One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 214 The Beginning of Practice Part 3

Chapter 214 The Beginning of Practice Part 3
It's night, rabbit donburi.

The people who had trained all day were exhausted, and after filling their stomachs, they fell to the ground and fell asleep.The people in charge of security also took advantage of the cover of night to change shifts secretly, and then continued to monitor the roads around the mining site tensely.

It was approaching dawn.

Halfway up the mountainside of the stone wall of the No. [-] mining site, Lu Fei was lying on the mountain road in a large font and sleeping soundly, murmuring a few words from time to time.

In the hidden cave, the person lying sideways on the island cloud is still sleeping in the previous posture, her beautiful face is still pale, and the thin eyebrows are furrowed, which clearly shows that even if she is in an unconscious sleep, she is hiding. Do not open the body discomfort.

"What a worrying apprentice~"

There seemed to be a soft exclamation in the dream, and then the tiredness and pain in the body disappeared quietly. The rare comfort made the sleeping person soothe his frowning eyebrows, and fell into a deeper sleep after rubbing against the soft island cloud.

"!", Lu Fei, who was lying outside and sleeping soundly, jumped up with his eyes wide open. When he rushed into the cave covered by illusion, he didn't find anything unusual, and the woman sleeping on the island cloud didn't change her position either.

However, Luffy, who always felt something just now, frowned, pursed his lips and scanned the cave, [No, there was clearly something here just now. ]
He rushed in suddenly and did not wake up the sleeping person. Instead, he let the island cloud pop out of his eyes and mouth, and looked at the vigilant Straw Hat Pirate with doubts, "What happened? Lord Luffy?"

"No, it's nothing." Luffy just smiled, and after exiting the cave, he stretched his neck and went down the mountain wall to wake up the swordsman and cook directly, and said "Zoro, Sanji, check the mining site." I shrank my head back.

"!", the expressions of the two immediately became serious, they immediately stood up and acted separately.

"I'm outside, you are inside.", Sanji simply divided the work, so that a certain green algae head would not get lost when he went out to patrol outside. At the same time, he also dug up Lauren before going out, and dragged the confused illusionist along. run outside.

Luo and Master Bing also woke up, saw their dignified expressions and didn't ask any more questions, picked up the knife and began to help check the situation in the quarry.Of course, they did not disturb the sleeping samurai, and quickly searched for suspicious characters in the rabbit bowl without making a sound.

By the time it was dawn, the warriors had woken up one after another and started a new day of training and work.After checking the inside and outside of the mining site, no suspicious person was found, so Zoro and the others first met in front of the cave, and told the situation to Luffy who had been guarding there.

"I did feel a strange aura at the time, but it disappeared in an instant." Luffy leaned into the cave and looked again, but still couldn't see anything unusual, "I didn't feel murderous or malicious at the time, but I was still a little bit uncomfortable Don't worry too much."

"Then I'll check it out." Luo didn't doubt his beastly intuition, nodded to the others and followed Lu Fei into the cave.

"!!", Bing Ye, who had never been to the cave above, opened his mouth in disbelief and looked at Luffy and Luo who disappeared into the stone wall. He carefully reached out and touched the place where they had just entered, and found that his hand seemed to be through the air. The same through the extremely hard wall.

After sleeping soundly, Lauren was woken up, angrily took out a lollipop and bit it into his mouth, and said helplessly, "Don't treat her like a porcelain doll, if someone really wants to harm her, That guy was probably crushed to pieces by her before he even made a move."

"!!!!" Lord Bing just probed in and saw who was in the cave, and he was petrified when he heard what Luo Lun said.What the young man from overseas just said was the princess lying in it to recuperate? ?The weak princess can easily crush the enemy into scum? ?

"And I also set up a simple barrier here. Before the straw hat kid rushed in last night, no one showed up." Luo Lun was helpless with the fuss of these guys, and probed into the stone wall to face the two guys inside. Shouted, "Come out when you hear it, and continue practicing after breakfast!"

Luo removed the hand that was pressing on her wrist, and nodded to Luffy, "There is indeed nothing wrong with the body."

"That's good, maybe I'm sleepy?" Lu Fei scratched his head, looked around again, and then patted the island cloud, "Duo Duo, please continue to take care of it during the day."

"Okay, Master Luffy." Daogumo fell silent after hearing a cute voice.

When the two went out, they noticed the little Bingye in Shihua.Lu Fei asked puzzledly, "What's wrong with the old man?"

"It seems that I was surprised by the illusion of the cave." Sauron replied calmly, and then looked at him, "Are you all right?"

"Well, I must have thought too much." Lu Fei put on his straw hat, picked up Master Bing and walked down, "Let's go, old man. Continue to practice after breakfast."


At noon, the sun was shining brightly.

The sleeping princess also opened her emerald green eyes. After the misty sleep that had just woken up receded, she sat up from the island cloud and stretched her waist. Then she stared at the door in a daze, as if sleepy .

After a while, a cloud came in front of her carrying some food, and cleverly explained the current time to her with a rare dull expression, "There are still 6 days before the day of the fire sacrifice, you can practice for 5 days, and then the fire sacrifice On the same day, go to Jiuli to join the others."

"...", 'Rihe' just raised his hand to touch his eyes, and said hesitantly, "Has anyone been here during this time?"

"Except for Lord Lu Fei and Lord Luo, the others are basically just waiting outside the cave entrance." Except for splitting a part to monitor the smart snails, Dodo has been staying here, seeing her expression and thinking about it later. Luffy looked flustered and couldn't help asking, "Did something happen?"

"No, it's probably an illusion." She shook her head and reached out to touch her left eye again, [Strange, the body is very relaxed, as if it has returned to its best condition...]
Then she touched the hundreds of golden dandelions stacked on the island cloud with her hand on the side. After recognizing those dandelions, she linked the recovery of her body with this large number of healing dandelions, "No wonder I feel relaxed after waking up, Turns out I've been sleeping on healing dandelions before."

After dispelling her doubts, she was ready to eat something, warm up, and then start beating~

In the afternoon, everyone continued to train after eating and resting for a while.

At the No. [-] mining site, when everyone was hurrying to train, a white cloud floated down vertically. Sitting on it, 'Rihe' had already tied his long emerald green hair into a high ponytail, and was carrying a black chain as thick as a finger. Jumping to the ground, the bell on the left ankle rang.

"Don't worry about me, you can continue to practice~", 'Hihe' smiled gently at the person who stopped, raised his hand and patted the solid and hard steel ring, then looked at Sauron, "Cut a piece For me, about two meters long, two meters wide and one meter thick."

Sauron nodded, holding Yan Mo, stepped forward and cut at the piece of steel as required, but the famous knife that can absorb domineering without authorization cut off the steel with a thickness of nearly two meters, and also surprised Luffy inside. .

"As expected of Lord Oda's famous sword, it's really scary." 'Hiyori' smiled and waved to Luffy.

When Zoro finally succeeded in cutting down the two-meter-wide, two-meter-long, and one-meter-thick steel, the steel ring that Captain Straw Hat used for training had been cut to pieces. Watching his training tools being chopped into pieces.

'Rihe' had already tied the black chain on her left hand. The chain of unknown material seemed to grow from her wrist, and she slapped the other end of the chain on the iron block, and the chain melted directly. go in.Holding the chain with her left hand, she lifted it up, and the heavy iron block floated up like cotton.

"!!!", Master Bing who was watching on the side turned into petrification again, but it was obvious that the others were not surprised at all.

"Then come one by one first, and then we will fight as a team. As long as you do your best, smashing this piece of iron in my hand is considered a pass~", 'Rihe' moved his left hand to the side, and the heavy iron piece moved according to her Consciousness moves, light as a mass of gas.The elegant beauty just smiled softly, and deliberately added, "Please do your best, I will not show mercy~"

"Then I'll come first!!" Lu Fei swung his arms, clenched his fists and hit the iron block directly, but unlike before, his fist was bounced back.

"Too naive!" Before Luffy could protect his fist, the iron block slammed into him at an incredible speed. The merciless force and domineering wind around the iron block made Luffy fly to the nearby mountain The wall smashed a hole in the rock before stopping.

However, the attack of 'Rihe' did not wait for him to recover, and at the same time as he smashed to the mountain wall, the heavy iron block that could smash a person into a pulp smashed at him again.

However, Luffy, who had already been prepared, immediately avoided the attack that smashed a hole in the mountain wall, jumped into the air and smashed the iron block with his armed domineering and hardened fist again, but still failed to leave a little bit on it. trace.

'Rihe' hooked her left index finger up, and the iron block that had hit the stone wall suddenly disappeared. Following her finger down, Lu Fei only saw a shadow suddenly appearing in front of his eyes, and heard the sound of There was a piercing sound of breaking wind.

"Shave!", the young pirate who was still in mid-air disappeared in an instant, narrowly avoiding the falling iron block. With a "bang" sound, the iron block slammed into the ground fiercely, and a large pit was smashed into the ground, and the ground was torn apart in the violent vibration.

Luffy, who landed on the ground, clenched his fist and hit the steel again. This time, although he was not bounced back, he still couldn't hit the iron block, and no matter how hard Luffy tried, he only pushed it forward for a certain distance .

And 'Rihe' pushed forward with his left hand, and the iron block broke through the soil layer on the ground, and quickly hit Luffy not far away.Luffy did not dodge like before, but clenched his fists to block in front, and the armed domineering energy burst out gathered around his fist, trying to bounce it back when the iron block was about to hit him, But it was completely useless and was hit by the iron block again.

"???!!!!!!", Master Bing, who has been watching Luffy being beaten almost unilaterally, has now collapsed his world view, standing there motionless with his mouth wide open, watching this incredible duel.

Sauron didn't practice for the time being, but frowned and looked at the short ten-second sparring just now, "It seemed that he was only blocked for a moment, and then he was shot away. It seems that Liu Ying is really difficult to master. If you want to defeat Kaido on the day of the fire festival, it will be a bit troublesome."

"But this kind of situation is closer to Kaido's power. He is known as the strongest creature. The way of cultivating with straw hats alone is not feasible." Luo also discovered this problem, thinking of the one called Kaido The Four Emperors, who are the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air, couldn't help but frowned, "If you want to master that kind of power in such a short period of time, the only way is indeed a near-death battle, and comprehending with your body is the fastest way. "

"In addition, BIGMOM is also an alliance, and there will be more powerful people to deal with than expected." Sanji bit his cigarette butt, predicting that there will be a fierce battle on the day of the fire festival.

"The conclusion is that you and a group of samurai alone want to defeat Kaido BIGMOM and the others. It's simply whimsical." Lauren, who was a bystander, summed up unceremoniously, and then looked at Hiyori, "Are you going to What should I do? The battle just now was a bit too childish."

"Indeed, it always feels a bit wrong, as if there is no way to enter the fighting state.", 'Hyori' jumped on the iron block, and looked at Luffy and the others with a slight frown.After a while, she clapped her hands and said, "Clean it up, let's practice in another place. It's too small here, it's inconvenient to fight."

"Should I go too?" Lauren pointed to herself. Since she was awake, she should be able to withdraw, right?

"Of course," 'Rihe' raised his eyebrows, and then said to the little reindeer hiding at the far door watching, "Chopper, find a trailer. Prepare food for five days, and some bandages, hemostatic medicine, etc. Put as much as you want."

"Received!", Chopper quickly raised his hoof and waved, dragging the petrified Ayu to prepare what she wanted.

"..." The samurai all came to check the situation because of the shock just now. When they saw their beautiful and gentle princess throwing an iron block at Luffy, they were all petrified because of the collapse of the worldview .

But Chopper packed up his things quickly, and was still worried when he sent them to the door, "Are you sure you don't need me to follow? If Luo is also injured, I can help bandage it."

Ten large boxes and bags of goods were placed on the spacious trailer. 'Rihe' sat on the box dignifiedly holding Qiushui, and the huge iron block connected to her wrist was carried by Dao Yunduo.The trailer was pulled by Zoro in front, while Luffy, Law, Sanji and Lawrence walked over.

"I need to trouble you and Heigoro-sama here, I just leave these adults to my concubine~" the beautiful princess smiled softly, nodded to them and let Sauron go.

"Let's go to practice first, and you should work hard to become stronger~" Luffy smiled and waved to the warriors who hadn't reacted, and then quickly followed the trailer.

"Brother Luffy, Brother Zoro, Brother Luo, and Brother Sanji, let's work hard!!" Ayu waved his hand quickly and looked at their backs worriedly.

"Oh! Leave it to me!", Luffy turned his head and raised his fist, jumped up and down and continued walking, and said something to the woman sitting on it from time to time.

"..." After the soldier, who was getting more and more wrong, watched them go away, and waited for the other warriors who were not doing anything to go back to the quarry to continue their training, he asked Qiaoba in a voice that could only be heard by two people, "Is that really the princess?"

The simple little reindeer blinked, unable to answer this question and not wanting to lie, it turned around and ran away, "Speaking of which, the Babanuki warden needs to change his bandages!! I'm going to see that Hawkins man too!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Master Bing didn't continue to ask, and continued to look at the blurred figure in the distance, just smiled and turned back to the mining site.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, during this time, she is the princess...


On a dry wilderness where not a single blade of grass grows, there are no buildings or people in the past, and there is no trace of anyone passing by.

After finding a stone pedestal as a resting place and putting away his things, Lauren took Dodo to inspect the surroundings, and set up illusions and barriers to cover the next few days of practice.

"Now there are 6 days until the day of the fire sacrifice, 5 days for cultivation, and the last day is used to rest the body, meet with other people and understand the battle plan.",'Rihe' stood on a stone, and the average of those few The 1.8-meter guy looked at him with a smile and said the next plan, "In the next few days, I will not use the devil fruit ability, and you don't have any scruples."

Sauron looked at her, pursed his lips after recalling something, pulled Yan Mo out and asked, "Yan Mo is still difficult to control now, why don't I practice on my own for a while?"

"Don't worry about it, you won't hurt me. On the contrary, you have to be careful that I will smash you flat with this iron block~", 'Hyori' raised his left hand, and the iron block on the island cloud immediately floated up "And don't forget, this time the opponent is the giant-like Kaido. The huge size difference is an insurmountable gap. A fatal attack on an ordinary person may not hurt or itch on him. You guys It is best to increase the attack by more than ten times during the battle~"

Luffy and the others also know this, not to mention Kaido's body as hard as steel, it's a bit difficult to deal with just the volume dozens of times larger than ordinary people.Not to mention, such a behemoth is still the strongest creature, not only resistant to blows, but also very capable of fighting.

"The combination of the hardness of the iron block and your arrogance can simulate Kaido's body," Luo looked at the iron block connected to her, and asked with some doubts, "that is, as long as we can penetrate the iron block, it will be fine." gone?"

"How is that possible? Master Kaido will turn into Dong Feilong riding the clouds. If he flies into the sky, and then a fireball comes directly, how will you deal with it?",'Rihe' chuckled lightly and blinked Blinking to let them see that scene, as expected, saw their face change.

"So for the next five days, it's very simple. The four of you team up and kill me.", 'Rihe' said the next training plan lightly, and interrupted them before they could speak, "Don't rush Rebuttal, because I'm very strong~"

The four young pirates looked at each other for a while, and the final decision was left to Luffy.After quietly looking at the woman standing in the yellow sand wilderness for a while, Lu Fei asked calmly, "You swear you won't get hurt?"

"Of course~", the beautiful woman just blinked her left eye, but the unfamiliar face has a familiar cunning, "On the contrary, please don't die, four adults~"

The four young pirates just smiled, their expressions became serious and focused.


(End of this chapter)

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