One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 196 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 4

Chapter 196 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 4
At this time, after the initial chaos and joy in the mining site, the prisoners who were taken in also learned from Lei Zang that the former benefactor Lu Feitaro was a pirate, and he was related to the one who destroyed the Wano country. Kaido is also a pirate.

The prisoners who were suddenly angry seemed to burst out decades of humiliation and complaints, regardless of Raizo's explanation, they all angrily expressed their hatred and rejection of pirates:
"Pirates?? Luffy Taro is actually a pirate like Kaido??"

"You can't trust it! You don't know when you will betray us!"

"Why did you bring the pirate back as a lifesaver? Why did you treat the pirate as a lifesaver!?"

"No need for pirates! Get them out!!"


[Not yet?What's wrong...], Master Bing, who helped to explain, couldn't suppress the anger of those prisoners, looked around anxiously and found that Luffy who had contracted the disease had disappeared.

Chopper had just taken advantage of the chaos and dragged the seriously ill captain into a pothole to hide. While sweating anxiously to develop the antidote, he shouted worriedly and angrily at the dying straw hat captain, "So why are you Do you have to be so reluctant?! What if I didn’t come this time?! Almost scared me to death! Apologize to me now!!”

"I'm's very me...", Luffy in front of his companions didn't hide his discomfort, leaning against the wall and breathing weakly.

"Wait! The antidote will come out soon!" Even so, Chopper has been anxiously mixing the reagents and adjusting the heat of the alcohol lamp, eager to conjure up the antidote in an instant to relieve the captain's pain.

Seeing that the situation had stabilized, Ayu also sneaked over with Momanosuke to join them.Because of Chopper's instructions not to touch Luffy, Ayu could only keep cheering on the sidelines, "Brother Luffy, come on! Use perseverance to get through!"

Taozi looked at him, and then heard the constant noise from outside, couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "Luffy, you are really amazing, I won't be able to do this kind of thing..."

Luffy, who was struggling to maintain his consciousness due to the epidemic, tried to open his eyes to look at him, couldn't help panting heavily and smiled and said, "Taozi, you... are really stupid and cowardly, timid and weak ...what are you..."

"!!", hearing him say the pain in his heart, Momonosuke couldn't help but clenched his fist subconsciously and wanted to hit him, "What do you know?!"

"No!! You can't hit Brother Luffy!!" Ayu subconsciously rushed over and opened his hands to block Luffy's reluctance, staring at him angrily with a puffy face.

After clenching his fists for a while, Momonosuke couldn't hold back his breath, stretched out his hand and pushed Ayu away, clenched his fists and shouted, "This is Kozuki Momosuke! It's Kozuki Oden's son!"

"Then go tell them..." Luffy took a few breaths after finishing speaking, obviously the disease spreading all over his body consumed most of his energy.

"..." Momonosuke, who was silent for a while, twisted his neck stiffly and looked at the people outside who kept yelling to tell the pirates to go away. When he saw the hostility and hatred on their faces, his body couldn't help shaking , His face was also extremely pale with fright.

Luffy, who was already sleepy, saw him flinching, so he could only force himself to stand up and lifted a boulder, and under Momonosuke's horrified eyes, he threw it directly at him, "Hurry up! !The ones those guys are waiting for, aren't you?!!"

"Ah!!!!" Momonosuke, who was afraid of being crushed to death, immediately screamed and fled, avoiding the boulder that fell mercilessly.

A loud "boom" interrupted the quarrel of those people, and subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, but was surprised to see a small figure standing in the place surrounded by smoke.When the smoke dissipated, Momonosuke appeared in front of them exactly as they remembered 20 years ago.

"!!", the prisoners who were still emotionally yelling suddenly quieted down, and all stared at Momonosuke with wide eyes in disbelief, "Could it be that person??"

"!!" Suddenly being watched by so many people, Momonosuke trembled and clenched his fist nervously.

In the next second, all the prisoners gathered respectfully knelt down towards Momonosuke, lowered their bodies and bowed their heads, and cried out with great excitement, "Master Momonosuke!! It's great that you are fine!! "

The military master who has been unable to persuade those people in the square also looked at the kneeling prisoners in amazement, and then looked at Momonosuke standing between them, "So, before the battle, it was only a dream... "

Momonosuke looked at those people who were crying so hard that they couldn't help themselves, and looked at their respectfully kneeling and worshiping figures in front of their little self.

[Not next...], in those enthusiastic eyes, Momonosuke flinched before he could speak, "The figure in everyone's eyes must be the figure of my father. The great hope that supports the Wano country... …]
Oppressed by the heavy expectation and pressure, the young Momonosuke instinctively stepped back a few steps, looking at them with a terrified expression.The subconscious instinct to avoid made him want to run away, but all the journeys along the way flashed in his mind, and finally he was frozen in the picture of himself shouting that he wanted to defeat Kaido and successfully form an alliance with the young overseas pirates.

Xu Shi grew up in an instant, Momonosuke's body that had been trembling because of fear slowly calmed down, clenched his fists in the midst of crying, and after a while, he plucked up the courage and shouted, "Everyone... everyone, please listen. A word!"

Young and immature voices sounded amidst the cries, and the crying people subconsciously began to put away their voices, raising their heads slightly to listen to the words of the young children.

"About that day, after Oden Castle, I went to sea with Kin'emon and others to find comrades, but I was separated from Kin'emon and the others and went to a dangerous place. After going through many dangers, I was able to return safely to Wano Country, all because of the way The help of Luffy and others that I met!", "The strength below is still weak, but I will definitely avenge everyone! Everyone has painful memories so far, and they have lived unremittingly until today. It is all for me. Dream. For this dream, we need companions, we need your strength living in Wano Country!"

Listening to the young and immature voice talking about their hope that was about to disappear, the depressing eyes of the prisoners seemed to be ignited with hope, and the fighting spirit that had been eliminated for nearly 20 years was also instantly ignited.

"Everyone here has only one thought! That is to take back the Wano country!!" Momonosuke had lost the initial fear and retreat, clenched his fists and shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone, the 20 so far Years! You have worked so hard to wait for 20 years! This is the successor of Wano Daimyo, Kozuki Momonosuke! Now is the time to stand up and resist!!"


Rabbit, who had been wailing only in grief and despair, suddenly let out a roar of fighting spirit, which completely kicked off the prelude to resistance.


When the guards were locked in the prison and all the prisoners who had been detained before were locked up, the quarry at this time was extremely lively, and rare laughter echoed in the No. [-] quarry.The patients who were infected with the disease before were moved to the pothole where Chopper was with wooden planks and isolated to prevent the virus from spreading. Of course, Babanuki, who was bombed by the plague, has almost turned into a Hulk and collapsed. in it.

However, where there are many people, there are contradictions.

Those who were imprisoned in the rabbit bowl were not all those who had followed Oden. Many rogue cellars and pirates captured by Kaido from overseas were also released in this chaos.

After hearing Momonosuke's next plan, those pirates who had seen Kaidowei's name overseas scoffed at their plan to seek death, and laughed loudly at them moving a bunch of weapons on their own after seeking their own death Prepare to evacuate here.

"Bye, I'm not going to die with you guys!" A tall and burly beard stood out among the prisoners who didn't want to follow Kaido, laughing hoarsely while carrying a big axe, "Hahaha, it's been more than 20 years, do you still want to defeat Kaido with these remnants? Don't be an idiot!"

"That's right, so many people were almost sent to the King of Hades by Quinn's virus weapon, and they still want to fight with them hahahahaha." The other pirates also laughed, completely feeling that these Wano Kingdom All the samurai had their heads flooded.

Momonosuke gritted his teeth. Although he knew what the pirates said was true, he had no way of turning back. He also knew that these people should not be allowed to leave the rabbit bowl now so as not to attract the attention of Kaido and Orochi, "What should we do now? They If you leave, then this place will be exposed!"

Seeing that they were really planning to leave here directly, Aju immediately drew his sword to stop them, "Stop! Where are you going?"

"Of course it's to leave this shabby place, go out and grab a ship and leave this shabby country!" Hu Hu sneered, waved his big ax and said threateningly, "What? Do you want to stop us? Don't forget There are quite a lot of people here, and you don’t want to reduce your combat power before you die, do you?”

"Even so, I can't let you go out! Otherwise, the matter of the rabbit will be exposed!", Master Bing also jumped in front of them with a knife in his hand. He knew that it would take a little bit of troops to stop these people, but they had to be killed. The occupation of Rabbit Don was covered up, otherwise the battle plan would be completely exposed.

"It just so happens that there are quite a lot of cells here, so we can re-imprison them until the day of the decisive battle." He Song pushed the somewhat tattered bamboo hat, and with the other hand he slightly pulled out his favorite sword, Wai Wushuang.Although the number of rebels is quite large, it is just used to move the body that has not moved for 13 years.

"Then you all have a try!", the bearded man didn't want to talk nonsense with them, he took the lead and rushed up with his big axe with a roar.The other pirates who wanted to leave the prison also resisted with their weapons, only thinking about living freely after escaping from Rabbit Don.

"Don't let them go out and expose Momanosuke and the others!!", the samurai who rekindled their passion and loyalty 20 years ago are not far behind, grabbing weapons one after another to resist those pirates.

"Master Raizo, please protect Momanosuke-sama!", Aju put on the hideous mask, ordered the ninja with a big face to protect Momanosuke, and then joined the new round of battle with the military master and Kawamatsu .

"Understood!", Raizo nodded, grabbed Momonosuke with one hand and threw a smoke bomb on the ground with the other, and then disappeared.

The zombie-like warriors lying among the corpses in a corner in the distance suddenly became angry when they saw the rebellious pirates in the distance, and tried to help them with their burning bodies, "Damn guy! How dare you take advantage of it?" Betray Momonosuke-sama now! I will also fight!"

A few warriors who happened to be fighting nearby saw the virus zombie crawling out hideously, and immediately retreated a few meters with the enemy in fright, "Wait, wait! You should consider being inferior!"

(End of this chapter)

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