One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 193 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 2

Chapter 193 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 2
"Bang!" At this moment of confusion, gunshots rang out suddenly, followed by painful wailing.

The few people who were entangled in a ball were also startled by the gunshots. When they subconsciously looked over, they saw a few prisoners on the ground writhing in pain. They could even see a lot of yellow-green spots on their bodies. is constantly spreading.

"What's wrong over there..." Luffy looked over there suspiciously, and saw a person trying to help one of the fallen people up, but as soon as he touched him, his body was infected with those strange yellow spots , and fell to the ground crying in pain.

"You have to be careful, this thing is a disease that can be infected by contact, and it will be contagious when you touch it." For some reason, the Scorpion man who came back held two strange guns in his gloved hands, holding them with a sneer Pointing to the yellow-spotted prisoner on the ground, who was howling in pain, he said, "These guys are the end of resistance. Those who dare to do strange things, I will shoot you with this bullet! Mrs. Quinn likes to make Things, making mechanism weapons and pathogens are his interests. This is Lord Quinn's special plague bomb!"

"!!!", Hearing the words of the scorpion man and then looking at the screaming prisoner, the others knew that the gun in his hand was not just for fun, but that was it, they dared not resist even more, for fear of the next attack. The bullets will hit them in seconds.

"Babababababababababababababababababababa!!" At this moment, a hoarse laughter came from a dilapidated prison cell nearby, "Tell them Straw Hat Boy, tell them there is still hope. And One and last chance to defeat Kaido. Bababababababa!!"

Not only the prisoners, but even the guards were taken aback, "There are human voices coming from the forbidden cell?? Isn't that a beast?"

"So you don't know?" Babanuki glanced at the guards who were making a fuss, and said the true identity of the man in the cell indifferently, "The prisoner in that cell is not a beast. Just give him food from the factory wastewater Fish until he dies, Lord Orochi gave the execution order like this 13 years ago. We can't violate Lord Orochi's order, let alone that he has survived like this. Originally, he was the first man to be executed, After all, he is one of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes!"

"What??", hearing him admit that the Red Sheath Nine Heroes are still alive, most people shouted in surprise, "Shouldn't they all be dead??"

Babanuki was about to take the opportunity to get rid of the guy who couldn't die, raised his hand to the shabby cage and shouted, "Go and kill him! Now you can still say that guy died in an accident!"

"Yes!!" Dozens of guards who didn't want to be beaten by Luffy immediately volunteered to run towards the cage, ready to kill one of the legendary Red Sheath Nine Heroes with one blow.

At the very moment, there was a roar from the cadre tower, and then a thick ninja figure flew out and threw the key and a knife into the prison, "Hesong! I will fulfill my mission, take the key and knife Out!"

"Raizang??", Luffy, who was still being held tightly by many people, saw the big-faced ninja, and hurriedly shouted, "Get me out first!"

"Understood!", Lei Zang nodded, and immediately went to save people, lest he be infected by those diseases.

Aju, who sneaked in before, took advantage of the confusion and went to Hesong just now. After unshackles on him, the two of them joined forces and easily knocked away the guards blocking the way.Knowing that the situation was urgent, the two who hadn't seen each other for many years just nodded at each other and endured their excitement to go out to help first.

Master Bing also took advantage of the chaos just now to get a good knife, and ran towards those people who trapped Luffy with great enthusiasm, without any signs of decadence at the beginning.

Seeing those prisoners still tightly entangled with Lu Fei, and hearing their loss of fighting spirit, Master Bing knew that if they didn't let them know the truth, they would only end up beating their own people and beating their own people.

Thinking of this, he immediately said to Lei Zang and A Ju who were still covering their faces with their face scarves, "A Ju, Lei Zang! Let's show everyone your identity! Now we need to arouse everyone's fighting spirit! You can't do this with a turban One point!"

Aju and Lei Zang, who happened to run near Luffy, glanced at each other, knowing that Master Bing was right, and then the two untied their headscarves tacitly.

Aju took out a ferocious mask and put it on, covering that beautiful face and suddenly became awe-inspiring.He Song also came over. He was originally like a Kappa wearing a bamboo hat, and he was still full of energy even after being imprisoned for 13 years.

The appearance of the three Red Sheath Nine Heroes startled the prisoners, and when Master Bing also walked over, they were even more stunned by the revived legendary figure in front of them:
"That mask is not the most beautiful young swordsman in the Land of Fire, Can Xue Kikunojo!! Didn't he die in Oden City?"

"And that! It should be Fu Lu Shou's opponent ninja Kiri no Raizou?"

"And Henggang Kawamatsu who is both a samurai and the strongest man!!"

"And the old man standing next to him is indeed Goro Hananobinge!!"


Regarding the appearance of those legendary characters, Babanuki and the scorpion unexpectedly did not interrupt their chic appearance, but used hand gestures to suggest to the subordinates to take out all the plague guns in the cadre tower, ready to take advantage of their slack Kill them all.At the same time, let a few subordinates sneak back into the cadre tower, and use the phone bug to notify the people on the ghost island.

After all, the legendary Nine Heroes in Red Sheaths are all alive and kicking now, and they obviously complied with Wano Country's fable, and the subsequent development may be realized according to that fable.

In order to prevent them from noticing some of his subordinates who secretly went back to report the news, Babanuki directly waved his hand and ordered, "Catch them! Those who don't have plague bombs, just use knives, guns and cannons! Absolutely don't let them leave here!"

"Yes!", the guards also knew the seriousness of the situation, and they all rushed forward yelling.

"I can't let the people who have seen all this live!" Aju also knew the serious consequences of their identities being exposed. The knife they raised and the ghost-like mask were like Yan Mo who was demanding their lives.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, but only the guards and Luffy were fighting. The prisoners still couldn't believe the miracle that happened before them, and they all stood blankly watching the fierce battle of the legends.

Kidd, who woke up from almost drowning, sat cross-legged on the ground and watched the fierce battle in the distance, but his remaining right hand was tightly tied behind him, and he had no way to break free, while Kira, who was healthy with both hands, fell to the ground , laughing like crazy.

Lei, who had stolen a lot of keys, came running over during the fight, casually brought a bunch of keys to Kidd and shouted, "Please use this, friend of Your Excellency Luffy! There is always a right key!"

"You mean friends??" Kidd was almost furious when he was suddenly referred to as a competitor's friend, but Lei Zang had already dropped the keys and ran away.

"!!", Kidd gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the bunch of keys in front of him, clenched his only right hand into a fist, and besides the shouting and killing, only his partner's laughter remained in his ears. Voice.

In the chaotic battle, the only thing not chaotic were the guards who fired at the crowd on Babanuki's orders.

The bullets that can quickly pass through the contact with the infectious disease and shoot towards the crowd. Whether it is a guard or a prisoner, as long as they are shot, they will basically fall to the ground and howl, and those who are accidentally touched by them will also be covered with yellow-green hair all over their bodies. spot.

Not long after, most of the people on the battlefield were infected with the disease, and the battle was forced to stop. The only ones who were not infected were the guards led by Babanuki, and Luffy, who was quick to avoid all the bullets They, and most of the prisoners and a few unlucky guards became victims of the plague, rolling hot on the ground, and the air was full of pungent smell.

It didn't take long for the patients who fell to the ground to stand up like zombies, wailing, "Help me, it's so painful" and so on, while walking towards Luffy and the others.

When the body is shot at by this rapidly spreading disease, the high temperature will spread from the hit site, bringing severe burning pain all over the body, which continues to suffer.This pain is transmitted to others at random.The end of the patient is like a dry and rotten plant, either vomiting blood and falling to the ground, or wandering around like a zombie with severe pain all over his body.

Chopper, Momonosuke, and Ayu who were still waiting at the door avoided Quinn and his group who left with BIGMOM.They slipped into the quarry just before the backup gate landed, but as soon as they entered, they didn't expect to see the horrors of purgatory on earth.

"This...what the hell is this..." Seeing the horrible zombie-like prisoners covered in yellow spots, Momonosuke was so frightened that his legs went limp and he sat on the ground directly.

"It's scary!" Ayu also trembled in fright, but now she was more worried about Luffy who was caught in the mining field, carefully hiding behind the stone and looking out nervously, "Brother Luffy? Shouldn't it be among those weird people??"

"Is that an infectious disease? Who is so cruel??", Chopper saw what was going on with the yellow spots on those people at a glance, and the kind one immediately ran to Momonosuke and Ayu while running to the chaotic quarry. Run, "Stay in a safe place and don't come out! I'm a doctor, I'm going down to see the situation!"

"Brother Chopper!", Ayu was taken aback. Seeing the little reindeer disappear in the war-torn scene, he could only cheer up, and pulled Momonosuke to a hidden place to hide, "Don't worry, Taozi! I'll come Protect you! You must not be discovered!"


(End of this chapter)

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