One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 223 Passing the First Difficulty Safely

Chapter 223 Passing the First Difficulty Safely

"My lords seem to be in a good mood~" Amidst the laughter, the princess who flew over stood on the slender guardrail of the submarine, looking at them with a chuckle amidst the shaking and strong wind.

After a while, Kira also jumped over here, and after nodding to Luo, he leaned against the guardrail with his scythe in his arms, laughed a few times, and asked directly, "So, what is the battle plan?"

"My lord princess," Sicilian of the fur tribe nodded to her, and then said to Inuarashi on the side, "My lord duke, please let me listen to the summary of the battle! The identity of the lord duke in this battle is Kozuki Oden's retainers, I will take command of the fur clan!"

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Inulan nodded without any other comments.

Master Bing and Tono Yasushi looked at each other, nodded to each other, then he clenched his fists and said, "The old man is going to take over the role, and the samurai of Wano Country will be brought by me and Ieyasu-sama! You just concentrate on fighting!"

Kin'emon didn't agree immediately, but looked at the person standing on the side of the boat, "Princess, what do you think?"

"It's all right," as if the precarious 'Rihe' stood firmly on the side of the ship that was constantly shaking with the waves, and the ill-fitting red coat was rattled by the strong wind.

The samurai are extremely self-restrained not to look at the slender legs of the princess who only wears shorts, nor to wonder why the princess, who has lived in the conservative Wano country all the year round, can accept such overly open clothes as shorts and suspenders .

Kin'emon took out the structure diagram of Oni Island, and you can see that the huge skull in the middle of the island occupies almost two-thirds of the entire island. The main entrance is a sunken port, which looks like the skeleton The mouth of the head is like sending food.There are mountains near the sea on both sides, and a back door can be seen in the rear.

The entire ghost island looks like a natural fortress, easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Jinweimen pointed to the only two entrances to the Oni Island, and explained in a deep voice, "The Oni Island is surrounded by mountains, and there is only one main entrance. We will enter the island through the main entrance. The huge skeletons on the island are completely integrated with the mountains. One, their base is among the skeletons. According to the design drawing, there is a back door in the city. At that time, our troops will be divided into two groups, and the left and right mountain roads will enter the city from the back door, and a surprise attack will be given to Kaido, who is drunk at the banquet. !"

Luo looked at the structure diagram and expressed his thoughts, "First of all, we assume that the enemy already knows that we are going to attack. Then what they want to defeat are you red sheath warriors and the three pirate captains - me, the straw hat master , Eustace is in charge, and most importantly, no matter how clever your battle plan is, there are still about two fools who will go straight to the front."

"Fool??", the samurai were suddenly at a loss, and some of the crew members of the two fools gave him an angry look.

"Well, about two people will break through head-on." Luo reluctantly changed his address and continued, "Those two fools are good bait, so others can advance on the left and right mountain roads as planned."

Master Bing looked at the map, and then looked at Luo, "Our task is to ensure that Kin'emon and the others arrive at the decisive battle. Of course we understand this, but in this case, which way will the red sheath warriors go?"

Luo looked at the group of warriors on their boat, and could only say helplessly, "We can only pass through the sea. Use this submarine to avoid the eddies that prevent you from approaching the shore, and then use my ability to send you Go to the island."

Kin'emon also thinks this is a good idea, but he'd better lead the team at the front of the team, "It's so good, but Your Excellency Luo, it's better for me to be at the front of the team."

"Indeed, let's take the mountain road next time. Please ask your Excellency Luo to lead the way for the others!" Denjiro pointed to the mountain road on the right side of the main entrance, and then turned his head to face the princess who was listening on the side of the boat, his eyes lowered and Without looking at the other party's overly revealing clothes, "Then the princess should stay on the boat, the island is full of enemies, and if there is a fight, the princess will be easily injured."

"I want to act alone~" the gentle princess said softly, and then took out a reward order from somewhere and said, "Then please remind all warriors to run away when you see this person ~Because she doesn't know all the samurai, it will be bad if she kills by mistake~"

The reward order that was blown by the wind was a picture of a young girl. The blood-red rose on her lips and those strange red and purple pupils looked very evil.

"This is Your Excellency Encore?" Jinweimen was stunned for a moment, and then saw her put away the reward order, turned around and jumped back to the Qianyang.

"Hahahaha, then we can choose the opposite path to the Straw Hat Boys." Kira looked at the structural diagram carefully, and then returned to his boat.

"Why do you stay away from Your Excellency Anke? Isn't she still imprisoned in Ghost Island?" Lei Zang was still a little puzzled, shouldn't that girl be in the rescue team?

"Your Excellency Encore will be fine, and the princess's reminder is also very reasonable." Denjiro thought of the girl who was recuperating in his own house at that time, and did not doubt her ability.

"Indeed, she might be the most dangerous person." Luo didn't have any doubts, and said to Beibo, "Remind others, stay away from the head of Encore, and don't be accidentally injured."

"Yes, Captain!"


If you want to enter the scope of the ghost island, you need to go through a checkpoint. The checkpoint is usually used to check the passing ships, which is the first difficulty for the samurai army to overcome.

On the Qianyang, Sauron watched the sea gate getting closer and closer but did not attack them, and couldn't help but frowned, "It's strange, at this distance, the people on that gate should have spotted us .”

"Just go straight.", 'Hiyori' was sitting on the swing at this time, and the swing swayed with the turmoil of the boat over the waves.

"That's right, just rush in!!", the straw hat captain near the rudder cheered, excitedly watching the ghost island getting closer, "I want to be the first to land on the island!!"

Kidd's pirate ship was nearby, and he was standing on the huge skull decoration on the bow of the ship. Hearing this, he immediately shouted unconvinced, "I was the first one to land on the island and deal with Kaido. Man! I want to use his head as a bow decoration!!"

"Hahahaha that's right!!", the other crew members were also laughing loudly, raising their weapons, "How dare you make Brother Kira so cheerful! We all want to be cheerful pirates Already!"

"Hahahaha, hurry up and shut up..." Kira smiled helplessly, but his expression was full of happiness because of his companion's words.

"Why are there so many weapons in that level? It's like a fortress!" Usopp, wearing goggles, looked at the cannons on the level in the distance, and then found a few among the cannons trying to move towards them. The person waving, "However, there are a few guys up there who have been waving at us. Although they are wearing Kaido's clothes, they seem to be acquaintances."

Nami also saw through the binoculars fur warriors wearing black clothes and decorated with animal horns on the fortress in the distance. When she saw the familiar big yellow cat, she couldn't help being surprised, "Isn't that the boss of the cat viper? Why? Are you all dressed up like the enemy?"

"Really?? Great!" Hearing that familiar partners had arrived, Luffy immediately cheered happily, "I thought they were lost, but I didn't expect them to sneak in!"

The innocent little reindeer blinked and asked with question marks, "But how did they get in? It's too powerful to be sent to guard an important checkpoint so soon."

"I'm not surprised at all." Sauron looked calm and looked back at the person sitting on the swing.

"Yes, because there is a lovely princess yohoho~", Brooke smiled 'yohohoho', and walked to the deck after suddenly thinking of something, "but I don't know if the princess can let me take a look inside. ..."

"Get out!", a beautiful leg swept over, and after kicking a certain colored bone to the ground, Nami said angrily, "Really, that is the princess!"

Chopper was so scared that he hid behind Sanji's legs, and kindly reminded, "Brooke dared to say that to BIGMOM..."

Before they figured out how big the bone's lust was, their boat was already approaching the fortress, and the cat viper on top greeted them loudly, "Luffy!! Princess!! You are finally here !"

Usopp folded his hands, with a steady expression on his face, "I'm no longer surprised why the cat viper has never seen the princess but knows what the princess looks like."

"Cat!! Long time no see!! Did you see Jinbe and Ace??" Luffy immediately waved at him vigorously, feeling that the answer was too slow, so he jumped directly to the fortress to look for it himself, "Jinbe!! Ace !! Are you there??"

"Hahaha, they have other arrangements." Mao Viper looked at him looking for someone funny, and asked about their arrangements casually, "Then what is our mission?"

"Huh?" Luffy blinked, raised his fist and shouted, "Rush in and defeat Kaido!!"

"Very good, it really is Luffy!" Mao Viper also nodded steadily, and after seeing the red-scabbed warriors on Luo's submarine, he said to the other fur warriors, "You all go in together by boat. Time to follow the arrangement."

"Yes!" The furry warriors immediately jumped onto the boat that had been prepared, and loaded some of the light weapons here.

When Kidd's boat passed by, he also felt a little puzzled because it passed smoothly.When Kira looked at the fur warriors on the checkpoint, he still couldn't help but smiled in surprise and said, "This is weird hahaha, why did Kaido's people send newcomers to station such an important place?"

"I'm not surprised, after all, there's a witch on the Straw Hat Boy." Kidd just snorted coldly, still looking at the skull that was getting closer and closer, "I find it strange that their deputy captain was caught The Island of Ghosts, but the Straw Hat Boys never mentioned how to save her. The Straw Hat Boys dared to kick over the Island of Justice in order to save Nicole Robin."

"To catch that woman, I can only say that Kaido and the others underestimated her hahaha..." Kira smiled, and then looked at the nearby Thousand Sun, "Guess what is happening on Oni Island now?" Are many people the witch's spy?"

"Ghost knows, I don't care."

(End of this chapter)

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