One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 218 On the day of the decisive battle, the meeting began 1

Chapter 218 On the day of the decisive battle, the meeting began 1
The plain white slender fingers touched the face of the country and the city, and the "Princess" who was as beautiful as a fairy just smiled gently and bent his eyebrows, and there was an intoxicating smile in the emerald eyes, "The identity of the Princess of Wano Country is more important than that of a princess." I imagined it would be easier to use~"

"ZZZ..." The straw hat captain was so calm that he had already fallen asleep.

"Just get used to it." Sauron was also calm, and pulled out the knife by the way to start maintenance.

"Yeah." Luo, who was also not surprised at all, just nodded and drank his tea calmly.

"Dry your hair before that," the little reindeer came over with a towel at some point, jumped to the empty space of the chair where Luffy was sitting next door, and stretched out his hooves to dry her long emerald hair.

"..." Ayu, who couldn't understand at all, kept quiet obediently, blinking her eyes and pretending to understand.

Sanji brought two plates of exquisite fruit desserts and placed them in front of the two ladies present. After going back to his seat and sitting down, he explained to the military master who had a shocking world view, "In order not to startle the enemy, the soldiers gathered from the mining sites in other places will Tomorrow evening, we will arrive at Changying Port, where the Rabbit Bowl meets. The samurai and young people with lofty ideals gathered from each township will arrive on time under the leadership of the bosses of each township. Because the Raksha Village Prison in the Capital of Flowers is under the control of the big snake, Don't release all the prisoners too blatantly. Now the family members of each prisoner have gone to the Luocha Village Prison to protest and have been arrested. Under the cover of the family members, tomorrow [-] soldiers will be released from the Luocha Village Prison, led by Miss Robin to port."

"..." Master Bing's head is now in a state of emptiness, and it is impossible to imagine that someone can design a perfect call-up plan under heavy surveillance.

Luo also put down his teacup, and calmly talked about the current situation of weapons, "In addition, weapons that match the strength of the troops have also been delivered to the port. In addition to the commonly used cold weapons such as swords, sniper rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers, etc. [-] There are guns and weapons. In addition, there are two warships converted from merchant ships, which are mainly used to escort us to the island of ghosts."

"I... I don't want to ask how this is done..." Master Bing couldn't think anymore, he put away his teacup tremblingly and prepared to take a sip of tea to calm down, but the trembling cup poured a lot of tea
The beautiful princess picked up a slice of apple and said regretfully, "It's a pity that Kin'emon said that what your lord wants is not a war. I have already planned a plan to drag the entire Wano country into the flames of war."

"Pfft!!!", the tea that he finally drank was spurted out by Master Bing, coughing in embarrassment while trembling all over, looking at the smiling 'Rihe' in disbelief.

"It's good to say that you get used to it, old man." The green algae head swordsman was still extremely calm, and flicked the sharp blade with cleaning cotton.

"Don't ask, don't be curious, don't think, and don't care about the process." Luo calmly said the experience of those who have experienced it, and still drank tea calmly.

"Now that the battle plan is known, I will go to rest first." Standing up, Hiyori bent over to the soldier who was still panting, raised his hand and gently patted Lu Fei awake, "Go to the room have a rest."

The captain of the straw hat, who had been dozing off the whole time, nodded in a daze, and followed her out of here unsteadily.

As soon as Sauron put away the knife, he saw Dao Yunduo sending Qiushui in front of him.

"I'm going back, you fight hard," Dodo waited for him to take the knife, bid farewell cowardly, then shrunk down to the size of a football and flew away.


The night before the fire festival, the moon and stars are thin, and it is midnight in the dead of night.

In the southwest of Jiuli, above the river beach where the ship was being repaired, there were two birdmen flying above it, and they were still carrying a bag of bombs in their hands.After seeing no one on the river beach, they secretly landed on several repaired boats on the river beach, quickly deployed the bomb and pulled the fuse, and flew to high altitude after igniting it.

A few seconds later, there was a violent roar from the river beach, and the scorched and broken wooden boards in the blasted flames fell into the river water. Under the bright moonlit night, the explosion flames blocked by the mountains were still obvious.

The two birdmen in mid-air confirmed that the boats on the river beach were all burnt into coke, and then flew to the southeast of Jiuli with the remaining two bombs, found a pirate ship hidden in the cave, and lit the bombs cast down.

The roar came from the cave, and the pirate ship that was parked quietly was also burning in the flames.

After the mission was completed, one of the birdmen took out a smart snail and reported the mission result, "All the ships in the southwest and southeast of Jiuli have been blown up!"

Soon after, Baiwu's Daowu Port was completely blown up, and the fishing boats and cargo ships connected to it were all blown up to waste.

Not only that, but the remaining two connecting bridges leading to Baiwu were also blown up, completely turning Baiwu into an isolated island.

At this time, in Big Snake City.

Crazy laughter came from a certain room, and the big snakes who heard the good news everywhere excitedly held up a piece of paper and cheered continuously. After being excited for a while, he calmed down a little, but he still looked at it with a grin on his face. The intelligence at hand, "Hahahaha!!! The connecting bridge is disconnected, so there is no way to gather at Baiwu! The ship is blown up, and there is no way to go to the island of ghosts! In addition, the rebel forces are locked up in Tudon and Luo In Shacun Prison, no matter how hard Kin'emon and the others try, they can't make any waves hahaha!!"

Afterwards, he looked at the information paper in his hand, which simply stated the movements of Jinweimen and his party, "'The boat is at the southeast river beach and southeast cave of Kuri, and the meeting point is Baiwu Daowu Port. Back to the north, Ieyasu participated in the rebellion.', so so so so~"

After looking at the intelligence paper in his hand with satisfaction, he began to tear the paper into shreds, and said in a hoarse voice with a crazy expression, "I will pick you up after General Ling after happily attending the banquet on the day of the fire ceremony." , the beautiful princess hahahaha~~~~~"



Nearly 20 samurai went into battle lightly, and planned to go to Changying Port of Rabbit Don to check the environment first. After confirming that there was no ambush, they notified the companions at the Rabbit Don mining site to set off with weapons.

Other warriors who need to go to the battlefield are also preparing nervously, and those warriors who cannot go to the battlefield due to physical reasons are also helping to confirm weapons and other supplies.

After finishing breakfast, Luffy came to the No. [-] mining site, where the steel blocks were still in place.Walking in front of one of them, Luffy clenched his fist and took a deep breath. The fist was hardened with armed domineering and then wrapped with domineering. After closing his eyes for a while, he suddenly punched forward.

The fist stopped firmly a few centimeters in front of the steel, and there was only a faint muffled sound from the heavy steel, and there was no other change.Luffy went around to look behind this piece of steel, and didn't see any cracks.

Zoro, who happened to be passing nearby, saw his angry expression, and pulled out Yan Mo.After wrapping this surly famous knife with arrogance, he swung lightly towards the piece of steel, and the well-controlled slash just split the piece of steel in two.

After cutting the two halves of the steel, more than a dozen fragments fell out. If you look closely, you can see that there is a hole in the huge steel with a thickness of two meters. Those fragments should be steel The inside was shattered and dropped.

Lord Bing, who also happened to be passing by nearby, saw it, and immediately rushed over to look at the deep pit that exploded in the steel in disbelief, "Successful in cultivation??"

"Forget it," Lu Fei clenched his fists, and just smiled to signal Master Bing to rest assured.

"The progress is so fast..." Master Bing was still surprised, and looked at Sauron who was taking Yan Mo back, "How did the princess train with you?"

"Press us on the ground and hit us with an iron block." Sauron said calmly, found an iron block and sat down and waited for the departure time.

"Slash with a knife on the last day." Lu Fei swung his arms and found a place to continue sleeping.

"..." Master Bing's expression changed from surprise to numbness, and then he left here calmly, "I'll just go and see how the others are preparing..."

Luo, who was walking inside, looked at Master Bing with a dull expression in surprise, found an iron block to put the knife away, sat down and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"I guess the world view has been refreshed," Sauron replied calmly, folded his arms and began to meditate.

After a while, a blond cook in a yellow kimono drifted over, "Miss Nami and Miss Robin just contacted and said they were going to set off at noon to meet up~"

"Bepo and the others will set off together at that time." Luo also told the whereabouts of his partners.

Sanji jumped on an iron block and sat, biting an unlit cigarette, and said with some concern, "I'm only worried about Quinn and the others using virus weapons. I heard from Lord Bing that the deadly virus that spreads very quickly has been used here before." Virus."

"My lovely princess has already prepared a commando team to capture Quinn's virus research institute. After grabbing the pathogen, just hit the place where there are more people." Luo's expression was very calm, and he was no longer against the girl. Behavior felt no surprise anymore.

I always feel that compared with her, the worst villains in the world are so innocent and innocent in comparison.

"Are you going to use viruses??" Chopper suddenly ran out from the pile of steel and looked at Luo with disbelief, "This is too much! Viruses are not suitable for combat at all! Zowu is because The virus almost ruined it!"

Luo looked at him and just explained calmly, "I have to admit that in the case of disparity in military strength, virus warfare can instantly shorten the gap or even reverse the situation. Moreover, under a sudden attack, Quinn is very likely to use the developed virus , directly dispose of everyone regardless of enemy or friend. Now it is the best strategy to act first, which is a strategy designated according to the situation here."

Chopper gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I will definitely develop an antidote for everyone! Whether it is an enemy or a partner! I will cure anyone who is sick! We shouldn't be like Jack and Caesar! "

Sick people should be cured. This is his belief and principle, and it is also the belief and principle of the benefactor who led him to understand the world and medical skills when he became a human being.

"The analysis of the virus, the time to develop the antidote, and the most important thing is the raw materials and production tools of the antidote. Are you going to carry all the materials to Ghost Island?" Luo, as a doctor, of course knows the development At this time, he just looked at the emotional Chopper calmly, "Let me remind you, this is a war in which the enemy has the upper hand. And you, have you not experienced war yourself?"

"Enough, Telaan!" Luffy suddenly interrupted him, frowning and said in a low voice, "There must be a way to solve these problems by then, and Quinn's use of the virus is just speculation."

"!!!!", while Chopper's pupils shrank, but he didn't know what to do to refute.It does have the ability to develop antidote, but when the time comes on the battlefield of life and death, it really does not have time to analyze viruses, and it is impossible to carry thousands of interpretation materials and tools with it.

Sanji suddenly remembered the battle on the top where corpses lay all over the field two years ago. He shook his head violently and only persuaded, "Okay, everyone, let's calm down now. The final battle is at night, don't get up at this time Infighting."

"I'm also a doctor, although I'm not a good person. But in a person's life, he always has to abandon some principles. I hope your companions will protect your innocence, and I hope your companions will not die because of this innocence. ", Luo looked at Chopper, then just picked up the knife and prepared to find another place to rest.After all, he still doesn't get along with these overly naive guys.

But before he took a few steps, he suddenly felt someone slap his head hard, and at the same time, a familiar figure fell beside him.

"Lord Luo, even if what you said is the truth, it's too much!" The 'Rihe' who suddenly descended from the sky gave him an annoyed look, then smiled and said to Chopper who bowed his head in silence , "Don't worry, Chopper, the main purpose of capturing the virus laboratory is also to solve the problems of materials and tools. In case Mr. Quinn really uses the virus, you can go directly to use the materials in his virus laboratory to develop Give everyone the antidote."

"Hmm..." Chopper just nodded, then left here with his head down.Luo's words are indeed reasonable. Maybe it should really think about it. If it really comes to the situation where it must use the virus, can it do it?

"Chopper," Luffy looked at it worriedly, but quickly chased after it.

Sanji looked at their backs, and looked at Luo helplessly, "You are talking too much, Chopper's experience is not as complicated as ours."

"It's just telling the truth." Luo shrugged, leaning against an iron block with the knife in his arms.

"There are some things that we both know, and some things we can do." Sauron said calmly, with his eyes closed from beginning to end.

"You are a team, and you can't protect their innocence forever. Some things still need to let them know the consequences." Luo didn't care much, after all, this is not his pirate group, "In the new world, naive and Kindness is sometimes the Achilles' heel."

"You still have the nerve to say," Sanji rolled his eyes angrily, and unceremoniously flipped through old accounts, "Before you knew that going out to rescue Bepo and the others would break the plan, and you knew it was a trap, didn't you still rush in? .is that naive in a way?"

"..." Luo was silent for a while, then covered his eyes silently, "Okay, I will apologize later."

"I don't mind any means, as long as the result can be achieved." 'Rihe' shrugged, although he has restrained himself a lot now, but when he has to, then don't blame her for using unscrupulous means.

Afterwards, she belatedly remembered a person, got up and walked towards a nearby cell, "I'm going to find Lord Hawkins, I almost forgot about him~"

In a dark cell.

The guards of Tudon were all imprisoned here, and Babanuki, the chief guard who was wrapped like rice dumplings, was in his own cell.However, his current situation is very cute. I heard that when he woke up, he made a big fuss, but after being ordered by A Yu for a dumpling, he immediately listened to A Yu's words like an animal.

"Sure enough, it looks very obedient," 'Hyori' stood in front of the cell and looked at the grinning Babanuki, and suddenly bent an extremely nasty smile, "Since Master Ayu's dumpling can be effective against animal-type artificial devil fruits function, does it have any effect on the real animal ability users? For example, let Master Kaido eat the dumpling~"

"!!!", everyone who heard her bold declaration was startled in shock, watching in disbelief that the angelic beauty exuded an extremely evil aura at this moment.

The beautiful woman thought of the distribution of combat power of the Beast Pirates, and her emerald eyes couldn't help showing a deeper smile, "In addition, there are nearly 500 givers in the Beast Pirates, all of them are given to you." They stuffed a dumpling or something~”

"!!!!!!", the petrified guards were so frightened that they dared not move, especially the guards who ate the artificial smile fruit.

"Just kidding, don't mind~", 'Hyori' waved his hands, and continued to move forward to the cell guarded by two samurai.

Hawkins, who spent many days in the cell, recovered very well. His only remaining left hand was tied with sea-rock shackles, and heavy iron chains locked his feet.But he didn't seem to have any plans to escape, he just sat here quietly to recuperate.

Not long after, with his eyes closed, he heard a noise coming from a distance, and soon the sound of walking clogs was approaching, followed by the greetings of the warriors guarding the door and the sound of the iron lock being opened , He didn't open his eyes until the footsteps stopped, and saw the beautiful woman standing in front without any surprise.

It is still a delicate black kimono embroidered with blood-red cherry blossoms. Her white and slender fingers are slightly exposed from the loose sleeves and gently overlapped on her abdomen. From the spacious cuffs, she can vaguely see a pair of white and flawless hands on her wrists. bracelet.The long hair that is usually scattered has also been tied into a high ponytail with a red headband, and the long black ribbon is mixed with the long emerald hair.

Looking at Hawkins tenderly for a while, the beautiful princess finally spoke slowly, "Master Hawkins, the banquet on the day of the fire festival will be held at Ghost Island tonight. It has already started to set off from the capital of flowers."

Hawkins just looked closely at her smiling emerald eyes. He really couldn't see what she was planning, so he just asked, "So are you here to announce your victory?"

'Hiyori' just smiled lightly and said softly, "You can leave now."

Then she turned and walked away, and the two warriors stepped forward to unshackle Hawkins, and even gave him back his sword.

"..." Hawkins was really stunned this time. He put all his brain cells into thinking and couldn't figure out what the woman was thinking.Even though tonight is the night of the decisive battle, isn't she afraid that she will leak the information about their invasion of Ghost Island?
As soon as he thought about it, he suddenly saw the woman in front of her stop, turned her head slightly and smiled at him, the dazzling light from the entrance of the cave flashed across her exquisite and unparalleled cheeks, the radiance was very dreamy .

"Pa...", the sword in his left hand fell to the ground unconsciously. Hawkins stared wide-eyed as she disappeared before his eyes. At the same time, he also felt the cold from the bottom of his heart, like falling into an ice cave for an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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