One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 208 Silence and Resistance

Chapter 208 Silence and Resistance

The people living in Linghou Jianlou Village have all gathered in a dilapidated village. The wooden houses that have been in disrepair for a long time can barely live in after repairs. Four or five people squeeze into a room, and it is still possible for everyone to have a home. A place sheltered from wind and snow.Perhaps because of the cold, everyone stayed in the house and kept warm around the kang. Even the energetic children stayed in the wooden house obediently and did not go out.

From a distance, this place is still a dilapidated and dilapidated village, and the bad weather has become an excellent cover.

Around noon, seven or eight figures with bamboo baskets on their backs quickly came back from the outside, and went into different wooden houses quietly. Under the wind and snow, the footprints left on the snow were quickly covered by snowflakes.

In one of the houses lived an old couple, two women and three little girls.One of the little girls saw the middle-aged man coming in with a bamboo basket on his back, her eyes lit up and she ran up, "Dad!"

"Shh! Don't shout so loudly!" A middle-aged woman by the fire pit hurriedly reminded her to keep her voice down, and she was relieved when she saw the little girl covering her mouth.

"Ladies, please pay attention to the volume of your voice, it will be bad if you attract a scary beast." Another woman smiled and comforted the little girl who was a little frightened after poking the burning firewood.

"Yes, yes, I don't want to experience that kind of terrible thing again." The other little girl recalled the explosion and the sudden change in the weather before, and was so frightened that she quickly hugged the other little girl. girl.

"Hahaha, the main thing is to just stay in the house obediently during this time." The old woman just laughed and continued to weave the windproof coir raincoat with the straw in her hand.

They didn't explain to these children why they were hiding here, because the adults had vaguely guessed what it was.

"But there's so much food collected this time..." The old man looked at the heavy bamboo basket put down by the middle-aged man, but couldn't help frowning slightly, "Are we going to start?"

"Yes, here is enough food for two or three weeks. But we are used to starvation, and this food can last for more than two months." The middle-aged man put the bamboo basket in the corner and said in a deep voice, "This is This is the only chance to change our fate, and if it succeeds, this inhuman life will be completely over. Children will not need to die of hunger or disease.”

The three children were already surrounded by the bamboo baskets, drooling at the meat and vegetables that they had never eaten or even seen since they were born.In their impression, the so-called food is basically picked up from the garbage dump.

"Look, the children don't even know about normal food." The middle-aged man stroked one of the children's hair and stood up after making up his mind, "You should also know that the oiran is Princess Hiyori, and Orochi is About chasing her down?"

"Hmm...", everyone in the room has heard these things, but no matter how angry or sad they are, they can't do anything about it.

"And you probably don't know the real source of these foods. We didn't steal these foods from other places, because Linghou can't lead to other areas at all now." The middle-aged man looked at the food in the bamboo basket, and couldn't help it. He said with admiration, "These foods were sent by the princess. The gentle princess clearly has her own life in danger, but she is still worried about the lives of us."

"My lord princess..." Hearing the truth, some of them couldn't help wiping away their tears.

"And this time when we came back, we also met Lord Adie, the boss of Empress Ling, and she is now recruiting people who can fight after Empress Ling." Speaking of this, the man's voice became more and more excited, "Madam Shi's prophecy It's true! Wano Country will be liberated under the leadership of the Red Sheath Nine Heroes!"

"Master Ah Die is back? Didn't she get caught and taken to the bunny?" The old man also became agitated and stood up on his trembling legs. "Is there anything I can do for my help?"

"Grandpa, you can just help out here. Leave it to us to fight and kill. The others are also ready. Just remember to stay here and don't go out during this time." The middle-aged man covered it with a cloth towel After looking at the people in the room, he hesitated again.

Although he doesn't know the combat strength here, there must be a shortage of people, otherwise Lord Adie wouldn't come to Linghou to raise an army in person.And he is also more aware that this battle is uncertain, and to be precise, it is a gamble with life as a gamble.

But if it's for the children's future, it's all worth it.

The grown-ups in the room know this, and they know that you can't stop someone who's made up his mind.

So the only thing they can do is to wish the samurai who went to the battlefield to return in triumph and bring the Wano country back to life.

The children in the room didn't know the specifics yet, and they looked at the adults with stern expressions in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, Dad is just going to collect food from a far away place. It may take a while before he comes back." The middle-aged man just reached out to touch their little heads, and after a heroic smile, he tightened his cloak and opened the door to leave, "Then I'm leaving."

Watching him leave silently, looking at the closed door, the old woman just kindly told the ignorant children, "Remember, this is a hero..."


nine miles.

After burning the mountain, Holdem was triumphant, and led his men to Jianlou Village in Jiuli, and gathered all the poor people living here to an open space to guard them.

Since the poor people here ate the treasure ship brought back by Luffy and the others, after many years of feeling full, they gradually felt a sense of fear, fearing that Holdem and the others would chase and kill them.

After being terrified for a few days, now when they saw him leading his men over with a murderous look, they were relieved a lot.And as a reward for Luffy bringing food to them, they have tacitly resolved not to tell any information about that young man, even though they know very little about Luffy.

Ah He was also brought here, kneeling on the ground like everyone else, but after watching the execution light painting and hearing a lot of rumors, she also guessed a lot of things.The reason why Wano Country is in turmoil now is not only the appearance of Princess Hiyori, but also because many people are guessing whether Mrs. Shi's fable is true.

There is a vague but joyous guess in everyone's mind: the legendary Red Sheath Nine Heroes might really come back.

Thinking of the rumors that were about to come true, Ah He couldn't help but tremble slightly with excitement, [Are you really back, Lord Jin...]
She and Kin'emon were originally a couple, but it is a pity that after Kozuki Oden died in battle 20 years ago and Oden Castle was burned to ashes, Kin'emon disappeared.Many people said that he had been buried in that fire, but she knew that he just went to the future.

Then, according to Mrs. Toki's fable, she will come back one day 20 years later and lead Wano to freedom.

Holdem's men have already patrolled the village, but have not found any useful clues.Holdum was not surprised either, he knew that those guys would be hiding in a corner like a mouse.

But even knowing this, the main purpose of Holdem coming here is to inquire about crimes. Although these people were not the ones who robbed the food treasure ship, it was these poor people who ate the food in their stomachs in the end.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Holdem took out a whip and beat the old man at the front. Regardless of their frightened voices, he directly accused them of stealing the treasure ship, "Although I don't know that you and the thief who stole the treasure ship It doesn't matter, but you are the ones who ate the treasure ship in the end! How dare you grow hairy?! Knowing that these foods are going to be given to officials and generals! How dare you eat them??"

The poor people who were trembling with fright tried their best to lower their heads, thinking that they would escape Holdem's wrath by doing so.Ah He also lowered his head, grasping the hem of the kimono with both hands so hard that he trembled slightly.

"Those guys gave you food, surely they won't come out after watching you being tortured?" Looking at the people trembling with fright, Holdem just sneered a few times, "Or you put the robbed Find the guy who walked the food? Is it the guy named Lufei Taro? As long as you identify all his accomplices at the time, I will certainly not embarrass you, "

But the poor who have already given up hope of surviving already know that Holdem will not let them go easily, and as a kindness for eating those foods, they don't want to sell their rare lives for the sake of their lives that have long been reduced to dust. The people who kindly sent food to them, so the poor who were afraid to kneel there all spoke one after another:
"We won't tell you about Lufei Taro!"

"That's right! It's the first time in so many years that I met someone who robbed food for us!!"

"Anyway, even if I tell you the information! Nothing will change, right?!"

"That's right! Don't think that threats can persecute us! Although we are poor, we still have the determination to repay our kindness!"


"It's so noisy!" Holdem, who was annoyed by their left and right sentences, swung his whip vigorously, and the sharp whip knocked out a third of the poor before he was satisfied to see them settle down.

"Hmph," Holdem snorted coldly after seeing them huddled together in fear, and said mockingly, "Don't think that someone robbed the treasure ship and gave it to you lowlifes, and you just treat that guy as a Savior! Don’t forget that this is the Wano country controlled by Master Orochi and Master Kaido! No one cares whether you guys are dead or alive! Even if I burn everything with a torch today! No hero will fall from the sky Come to save you guys!! Look at the reality clearly! This is your fate!! Hahahaha!!!"

"Hahahaha!!", the subordinates around Holdem couldn't help laughing out loud, laughing wantonly at these daydreaming guys.

"...", Ah He, who was biting his lower lip, raised his head slightly and looked at Holdem who was leading the way. His hands that were gripping his clothes were also silently released, and then his right hand quietly reached into his left sleeve and took out Popped a fist-sized bubble.

The cold bubble always reminded her that it was a very dangerous thing, but she had no choice from the very beginning. Looking down at the bubble in her hand, she recalled the words of the girl with different eyes again.


"Master Ah He, after you eat these foods, someone will come to accuse you afterwards." Before leaving with the others, the soft and weak girl with different eyes gently reminded her of a mutual understanding, " After we leave, no one will protect you from those people."

"I also know about this," Ah He looked at the villagers who were happily holding food, knowing that people in Boluo Town would definitely track them down here.And she knew better that Lu Feitaro, who just passed by occasionally, would not stay here all the time.

"Lu Fei was kind for a while, and this matter will not end so easily." The girl in white with green bamboo embroidered still smiled nonchalantly, turned her head to look at the young man who was talking to Ayu in the distance, different from There was a trace of tenderness in the eyes of ordinary people before continuing to look at her, "But Luffy is very kind, if you all die, he will be very sad."

"...", Ah He stared at her blankly, then just calmed down and looked at her silently.

"So, Master Ah He, please accept this~" The delicate girl smiled, and a transparent bubble appeared on her raised right hand, "This can make you and the enemy die together~~"


[It's better to look at the situation now, this bubble might be more dangerous...], Ah He looked at that bubble, but still hesitated, Ah He couldn't doubt the power of this bubble, just because the girl's treacherous eyes It has been proven that everything she said is true.

"According to General Orochi, Jiutianmaru is going to rescue Tono Yasushi. According to the time, it will be around here at about this time." Holdem looked around and suddenly smiled treacherously, "I suddenly thought of a good idea There is a way, if you burn this place directly, they will definitely come if they see it hahahaha!!!”

"!!!", Ah He's heart sank when he heard this, and after making up his mind, he cupped his hands to cover the bubble, stood up and said, "Wait...wait a minute! We were wrong for eating those foods, But burning down where we live is going too far!"

"Huh?" Seeing that someone dared to stand up, Holdem raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Ahe??" Seeing her suddenly stand up and refute Holdem, the poor people around were also stunned.

"If you can let us go if you get the information from Luffy Taro, then I know where the others have gone." Ah He held the bubble tightly as his source of courage, and looked up at Holder Mu, "I can take you to find them, so can we not let us go?"

"Really? That's really great." Looking at Ah He who was trembling with fear, Holdem didn't have much doubt, and said proudly, "But whether you can let you go depends on your decision." How much is intelligence worth in the end!"

In this regard, Ah He just bowed slightly to him, put his hands together and turned to lead the way.

"Leave 10 people here to watch these guys, and if there is any resistance, just execute here! The others follow me." After briefly distributing the tasks, Holdem took the rest of the people to follow Ah He leave.He didn't doubt it too much, anyway, even if the woman lied, just find a random place to bury her.

Ah He, who walked silently at the front, looked at the transparent bubble in his hand, and when he pinched it vigorously with trembling hands, he just regretted not being able to see his husband who had been waiting for 20 years again, [Master Jin, I wish Wu Yun Changlong...]

Boro Town.

"The big thing is bad!!! The leaking village outside is flooded!!!"

Suddenly someone shouted in Boluo Town. Not long after, a lot of spectators gathered around the entrance and exit of Boluo Town. When they saw the flames of Jianlou Village in the distance and the smoke rising into the sky, they just talked about nothing. :

"It's so pitiful, there seem to be hundreds of people living there..."

"I saw Mr. Holdem rushing out in a fit of anger. He must have set fire to the Leakage Village."

"It's indeed Master Holdem's style of doing things. I don't know how those people offended him..."

"Damn! Even if you get angry, you don't have to burn the whole village?! Orochi doesn't think he killed enough people in the past few years?!"

"It must be related to the stolen treasure ship. I heard that the guy from Jianlou Village ate all the food on the treasure ship."

"Really? That's what they deserve. I heard that the food is for high-ranking officials in the capital of flowers."

"Yeah, it's really stupid to eat the food from the treasure ship and think that you won't be held accountable. I just hope they have a good birth in their next life..."

"Indeed, if we save people in the past, we will definitely be regarded as accomplices."

"It's better to take a look here, I don't want to be targeted by the general or Kaido..."

"Me too……"


Almost everyone looked at the fires from a distance with an attitude of having nothing to do with them, either sympathizing with them, or feeling sad, or gloating, but no one had the idea of ​​saving lives or putting out the fires.

It's just because in the Wano country, everyone is basically unable to protect themselves, so how can they have the leisure to care about the lives and deaths of others?

Now watching from a distance like this, sympathizing with each other, after each dispersed, it was another day of idling.


(End of this chapter)

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