One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 170 The Ugly 3 Kid Was Caught

Chapter 170
"It seems that Your Excellency Anke is really a good woman, so many people admire her." Lei Zang, who had a bad look in his eyes, directly regarded Caribu as a fan of a certain cat, and nodded with emotion, only to find Master Bing's body She was trembling slightly all the time, and couldn't help asking nervously, "Your Excellency Bingorang!! What's wrong with you??"

Ever since he heard about the ongoing battle plan from Lei Zang, Master Bing was full of complexities and emotions. He even couldn't help trembling with excitement, and tears kept flowing, "It's so dangerous, I almost died in the Here it is. I have already accepted death, and I almost died without knowing it just now. The warriors in red sheaths are still alive, and so is Mita's son Kozuki Momonosuke, and the fire of resistance has not yet Extinguish!"

After a while, he managed to calm down his excitement, turned around to look at Lei Zang and Lu Fei, and shouted expectantly, "Rai Zang, Master Lu Fei Taro, since this is the case, there is still room for this old bone. Whatever you do, please let me help you!!"

Hearing this, Lei Zang's eyes lit up, and he quickly introduced this right-hand man to Luffy who was confused, "This is the helper you can't wait for, Your Excellency Luffy! This Your Excellency used to be the leading mafia boss in Wano Country!"

"Hey? Old man, you were really good before!" Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, and looked at the short and sturdy old man Douding in surprise.

"Should... call him old man??" Lei Zang's eyes widened again, and when he was about to remind Lu Fei to address Bing Ye with his honorific name, he found that Bing Ye waved his hand instead to express his indifference.

"Hahaha, it's my honor," Master Bing smiled, and then continued to tell the information he knew, "You just said that you would gather your companions in the capital of flowers, but now you are here in the rabbit bowl. This must be the same Some kind of fate, in this quarry, there is also a field similar in size. There are tens of thousands of prisoners locked up in Rabbit Don, but not all of them were arrested because of sneak attacks. Most of the prisoners here were charged with Resist the snake!"

"That's right! We all missed this blind spot!" Lei Zang was taken aback for a moment. They had been looking for companions in the Capital of Flowers, but never thought that their companions might have been caught in the mining field.

"The anger of the whole country is gathered here. The underworld brothers who supported Wano country in the past are all here! Let me ask, they are definitely willing to fight for the Kozuki family!", Master Bing was confident about this, and then pointed Pointing to a cell in the distance, "Lei Zang, there is that cell"

"I know! I have already spoken to He Song!" Lei Zang also knew who was being imprisoned there, and said in a deep voice, "I plan to be the first to release him!"

Luffy, who didn't quite understand these strange plans, nodded, and summed up seriously, "Well, as long as this place is destroyed, everyone will become partners, right?"

"Lord Lufei, your voice is too loud! And it's not that simple!" Lei Zang hurriedly waved his hands to calm him down, and said with a sigh, "Even if there are tens of thousands of prisoners here, not all of them may become prisoners." The comrades in arms of the inferior people. Your Excellency Encore is right. The inferior people cannot be too optimistic and naive. After all, 20 years have passed, and even if there are still [-] of the tens of thousands of prisoners who can fight side by side with the inferior people, it is already lucky .”

"Oh! Don't worry about this kind of thing at all!", the very confident straw hat captain said with akimbo, "I have someone who can definitely convince them! Hehehe~~~~"

"Really? Who has such courage? Can make tens of thousands of hooligans obedient?" Master Bing just felt unbelievable. Such a character does not exist at all, right? "Aren't you bluffing me, Master Luffy Taro??"

"Hahaha, you'll know when she comes, old man~" Luffy had a rare moment to let go, and then rubbed his hungry stomach and wandered around, looking for any missed meatballs.

Now Lei Zang has inexplicably thought of a certain person who can easily complete this task, blinked his eyes and then put his hands together silently, "I... I want to pray for them for no reason..."

Caribou, who had been "persuaded" before, also trembled violently as if he had been shocked by an electric shock, and tremblingly raised his three long hands and prayed, "The small one is also..."

Luffy, who walked around but couldn't find any food, touched his flattened stomach, and lay down on the ground again in large letters, "But I'm so hungry..."

"Master Straw Hat, do you seem to want to eat?", the cunning Caribou keenly grasped an opportunity to please the life-saving straw, half of his body immediately turned into a swamp and pushed out a large iron bucket with a height of four to five meters, " I just used my ability to hide a bucket of rice cake red bean soup!"

"It smells so good! What is this??" Luffy, who smelled the sweet smell, immediately jumped up energetically. Steaming rice cake red bean soup, "Wow!!! It's edible!! Come and eat it, old man! I'll continue to make it tomorrow!"

"Hush! Don't be too loud!! Don't wake them up!!", Lei Zang hurriedly reminded him to pay attention to the sound, but the hungry captain of the straw hat had already started eating, so he didn't listen to his words at all.

"Hahaha, Master Lufei Taro is really heroic!", Master Bing couldn't help laughing, and he was ready to eat even after he hadn't eaten decent food for several years.

The quarry, filled with the faint smell of food, does not look like a prison at this time. The people here are unaware of the changes that are taking place in the capital of flowers in the distance.


The night in the capital of flowers is doomed to be restless.

In the middle of the night, the capital of flowers suddenly became noisy. Dozens of government warriors and local hooligans shouted and searched for someone with knives. From their occasional conversations, they could occasionally hear what they were searching for. 'Ugly three boys'.

The Ugly Third Boy is a strange thief who has been active in the city of flowers all year round, robbing the rich and helping the poor, stealing money from the rich in the city and giving it to the hungry poor in the village of Jianlou in the middle of the night.He was hated by the rich in the city, but enjoyed an excellent reputation among the poor.

But today his luck was obviously not very good. After going to an official's house to steal some money according to the previous stepping point, when he left according to the retreat route, he encountered a patrolling warrior who should not have appeared here.

During the patrol, when they suddenly saw a sneaky figure with a handkerchief covering his face and carrying a backpack, the warriors immediately shouted and chased after him.Some hooligans belonging to Kuangshilang's subordinates didn't know what medicine they took wrongly tonight, and when they saw the figure running away in a hurry, they also yelled and helped catch him.

The ugly third kid who stole according to the precise plan did not expect that he was suddenly chased and killed by dozens of people. When he was almost caught, he managed to escape by forcing his way in, but the price was that he was hacked in many places.

When he was trying so hard to get rid of them, when he was about to escape from the Flower City, he suddenly found a person standing in the way out, looking like he had been waiting for a long time.

"!!!", Seeing the conspicuous nose of the plane, the ugly third boy immediately hugged the package tightly and stopped, sweating and thinking about retreating quickly, ;[Why is this person here? ? ]
"I recently offended the general by slashing and killing the oiran. Someone just sent me a very good message~" The samurai with his back to the bright moonlight slowly pulled out a sharp long knife, and the sharp blade faced the moonlight Reflecting the cold edge, "For atonement, I will borrow your life for a little bit~~"


After a while, Rakshasa Village Prison.

"The shackles can be opened at any time, and the weather stick is also brought back. But this bomb collar is more troublesome." Nami hid the weather stick on her body, touched the bomb collar around her neck, and couldn't help frowning, "The key is in that eerie place. It's hard to steal it back from the guy."

"That guy will definitely use us to blackmail the captain and the others." Beppo, who was beaten up by Fatty, is still leaning against the wall, and Xia Qi and Pei Jin also look very weak.

"So you have to escape before then." Nami also found that this collar can only be opened with a specific key, and there is no other way, "But if you don't untie this collar, other partners will be fine. If you come here, you will be caught by Hawkins because you care about us."

"Ahem..." Xia Qi coughed uncomfortably, and couldn't help asking after looking at the dark cell around him, "But what stimulated that guy? He was like a lunatic when he caught us .”

"When he caught me, Hawkins mentioned Sauron's name. It sounded like he had a grudge against him." Nami shrugged. She was smart and vaguely guessed that Hawkins' broken right hand might be the same as Green's. Algae Head Swordsman is related.

On the other hand, Pei Jin kept looking at a dimly lit cell in the deep right, and asked puzzledly, "But, what's going on over there? After a person was brought in just now, the sound of torture kept coming." ..."

"I'm also very curious. The person being tortured at this time is a samurai following Oden, and his identity may be very important." Nami also looked over there, but her current mental strength could no longer support her. Use illusion to escape and peek.

"Could it be a partner in our alliance?!", Beipo immediately became nervous. After they were caught, they were also tortured, and they were thrown here because they couldn't find any information.

"As long as you don't leave this prison, this bomb won't go off, right? The people around should be asleep now, I'll go over there and have a look." Nami quietly signaled them to be quiet, took out the wire and opened the lock and then Quickly slipped out.

In the torture room.

Because of receiving the notice from Kuangshilang, Fu Lushou, the captain of Yutingban Ninja, came to supervise the torture in person.

Under the faint yellow candlelight, a jailer kept beating the prisoners in front of him with a whip.Even with insufficient light, you can still see a lot of blood foam on the ground, as well as a lot of broken cloth.

The shabby man tied to the torture rack had his big head drooped, and his blue afro almost completely covered his face, but it couldn't stop the corner of his mouth that was about to reach his ear.

Raising his hand to signal the jailer to stop, Fu Lushou stepped forward and grabbed his chin to force him to raise his head. After seeing the face under the messy blue explosive head and carefully identifying it, he nodded affirmatively. "Sure enough, this good news should be reported to Master Orochi immediately~"

The person whose nose was bruised and swollen was almost unrecognizable turned out to be Tono Yasushi who helped Sauron and the others a lot, and he was also the ugly third boy who was loved by the poor but hated by the officials.


(End of this chapter)

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