One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 200 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 8

Chapter 200 Suppressing Rabbit Donburi 8
"Oh! My lord princess and Lu Feitaro have come out," a sharp-eyed samurai suddenly realized when he saw the two people who came out, and then saw the straw hat that suddenly appeared on Luffy's head, "I wonder why Lu Feitaro He's called the Straw Hat, but why hasn't anyone wearing a straw hat before?"

A samurai had a flash of inspiration and gave a well-founded answer, "Since he is called the straw hat boy, it means that the straw hat is very important to him, and he doesn't want to get it dirty when he is usually working, so he hides it~" ,
However, everyone quickly ignored this small change, and almost all their attention and eyes were focused on the shining princess.

"Even if I look at it again, the princess is really beautiful~"

"Yeah, just seeing the princess, I will have infinite fighting power~"

"That's right, in order to protect the weak princess, the big snake Kaido doesn't pay attention to anything hahaha!"

"That's right, that's right, hahahaha!!"


The samurai who were completely immersed in the beauty seemed to have forgotten that it was this weak beauty who overturned most of them some time ago.

"It seems that your Excellencies are recovering well~" Hiyori smiled lightly, and said softly after seeing them quiet down, "In order to meet the upcoming battle, please make preparations in advance I don't know much about the battle, so I can only leave it to the adults to prepare the battle plan. In addition, if the adults need help, I might be able to help~"

The samurai who have been in this rabbit bowl for many years were all overjoyed when they heard the gentle words, and they were a little dizzy with joy.

"No, no, no, just leave it to the men to do anything related to the battle." The soldier quickly waved his hand. In the tradition of Wano country, it is usually samurai who fight bloody to support their families, and the weight of women is basically It's all about parenting and being funny.

"Really?" Hiyori could hear the unequal status of men and women in Wano Country from simple words. After a slight smile, his expression suddenly turned cold, and he said softly but firmly, "But, can you help me? Is it up to the concubine to decide?"

"!!" Seeing the change in her momentum, the warriors who were a little distracted suddenly became serious, and all looked at her seriously.After they calmed down, they remembered that not long ago, this seemingly weak princess had shot many people away, and even picked up Yan Mo with arrogance.

Feeling that there is a lot to say next, Lu Fei stretched his waist and lay down in large characters, ready to rest for a while and continue to practice.

"Here I advise you to tell the truth," the voice of a certain green algae floated over, and he leaned against the wall with a few knives in his hands. This princess is very capricious~"

"..." Most of the samurai living in Wano Country are accustomed to the custom of men being superior to women. For them, obeying the orders of Momonosuke who is still a child makes them obey even more.

The most important thing is that in the past few years, Hiyori became a geisha selling jokes in order to survive. Even if she is an oiran, in the eyes of many people, that is a kind of depravity.

However, it was obvious that the princess who dared to come here in person was not a good person. Seeing their expressions, one could guess what they were thinking.But it was rare for her to restrain her temper, she just snorted softly, and then looked at the hundreds of pirates who were tied up not far away, "Speaking of which, what plans do you pirates have next? country or stay in Wano country?"

The bearded man who was tied there cursed lowly. He had observed the expressions of those warriors from just now, and it was easy to see that they all looked down on the woman who was a princess.

But he is different, with a beard and a pirate before, although he is not very famous, he is also well-informed.In that vast sea, women do not give way to men, and women can also dominate one side and compete in the world!
Coupled with the fact that the princess just sent them all flying with a wave of her hand, this power is not at all possessed by the oiran who has been performing tricks for more than ten years.

After thinking about it, the bearded expression softened a little, and he said, "Of course we leave here! We don't want to stay in this country with nothing, and the life by the sea is more suitable for us!"

"I see," Hiyori nodded in understanding, and then said with some regret, "but unfortunately, you may not be able to leave Wano country. Even if you leave the rabbit bowl, you still have three choices after going out: one is to starve to death outside , the second is to be captured again, and the third is to live as a robber or a coolie. Even if you adults want to leave Wano country, but you adults do not have enough food, and the most important thing is that there is no boat to leave here. Sailing boats in Wano country, etc. They are all controlled by Orochi and Lord Kaido, so it is probably not feasible to seize the ship from them."

The bearded man frowned, remembering the desolate scene of Wano country when he was grabbed by the rabbit, he had to admit that she was right.

"So," seeing their vacillation, Hiyori smiled with satisfaction, "do you want to make a deal with me? My lords assist Wano Country in the crusade against Orochi and Lord Kaido, and after the matter is completed, I will Provide all necessary supplies for everyone to leave Wano Country."

Hearing this death-like deal, a pirate couldn't help but answer first, "Who would be so stupid to challenge Kaido? That man is called the strongest creature! What's more, you saw it just now, BIGMOM also came Come here, who knows what will happen next?"

"My lords don't have to face Kaido-sama directly, just leave him to Luffy and Wano's Red Sheath Nine Heroes to deal with. And if you feel that your lives are in danger, you can of course leave midway.", The conditions proposed by Hiyori were unexpectedly simple and attractive, and they were guided to the trap that had been set up. "Oni Island has the most complete food, weapons and ships in Wano Kingdom. They were sent by Kaido and the others." When the samurai of the country attract attention, you adults can make your own arrangements. Take the ship and leave, or stay and fight, it's up to you."

Hearing this proposal, the pirates all looked at each other in blank dismay.I have to admit that this is a very good deal, because all the supplies needed for the voyage are in Oni Island, not to mention that they don't have such a deep hatred for Kaido and Orochi like these samurai, as long as they pretended in the past, You can sneak away.

"And don't you adults want to take revenge?" The gentle voice plucked at their heartstrings like hypnosis, provoking their anger intentionally or unintentionally. My lords, don’t you lords not be able to beat these sluts who pretend to be majestic? Don’t you lords not want to express the humiliation of being caught as a slave?”

The dissatisfaction in the pirate's bones was immediately picked out easily, and the pirates who thought more and more made sense began to talk one after another:

"Indeed, I have been at sea for so long, and I have never tried to be taught a lesson by a little lala!"

"If it weren't for the fact that they are Kaido's subordinates, I would have beaten them up long ago!"

"That's right, if you can't breathe like this, you will always feel aggrieved when you go out to sea!!"


He Song stared blankly at the woman standing there, it was hard to imagine that she was the capricious little princess who still acted like a baby to him 13 years ago, [What an excellent eloquence, is this the grown-up princess...]
The bearded man also felt that this was the only way for them to go to sea, not to mention that if the ship to go to sea was snatched from the Kaido's Beast Pirates, it would be so majestic.Thinking of this, he coughed heavily to calm down the chattering pirates, and then looked at the beautiful woman who was waiting for their answer, "No problem, we can go to the ghost island with you, but after going to the ghost island Beat up those who oppressed us before, and then we will part ways!"

"Of course," Hiyori waved his hands indifferently, and then looked at the samurai warriors. From their expressions, it was clear that they did not want to cooperate with these pirates.She was too lazy to reconcile this complicated relationship and didn't want to care about it. She smiled indifferently and said, "Perhaps you warriors don't like overseas pirates, but now the priority is combat power. If you want to deal with Orochi and Lord Kaido's tens of thousands of troops, The combat strength here is a bit insufficient. You adults can use them as a kill or a shield~"

"Are you sure it's okay if you speak so clearly... We're still here..." Hearing this, the bearded man couldn't help but blush.

"Then there is one more thing," Hiyori patted the black skirt, then looked at the warriors, narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a half-smile, "Masters of the warriors may have some concerns about my concubine participating in the battle. , although the time is tight now, but I still have to solve your doubts a little bit, lest the adults have to look at me like an ordinary geisha, which makes me very troubled~"

"...", the warriors who were named looked at each other. Although they had some thoughts, they didn't intend to say it.

"Zoro, sword." Hiyori, who just wanted a quick fight, just raised his hand, and the sharp autumn water was thrown over in the next second.

"I really like demon swords better~" Hiyori curled her lips, caught it with her right hand and elegantly pulled a sword flower, then raised the sword and pointed at those samurai, "I also invite all samurai adults to treat my concubine as a samurai from this moment on, Treat it as a fighting partner. Of course, if there is any adult who doubts the self-protection ability of the concubine, you can come forward and verify it."

"This..." Even in the face of her provocation, the warriors still had some scruples.After all, the princess in front of her is beautiful, soft and weak, and she looks like she will fall down when the wind blows.

"My lords, please don't worry," 'Rihe' swiped the knife sideways from top to bottom, and the sudden burst of slash immediately cut the ground into a bottomless deep crack, even far away. There is a straight knife mark on the solid and solid stone walls everywhere.

As if she didn't see the fussing expressions of those warriors, she continued to add softly, "I promise to keep people under the knife."

Seeing this outstanding swordsmanship, the samurai immediately stood in awe, and the instinct of respecting the strong overwhelmed Wano Country's closed mind at once. Follow the orders of the princess and Momanosuke!"

"Very good. In addition, I hope you all will keep in mind," Hiyori raised the knife in front of her face, her slender fingers gently brushed the extremely sharp blade, and stared at her smiling emerald eyes under the reflection of the cold blade, "I don't want to lose the battle."

"Yes! We will live to death, defeat Kaido and Orochi, and regain the country of Wano! Reproduce the glory of the country of Wano!"

The gentle, soft and beautiful princess just smiled softly, but a cold light flashed across the blade facing the bright sun in an instant, "Then, I wish you all the best luck in martial arts."


(End of this chapter)

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