One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 23 Leaving the Mirror World

Chapter 23 Leaving the Mirror World
mirror world.

After more than ten minutes, a hand stretched out from the deep pit, and after grabbing the edge, Luffy bounced out of the whole body and fell hard to the ground. He tried his best to straighten his upper body and look into the distance When Katakuri fell face down, he just gasped and said in a hoarse voice, "Is it face down even when you fall..."

Thinking that this was the end, Luffy tried hard to stand up, but the next second he fell face down. Remembering the agreement he had made with his friends, he forced himself to crawl forward with his tattered body, " I don't know... what time is it... I have to find a mirror..."

After climbing a few meters, he suddenly saw a shadow in front of him, and when he suddenly raised his head in disbelief, he saw Katakuri Gundam's body right in front of him.

"!!", Luffy gritted his teeth fiercely, but then forced himself to stand up staggeringly, and clenched his fists after squeezing out the strength to stand still.

Katakuri standing in front of him just looked down at the man who was much shorter than himself, just when Luffy thought he was going to continue fighting, Katakuri just asked a somewhat inexplicable question, " One day in the future, will you come and defeat BIGMOM?"

Luffy didn't know why he asked this question. He looked at him tensely for a while, and after seeing his seriousness and persistence, he yelled out the words that he hadn't changed since he was a child, "That's Of course! I am the man who will become the One Piece!!"

Katakuri just looked at him quietly, but in the next second, his eyes were inexplicably relieved, and the corners of his lips also raised a few invisible arcs, "You really saw the distant future..."

After muttering this sentence, Katakuri stopped insisting, and as soon as his body loosened, he fell back on his back, fell in large characters on the broken ground and completely lost consciousness.

The rumored man who would never face his back finally fell down, in front of an opponent he recognized and recognized as himself.

"..." Luffy stared blankly at Katakuri, who was lying on his back for a while, and finally came to his senses, walked over to him shaking his body, and then put on the straw hat that he had been wearing before. He took off his black top hat and put it on Katakuri's mouth full of fangs.

He didn't know why he did what he did, he just subconsciously knew that Katakuri didn't want others to know the true face of his mouth.And this is what Luffy can do for this respectable opponent before he leaves.

"..." Gloria looked at Luffy who was staggering away. He didn't intend to show his face yet. He just raised his right hand, and two light golden spots floated from the tip of his index finger and flew to Luffy respectively. And Katakuri, helped them to treat the serious injury of the abdomen that was about to hurt the internal organs.

"?" Feeling a sudden warmth from the wound that was so painful that it was about to be lost, Lu Fei was stunned, looking at the empty surroundings with tired eyes, "Encore?"

There was no response from the surroundings, only the occasional sound caused by falling gravel.

"Illusion..." Luffy, who couldn't wait for a response, thought his memory was confused, and continued to stagger towards the place where Bu Lei was tied before, and finally found that there was only a broken rope left , and Bree has long since disappeared.

"Ah, ah, where is the branch? How would I get out without her?" Luffy was so frightened that he forgot the pain all over his body. After looking around in a panic, he couldn't find her, and then drooped his shoulders in frustration.

The next second when he suddenly remembered something, he reached out and groped on his straw hat, and a red butterfly wearing a straw hat appeared out of nowhere. (Encore gives each member of the Straw Hat Pirates a communication disk, and you can contact her directly if you have any questions.)
"Gah!! Straw Hat Boy!!"

Just when Luffy was about to call his lovely vice-captain to rescue him, he heard an unusually familiar voice, and when he raised his head in doubt, he saw a short, thick guy in pink clothes and a pink hat. With Bree standing on a distant stone wall.

"Brother! Brother Katakuri!!" Bulei, who was caught again, cried bitterly, full of doubts that only her perfect brother was defeated by a little-known little pirate, "Straw hat boy!! What the hell are you doing? What method did you use to defeat brother??"

"It seems that you defeated Katakuri! It's amazing!" The man in disguise shook the lion's tail behind him, clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "My name is 'Mousse of Lost'! In order to help you To escape from the mirror world, I specially caught Bree and waited for you!"

Luffy looked at him hard, and miraculously called out his name under his disguise, "You're fine, Beckmus..."

"Brother Pedro is doing everything possible to save your lives, I can't let you die here!" Beckmuss didn't pretend at all, and after jumping off, he carried Luffy towards the mirror leading to Cocoa Island Rushed, "No time for nonsense now! I'll send you to the mirror at Coco Island now!"

"Wait..." Luffy wanted to say something, but it was very difficult to even speak now, so he could only hang on to Beckmuth and ask him to help him out.

After the sound of kicking and tapping footsteps completely disappeared, Gloria came out from the invisible state. After looking at the direction Luffy and the others left, he floated over Katakuri who was lying there, and leaned over to look at the scar. Tired man.

After a while, Katakuri, who was supposed to be in a coma, just slowly opened his eyes. After feeling something on his face, he just rolled it down and saw the black top hat covering his mouth. .

After quickly figuring out who did it, Katakuri shrank his pupils, and then just closed his eyes silently.

Straw Hat, you...

Gloria, who was floating in the sky, tilted her head, her long black hair moved accordingly, and her blood-colored eyes were a little puzzled.

It was very strange that this human being had clearly seen her just now, yet he was not surprised at all, as if he had known her existence for a long time.

However, she didn't bother to look at what was going on in his mind, she just blinked and asked, "You lost?"

Katakuri just opened his eyes and looked at her. To be honest, he didn't know who this inexplicable ghostly girl was, but just by seeing those eyes, he guessed that she must have something to do with the witch. Everything about it cannot be understood with common sense.

So, he didn't bother with it at all, not to mention, although the girl in front of him didn't show any oppression, Katakuri instinctively felt that it was dangerous.

Thinking of the hearty battle just now, and the stubbornness and persistence of the straw hat boy, Katakuri just closed his eyes again, and his mouth covered by the top hat raised slightly without anyone noticing:

"Ah, I lost..."

The bloody eyes blinked again, and Gloria just took the bun out of the bubble and hugged it, then floated away, "Weird human being."

Regarding her evaluation, Katakuri couldn't deny it, but suddenly thanked her lightly, "Thank you for helping me treat my injury."

Gloria just floated to the pile of stone ruins in the distance, and after raising her finger, Flampe, who was stunned by the domineering arrogance and buried in the rubble, floated out.

Flampe, who was unconscious, was still rolling her eyes, even though she was thrown on the ground, she still hadn't woken up.

Hearing a sound in the distance, Katakuri turned his head to look over there with all his strength, and his pupils shrank immediately after seeing the situation over there clearly.

After narrowing his eyes slightly, Gloria suddenly had a very interesting idea, and raised his right index finger with a smile, [Superficial human beings, just try the move that suddenly came to mind~]
"Wait...wait a minute!" Afraid that she would do something to Flampe, Katakuri immediately sat up with his body propped up, and the hat fell off his mouth, "Don't touch Flampe!"

"Ah?" Gloria paused her fingers, and narrowed her red eyes dangerously in the next second, "You dare to point fingers at my aunt?!"

The awe-inspiring killing intent was fleeting, and it was enough to make Katakuri's heart chill, but he also knew that Gloria would not do anything, and then he just looked at Flampe who was lying there unconscious, and recalled in his mind When he took off his disguise, she compared her attitude before and after.


'Katakuri brother is perfect! !Brother is awesome~~~~'

Seeing him in the past, Flampe's eyes were full of admiration, and the starry eyes looked like seeing an idol that would shine.


'What a shame! !Just like a big mouth eel!Stay away from me, monster! ! '

Not long ago, the disgust on the girl's face was obvious, and the shame in her eyes was also evident.


Although I have already prepared my heart, but hearing my family say this, it would be a lie to say that I am not disappointed.However, Katakuri just closed his eyes tiredly, opening and closing his mouth full of fangs, "After all, she is still my sister..."

"..." Hearing this, Gloria frowned, and said angrily in the next second, "Huh?! Have you been fooled by that cat?!"

Katakuri just looked there quietly, and Gloria, who was about to explode, was stared at and lost his temper. He waved his hand angrily, and Katakuri lay back on the ground uncontrollably. The top hat on the ground flew up and covered his mouth again, and then she left angrily holding the buns, "Auntie, I'm so mad! The people here are as stupid as if their heads were kicked by a donkey! "

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Baozi also nodded vigorously, and waved his short paws angrily at Flan Pei who was lying there.


(End of this chapter)

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