Chapter 175

Head over there.

"Your Excellency Nami, Your Excellency Xia Qi!!" Kin'emon looked at the prisoner who had just been pulled out of the screen in disbelief, and walked a few steps towards the screen uncontrollably.

"What the hell is going on here!!", Inulan also lost his composure, subconsciously shouting.They didn't receive any news of the alliance's arrest at all!Why are two people suddenly going to be executed today?
"Are they Ieyasu-sama's partners?" Shutenmaru was anxious at the moment, suddenly grabbed Kin'emon by the collar and growled, "Didn't you say that you invited some very powerful helpers over? !! Is it those two?! Could it be that they are the ones who implicated Ieyasu-sama?!!"

"I didn't mention Ieyasu-sama to them at all! They don't know Ieyasu-sama at all!" Kin'emon also retorted loudly in a hurry, not to mention that he himself didn't know that Shimotsuki Ieyasu was still alive.

"Now that the battle plan has been fully exposed, and with the arrest of Lord Nami and Lord Xia Qi, their companions of the pirate group will definitely come forward to save people." Inulan thought quickly, and then saw Hawkins in the picture When I met the heavily guarded warriors, I suddenly felt cold, "This is a trap to catch them all!!"

"Damn! If the two pirates show up, then Kaido and the others will definitely be vigilant!" Kin'emon clenched his fists tightly, but he couldn't think of any way.


Ebisu Village.

Almost all the villagers rushed to Raksha Village, trying to stop the execution and rescue Toye Yasushi.

When Usopp, who stayed behind to protect the three children, saw the navigator tied to the execution rack in the picture, he lost his composure and smashed the medicine bowl in his hand, "Nami?!!"

When subconsciously rushing to the playing screen, the navigator who was tied to the execution rack appeared more clearly in front of his eyes.Usopp, who was chilled all over, stared blankly at the broadcast. Although he guessed that Hawkins would take her as a hostage, he didn't expect that he would directly execute her in public.

Three Flowers and Four Flowers were sitting obediently on a dilapidated wooden bench, shaking their legs quietly, watching the execution scene of the dancing cherry blossoms with a smile on their faces.

After clenching his fists tightly for a while, Usopp immediately took their hands and prepared to take them back to the house to hide them, "San Hua Si Hua, you should protect Yi Hua in the house first, I'm going to rescue Na Beauty will do!!"

The two children who let him lead them away glanced at each other, and at the same time tilted their heads in doubt, Sanhua asked in confusion, "Can't you see it?"

"What?" The child's inexplicable question made Usopp stop in his tracks, and when he looked down at her, he only saw those calm but inexplicably deep eyes.

"Can't you see?" Sihua repeated the sentence, and after seeing the obvious puzzlement on Usopp's face, she kindly raised her little finger and pointed to the execution screen broadcast not far away, and asked again For a moment, "Well, can't you see that?"

"...", Usopp involuntarily followed her fingers to look at the screen not far away. At this time, the screen focused on the protagonist of this execution - Yasushi Tono, and the other two prisoners were hidden in the screen outside.

In the slightly blurred picture is the face of the death row prisoner who was bruised and swollen from the beating but laughing loudly. From time to time, there are pieces of pink petals drifting past...


Big snake over there.

Ever since he heard that Yasushi Tono had been captured, Orochi was in a state of high excitement, and quickly rushed towards the Raksha Village Prison in a sedan chair, while grabbing his own gun and screaming, "Hurry up!! Hurry to the prison! I can't wait to execute him with my own hands!"

"Yes!" The officer driving the lizard nodded immediately, and flicked his whip vigorously to speed up the lizards pulling the cart.

Before the prison.

"Let go of the Kang family quickly! Damn officials!!" The people gathered outside the fence kept begging for mercy, but the officers and soldiers were still not moved at all.

A Kang was tied to a seven or eight-meter-high execution frame, looking down at the people who kept begging for him, he was extremely moved but he could only laugh and say, "Hahahaha!! It's useless, everyone! The big snake will never let me go!"

Hawkins, with his left hand casually resting on the hilt of his sword, didn't care what the prisoner above said. He only cared about the Straw Hat Pirates and Heart Pirates who would come out to save people at some point.It was a blatant trap, but he knew that those two groups would definitely step in without hesitation.

Drake leaned against the main entrance of the prison with his hands folded, blankly scanning the onlookers.And Peggy Wan, who was beaten up by Sanji before, is now in the cell of the prison, taking care of Bepo and Pekin who were not brought out for execution.

[Disregarding Hawkins' ability for now, let's untie the bomb collar first. ], Nami, who was tied to the cross, looked at the people outside the fence in front, and slowly clenched her right hand into a fist again, and a key began to condense in her palm, [I still remember the shape of the key , the question is how to turn it into an entity...]
Hawkins, standing aside, just glanced at her hand, but didn't do anything this time.

"Hahahaha!!" Akang tried his best to look down at the two young men who were tied to the execution rack below, and said with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I seem to have troubled you... Hahaha... ..."

"Don't worry, even if you are not caught, we will definitely be executed." Nami just smiled reluctantly, because it is true, no matter whether there is Tono Yasushi or not, Hawkins will use them as bait Bring out other partners.

"Indeed, these guys don't dare to fight the captain and the others face to face, that's why they made such a trick." Although the bruises on his body have not yet dissipated, Xia Qi still spoke provocatively.

Hawkins just ignored their words, and the warden standing nearby interrupted them by firing a shot into the sky impatiently, "The people outside the fence were also startled by the gunfire, and the words of pleading for mercy were suddenly interrupted." I was so scared that my throat was blocked.

After the scene quieted down, the warden nodded in satisfaction, took out a promulgation order and began to announce the crimes of the prisoners today, "announcing the crimes of the three prisoners who will be executed today. This man, the ugly third boy. This man is not only a villain who has been stealing in Huadu all the year round, but also the family of Shimoyue Yasushi, who is now living on Taiko drums in Ebisu Village. Because he once led the army against the general Orochi My lord, you have committed a serious crime. The remaining two are criminals who smuggled into Wano country from the open sea and wanted to disturb the peace of Wano country. Offending Lord Orochi and spreading the news of the rebellion, the crime is extremely heinous! Therefore, these three people are buried as the oiran Xiao Zi Goods, give them a humiliating death penalty!!"

"This crime is really inexplicable," Nami pouted, who was suddenly accused of an unfounded crime, and they just handed out a code note.

"Hahahaha!!", Akang just laughed, listening to the series of charges but his expression was only calm, "These charges are really weird, could it be that idiot Orochi who put all kinds of inexplicable charges on him? Put it on me?"

"What did you say?!" Hearing his slander, the warden's expression immediately became gloomy.

At this time, an officer ran over in a panic and reported the situation to Hawkins in a low voice, "Master Hawkins, all the poor people in Yebisu Village have poured into Luocha Village. And people from all districts in Huadu When they heard that Yasushi Tono was about to be executed, they all started to riot and ran towards us."

"It seems that this man is still a big shot. Lord Orochi's plan to broadcast the execution picture to the whole country is probably a miscalculation." Hawkins, who was afraid that his plan would be disturbed, frowned slightly, and ordered in a low voice, "Get those who ran in first. The plan remains the same despite the impoverishment of the poor. Yasushi Tono is not our focus."

"Understood!" Although I didn't know why Hawkins valued the two young prisoners so much, the officers and soldiers left quickly after receiving the order.

"Hahahahaha, after all, Orochi is an idiot! I can also understand the hard work of my subordinates." Akang heard their conversation with the tip of his ears, and looked at the city of flowers in the cherry blossoms from a high position, and then loudly shouted, "Everyone, look!"

Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the blown cherry blossoms flew all over the sky. The pink ones floated through the empty air, and then quietly fell to the ground and mixed with the dust.

Yasushi Tono, who was flying petals in front of him, looked at Wano Country bathed in the stunning scenery, and couldn't help shouting with emotion, "Look at this beautiful city of flowers! This is not a stunning view." Wano country!!"

The people standing among the fluttering petals also looked up at the daimyo they admired in the past, as if they could see the stunning flower capital from his eyes.

The wind is still blowing, and the cherry blossom petals in the sky seem to be endless, flying and falling, even though they have begun to pile up on the ground, they are still falling.

Under the rain of flowers all over the sky, the entire city of flowers seems to be bathed in a layer of pink mist. Seen from a height, it is indeed a dreamlike and unreal scene.

Luo and Sanji, who were hidden in the press, stared closely at their partners who were tied to the execution rack, not noticing that a thin layer of cherry blossom petals had piled up under their feet.Taking advantage of everyone's attention being attracted by Tono Yasushi, Robin has sneaked into the prison quietly, and didn't pay much attention when he saw the falling cherry blossom petals from the dim window.

"This beautiful scenery was built by the Guangyue family and the common people for generations, and it belongs to us!" Akang looked at the beautiful Huadu with emotion, and then suddenly stared at the image of the snail not far away like a knife. , with a smiley expression on his face but he could still hear the gnashing of teeth at a glance, "It's not your fault, Heitan Orochi! Did you hear that?! Orochi, you're just polluting all of this with your dirty desires It’s just a pest!! Hahahaha!!!”

Orochi, who was rushing to Luosha Village Prison in a sedan chair, could also hear his words from the video along the road, and he was so angry that he could only stare at the embarrassed prisoner in the picture, "Damn!! Hurry up! ! Hurry up!! I want to execute him with my own hands!!”

On the other side of the mountain, Kin'emon and the others could only helplessly look at Tono Yasushi who was shouting and laughing on the screen, and they could only helplessly watch the execution, and they could only burst into tears in despair.

On the other side of the rabbit bowl, Master Bing, who could only watch, also clenched his fists, tears streaming down his face involuntarily.He couldn't imagine how desperate the samurai of Wano country would feel when the daimyo who used to be white danced was executed under the watchful eyes of Wano country.

This year happens to be the 20th year, and hope should have been born from the ashes, but today's execution will only make the hard-won people's hearts even more desperate.

The little hope brought by those code papers may return to the ashes after today's execution.

"..." Luffy clenched his fists with a dignified expression, but rarely calmly watched the cherry blossoms dancing in the picture, as if admiring the rare beauty of Wano Country.

(End of this chapter)

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