and look down.

With blood-red eyes narrowed slightly, Gloria tilted her head and looked calm, but her inner thoughts were not so kind, "Grandma, I am the cat's master. Anyone she chooses but does not get my approval will be destroyed immediately." gone."

She can't be blamed for being cruel, after all, among so many heirs in the past, only that cat can get her approval.Moreover, this is the first time that she has passed on the right to use the reincarnation eye to someone else.

Ability, tricks, methods, calmness... everything, that cat has it.It was the first time for her to see such a good human being, which is why she took An Ke as her apprentice, and devoted herself to improving all her abilities to the extreme within two years.

Therefore, if the man selected by the apprentice that I have cultivated through untold hardships cannot pass this level of my own, I will kill him directly!
"...", Baozi on the side looked at the angry Gloria, and couldn't help shaking. Why does this mad rabbit always feel like an evil mother-in-law now? ?What kind of master did the owner find? ?


(End of this chapter)

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