One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 189 Red Bean Rice Cake Soup Battle 1

Chapter 189 Red Bean Rice Cake Soup Battle 1
Inside the quarry.

Accompanied by the vibrations of the ground again and again, the people in the extremely quiet quarry were stunned to see the huge figure slowly appearing at the entrance, and they were all terrified by the heavy footsteps.

When I saw the huge pink figure appearing at the door and walking over one step at a time, the excavation site suddenly screamed in shock, "Ah!! BIGMOM!!"

"BINGMOM??" Quinn's voice broke through the limit, and the body that was poked short in front of BIGMOM was also bloodless and sweaty, "Why is this old woman here! I heard her ship was sunk Ah!!"

"Why is BIGMOM here??" Luffy yelled out in shock, and shivered even more when he saw BIGMOM's crazy expression due to cravings, "Could it be because of the wedding cake?" Chase me to Wano country and beat me??"

"I'm hungry!!", BIGMOM didn't notice the little one at his feet, and kept moving his nose to sniff, "Red bean rice cake soup~~Red bean rice cake soup~~"

"Red bean rice cake soup??" Master Bing looked at BIGMOM who was smelling everywhere in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that such a threatening and powerful figure would come to a prison to find food.

"Red bean rice cake soup~~This tastes like red bean rice cake soup~", BIGMOM, who lost his memory, didn't look at the dumbfounded expressions of those people, and kept following the sweet taste to find the red bean rice cake soup that he was thinking about, "The red bean rice cake soup is so good Eat~Red bean rice cake soup~~"

Quinn, who is also obsessed with red bean and rice cake soup, retracted the shock of seeing BIGMOM at the beginning, and immediately turned black when he heard her words, and his possessive desire for food immediately surpassed his fear of one of the four emperors, biting Cigar said with a gloomy face, "Are you talking about red bean rice cake soup?"

"Master Quinn!!", the subordinates who knew him well saw his expression and their hearts sank. You must know that Quinn's love for red bean rice cake soup is very terrifying.

However, BIGMOM, who didn't know and didn't care about this, was also a little crazy because of the sweet taste. She couldn't find the red bean rice cake soup, and she also became irritable, "Where is the red bean rice cake soup?!"

"Old woman! You were talking about red bean rice cake soup, right?!"

"That's right! Give it to me quickly!" Hearing that someone knew the whereabouts of the red bean rice cake soup, BIGMOM immediately looked at Quinn with glowing eyes, "I heard that as long as you come here, you can eat enough! Just the boss It's coming from afar~"

"Are you kidding, who said that?!" Quinn roared loudly, and under the excessive anger, he even forgot that the other party was one of the four emperors who ruled the sea. Do you like red bean rice cake soup and mess around??"

Luffy, who looked up at their quarrel, heard the bubbling sound of the big bucket nearby, and looked back to see the struggling iron chain, and immediately interrupted their conversation anxiously, "Hey, wait a minute! Pull them up while these things are being said! They're going to drown!"

"What are those things?!", Quinn, who was so angry that he returned to reason, roared, and at the same time his body began to swell into a huge yellow-brown dragon, "Red bean rice cake soup is my oxygen, it is my life!! "

"Oops, I completely lost myself!" The nearby guards backed away in fright when they saw Quinn who was about to go mad. "Are you going to fight??"

In contrast, the calmer warden Babanuki knew the fate of offending BIGMOM, and hurriedly persuaded, "Wait a minute, Lord Quinn! If you resist BIGMOM on the matter of food, it will be a big disaster!"

"What should I do? How can I tell them that the red bean rice cake soup is gone?" Several guards who knew that the red bean rice cake soup had been eaten looked at the empty iron bucket, and then at the two big men who were looking murderous. For the sake of his life, he actually shut up, closed the lid and retreated to a safe distance.

"Indeed, there is a lot of red bean and rice cake soup here, but it's all mine! I won't give you a single drop! Old woman!", under the constant shaking of the ground, Quinn also turned into a heavy dog ​​more than ten meters high. Wenlong, the ground was cracked due to his sudden weight gain, "Don't say red bean rice cake soup in front of me, disappear! Old woman!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Hand over the red bean rice cake soup!!", BIGMOM who didn't listen to his nonsense jumped up, grabbed the skull of Wenlong with his right hand full of gems, and smashed it hard to the ground, even with the huge dragon His body was lifted up.

"Boom!!", the ground was constantly shaking because of this blow, and the heavy blow even smashed the ground into a deep hole.

"!!!!!!" Seeing that Quinn, one of the three disasters, was knocked to the ground so easily, all the people who witnessed all of this widened their eyes in disbelief.

Master Bing even refreshed his world view, and shouted in disbelief, "Isn't this old woman too powerful?"

"She's not an ordinary old woman, this guy is the Four Emperors!" Luffy gritted his teeth, always feeling that if BIGMOM found him here, he would definitely end up miserable.

But Quinn didn't just fall down, he got up quickly and kicked his feet hard on the ground before jumping up, his huge body effortlessly jumped to a height of tens of meters, and then he fell down by gravity With his head down, he stretched out his huge fore paws towards BIGMOM standing there, "Who wants to give you red bean rice cake soup?! See if I don't trample you into pancakes!"

However, BIGMOM standing there just stretched out his two hands upwards to support the two huge front paws of the winding dragon, and forcibly lifted the huge winding dragon weighing several tons.

"!!", the normal-height people around were all stunned when they saw this battle scene, as if they were watching giants and monsters fighting.

However, the weight of a few tons may be too much for BIGMOM, and BIGMOM, holding the Quinn Dragon with both hands, sank a third of its body into the ground.

"Hahahaha!!", thinking that the winning ticket is in his hands, Winglong continued to step on BIGMOM's raised hands, and even stretched his long neck to provoke BIGMOM, "The red bean rice cake soup is still mine!! And The heads of the Four Emperors belong to me too!!"

However, upon hearing the inducement of red bean rice cake soup, BIGMOM's eyes suddenly turned red, and after a loud roar, he even slammed Quinn on the ground. After the smash, she bent down and hugged Quinn's winding dragon's body. The big head directly dragged the heavy and huge body to spin quickly, "Red bean rice cake soup!! Red bean rice cake soup!! Hand it over!!"


"Get down, old man!", being swept out of the ring by that big tail, Luffy who got down immediately pressed down on the soldier who was stunned there, so as not to be affected and fly out of the ring and cause the bomb collar to explode.

"Red bean rice cake soup!!", BIGMOM yelled violently because of food cravings, grabbed Quinn and threw it towards the wall not far away after a dozen laps, the incredible force directly made the huge The entire winding dragon is perfectly embedded in the solid stone wall.

Quinn, who was dizzy from the impact and staring at the stars, was firmly embedded in the stone, and he didn't even have much consciousness for a while.Although the quarry was destroyed in various ways, and even a chimney fell down, there was a good thing that Kidd and Kira who were soaked in the bucket were a blessing in disguise. The broken bucket was shattered, and they almost drowned. Drenched on the ground, he breathed awkwardly.

After confirming that Master Bing was not injured, Lu Fei quickly looked at the two pirates lying on the wet ground, "Are you all right?"

"It's so noisy! I haven't fallen to the point where you care about me!" Kidd, who was dizzy from suffocation, subconsciously refuted the voice that needed to be beaten, and then continued to lie on the ground in embarrassment and breathe.

After a while, the flimsy walls finally couldn't support the huge winding dragon.The huge horror that fell once again smashed a deep pit out of the dilapidated ground, and Quinn, who was unconscious, couldn't control his abilities, and returned to his human form after a while.

The prison warden, Babanuki, hurried up to check the situation and found that although Quinn was still alive, he had also lost consciousness. He couldn't help feeling terrified of BIGMOM's true strength, "It took only two blows to knock down a man worth 13 billion bounties up?"

After clearing the obstacles blocking the way, BIGMOM breathed innocently again, and after confirming the location of the red bean rice cake soup, he walked towards it excitedly, and excitedly dug out the tightly covered red bean from the ruins Lift the iron pot of rice cake soup and turn it around a few times, "It's great! It tastes sweet~ and there are many~"

Then she put the iron bucket on the ground, licked her lips and happily prepared to open the lid.

The guards who had been paying attention to the soup pot saw her actions suddenly sank, and hurriedly reported the facts to the seemingly reliable and calm warden, "Master Babanuki! There is an emergency!! That red bean rice cake The soup pot is empty!"

"!!!", as soon as the warden heard these words, his eyes turned black, and despair that could not be described in words suddenly filled his whole body.If there is no red bean rice cake soup to appease BIGMOM's anger, then they are finished!It's all over! !

At this time, BIGMOM, who was full of expectations, had already opened the lid of the pot bravely, but when she saw the empty pot, she suddenly felt that her enthusiasm was extinguished by a bucket of ice water, and she pursed her lips and lowered her head to stare at the pot , the gloom visible to the naked eye almost buried her.

"!!", Babanuki, who was awakened by his instinctive desire to survive, shuddered, and took the lead in fleeing towards a safe place in the next second, while yelling, "Everyone escapes!! Unpredictable The catastrophe is coming!!"

"Ah!!", the subordinates who also foresaw the decision all screamed and looked for shelter everywhere, ignoring the fact that there were still a few condemned prisoners in the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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