One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 235 The Legend of Kozuki Oden (4)

Chapter 235 The Legend of Kozuki Oden (4)

The appearance of One Piece caused an uproar in the world, and the activities of the navy became overactive.However, the government and the media did not truthfully report Roger's full name and erased the D in his name.But the Roger Pirates who learned the truth about the world also knew why the world government concealed Roger's full name.

Wealth, fame and power, the man who got all these is the One Piece King Gol Roger. The world collectively calls all the treasures that Roger got ONE PIECE.The navy, pirates and other forces all tried their best to go to Roger to find out.

But Roger, who has fulfilled his dream, already has other plans, and thanked the crew for supporting his wayward self with a smile.Moreover, the crew had already known about Roger's illness, and had already made psychological preparations for this day.

When Captain Roger said with a smile that the Roger Pirates had disbanded, cheers erupted from the ship, and an unprecedented banquet was held on the ship, and the appearance of everyone drinking happily did not show any sadness at all.

Also at this moment, Roger and Oden heard a distant conversation at the same time. They didn't know who was speaking, but they both knew that the dreamlike and prophetic voice came from the depths of the sea. :

"It will be born soon, our king will be born soon..."

"It was also born in another sea area far away~"

"The day the two kings met again, the whales were very happy~"

'We have been waiting for a long time. '

'Wait a little longer, this time it will definitely succeed. '

'It will take 10 years for him to be born. '

'When he grows up, it will take another 15 years. '


Roger remembered that the prophesied girl under the sea said that the mermaid princess would be born 10 years later, and he believed that voice was the truth, who was being born, and he would surpass the previous ones.

Luo Jie plans to meet with Whitebeard before he dies, and by the way, he helps Oden to send a word to Yizang who stays on Whitebeard's boat.After Roger had some words with his vice-captain 'Pluto' Rayleigh, he disembarked with a large amount of medicine he got from the ship's doctor, although his illness was already at an advanced stage.

Oden wrote in his sailing diary that no one shed tears on the day of parting, because all the crew members under One Piece had tears.But in fact, a group of men were sobbing, crying at the captain who waved away chicly.

After bidding farewell to Roger, Lei Li led the rest of the crew to send Mita back to Wano Country. Mita now knows that Wano Country's lock-up so far is meaningful, but before the appearance of "Joey Boy", Wano Country The country must be opened.

At that time, Oden still naively believed that everything was fine in Wano Country, and asked Rayleigh and the others to send him to the nearest harbor to say goodbye to them.At that time, Oden still took it for granted that they would meet again one day.

Oden, who returned to Kuri, was welcomed by everyone. Even though Kinemon and the others complained about his evasion of responsibility, they still welcomed the return of the lord.Especially his wife, Kozuki, went in and out with everyone during this time, telling the story of Oden's adventures to everyone, and before he knew it, no one in Kuri had any objection to Oden's waywardness.

And after Oden came back, he found out that he thought his wife and children would be well-clothed and well-fed in the daimyo mansion in Kuri, but Kozuki Toki and their two young children were wearing puddings.

Among Oden's retainers, Asura went to be the bandit leader of Kuri in order to manage the large number of gangsters in Kuri, and Denjiro went around the country to borrow money and pay back money.

Oden, who came back from the adventure, finally had time to listen to the progress of Wano Country. Only now did he know that his father had passed away a long time ago, and that the heir to the shogun was even passed on to Orochi.

Oden felt unbelievable when he heard these things, he never knew that Orochi and himself were like brothers.At that time, he only lent some money to Da She for the sake of the Kang family, and Da She never paid back a penny.Moreover, Orochi, as the descendant of the sinful Heitan family, took the position of general instead of the authentic Mitian.

Not only that, but now there are many weapons factories in every township in Wano country, and the strong men in each township are ordered to work by the general, but their salaries are so meager that they cannot survive.

The reason Orochi is so arrogant is because there is a pirate named Kaido backing him up.The most important thing is that the pirate is as strong as a monster, and this also prevents Kin'emon and the others from making a move.Just half a year before Oden came back, a man who refused to work was executed with his companions.Kin'emon and others finally felt unbearable to the more and more arrogant atrocities of Orochi, but when they rushed to the capital of flowers with swords, they were plotted against. At the same time, Kaido's subordinates also rushed to Kuri to invade Oden City. He even planned to kill Momonosuke, Kozuki's successor after Oden.Although Inuarashi and Kawamatsu who stayed behind barely retreated from the enemy, Kozuki Toki was shot in the thigh in this battle.

Hearing the evil deed of Orochi bullying him, Oden, who has always been impulsive, didn't care about the persuasion of Kozuki, Kin'emon and others, grabbed his two swords, Enma and Amanoba, and rushed towards Hana from Kuri. capital.

Oden doesn't understand too complicated things, but in simple terms, there are idiots who have occupied Wano country.With the power of a powerful pirate, that cowardly idiot took advantage of Wano's closed country policy to ensure that no one gets in the way, intending to turn the entire country into hell!

When they heard that Kozuki Oden, the orthodox shogun heir of Wano Country, had returned and even rushed to the capital of flowers to settle accounts with Orochi, the oppressed and laboring people all over the country cheered, and they all prayed that Oden could defeat Orochi and become the true king of Wano Country. General.

Under Oden's strong attack, Orochi's guards were vulnerable. Just when Oden was about to take off Orochi's head, his attack was blocked by an invisible shield.

The two elders of the Heitan family who supported Orochi all the way to the general position would never let the pawns in their hands die so easily.The old man named Heitan Zenmaru is a person with the ability of the shield fruit, and can create a shield that no one can break.And the old woman named Kurotan Higurashi imitated the obsolete ability user, and it was her transformation into Kozuki Sukiyaki that conveyed the order for Orochi to succeed.

Oden, who was unable to attack by force, tried to get Orochi to hand over the position of general. Although he didn't think he would lead the country of peace, he would manage it more decently than Orochi.However, Orochi, who succeeded in seizing power, could not hand over his current rights in vain. He could not hurt himself by relying on Oden. Orochi even proudly told the reason why Oden's former general, Kozuki Sukiyaki, died of illness.

How can there be any illness?It's just ulterior motives.

That day, people who heard the news gathered under the castle of the Flower City, cheering for the return of the orthodox heir of the Kozuki family.But they were soon attacked by poisonous arrows shot from nowhere, and two people were even shot and vomited blood.The people were so frightened that they fled back to the house, but they still looked in the direction of the city of flowers from the windows or the cracks in the door, praying that Kozuki Oden would come out like a hero with the head of the big snake.

But what they saw was that the sky in the capital of flowers gathered dark clouds and became gloomy, and a giant dragon flew out of the dark clouds and entrenched in the sky above the capital of flowers.

At that time, the people who were full of anticipation had already imagined how to introduce today's scene to future generations: the growth process was absurd but he became the Daimyo of Kuri. After going out to sea, he went hand in hand with the world's top pirates. The man in his hometown, the invincible Kozuki Oden, returned to his hometown that was persecuted by evil forces, and became everyone's savior by killing the enemy with his hands.


What people waited for was a few hours later, and Kozuki Oden, with only his loincloth left, was naked in front of Shogun Orochi's castle, pretending to be crazy and stupid.

A big man, he was ridiculed by Orochi and Kaido's subordinates but he didn't care. He didn't even flatter them in every possible way. After getting some rewards, he went back in despair.

The return of Wano Country's orthodox heir Kozuki Oden was originally the last hope of the citizens, but now their hopes have completely failed, and people's great disappointment finally turned into anger.He even made up a nursery rhyme to mock him.

But Oden doesn't care much, he will show up in the capital once a week, and every time he only wears a loincloth in front of the city to play tricks and beg for rewards, no matter the wind, frost, rain or snow.

No one knew why Oden, who was going to take revenge, had such a big change, even his retainers didn't know what was going on, and even if he was questioned, Oden didn't explain.And his strange behavior in the capital finally spread to Jiuli, and the people in Jiuli were extremely disappointed by it. Every time they saw Yutian, they would insult him, but he just laughed and laughed every time.

One year after Oden returned to Wano Country, 24 years ago.He got an overseas newspaper from General Orochi, and after learning about what happened outside, he ran to the coast and cried wildly, occasionally laughing loudly but soon burst into crying again.

In that year, the world was in an uproar because of the execution of One Piece Gol-D-Roger. In order to seek all the treasures left by him, which is the legendary ONE piece. All the people rushed out to the sea.

The Great Pirate Era has officially begun!
That year, the war between the Moonlight Pirates and the Hundred Beasts Pirates broke out after Rei, and at the same time the tomb of the Sword God Ryoma was stolen.

When the two pirate groups were fighting, it should have been a good time to act, but Oden was still dancing happily in the capital of flowers.

At that time, only his family, retainers and few benefactors were still willing to associate with the notorious Oden.That is Bai Wu daimyo's confrontation and the capital's underworld boss Goro Goro and his wife. Although they didn't know why Oden would compromise with Orochi, they didn't ask much.

Three years later, Mita is still dancing
Four years have passed, and Oden is still dancing around the loincloth

Finally, in the fifth year, General Orochi set out to drive Jiuli, planning to choose a few good places in Jiuli to build a weapon factory.By the way, I conveyed good news to Oden.

That is, Heigoro and his wife who treated Mitian very well have been arrested, those who resisted were also shot and killed by pirates, and even Heigoro's wife died terribly.

When Oden asked Orochi about the ship, Orochi, who had already set the game, just said calmly that there was no such thing.

Just as Oden's fellows and retainers imagined, the tension in the mind of the great samurai who had been shouldering the burden of Mo Acura alone for five years finally broke, and the anger after crying could no longer suppress his resentment.

In the end, he is only now making the determination that he should have made five years ago: he is going to crusade against Kaido.

The vassals who had finally waited for this sentence cheered, and set out in unison to subdue Kaido in the bloody dusk.The people who watched them leave were also touched by their aura, so that later people were in awe of their great strength and firm loyalty.And Kin'emon, Raizo, Inuarashi, Neko Mamushi, Kawamatsu, Akiku, Kanjuro, Denjiro, and Asura Doji are called the Red Sheath Nine Heroes!

In order to prevent accidents with his wife and children at home, Oden sent a letter to the Baiwu daimyo Yasuka before leaving, asking him to come and protect Kozuki and his two young children.

Those who stayed in Oden City knew that once Oden was defeated, Wano Country would be over.

They originally thought that Kaido's gang of pirates would be defenseless and even drunk, but when they arrived, Kaido had already led a large number of subordinates waiting for them.

With everything in his hands, Kaido didn't bother to play any innocent promises with Oden.The reason for breaking the agreement five years ago was to fool Oden.At that time, Oda had just returned, and Orochi's position as a general had not yet been secured, and the hearts of the people in Wano Country were still in favor of Oden.Under the unfavorable situation, if Oden directly joins forces with Heigoro, the leader of the gang after he comes back, then all the samurai and knights in Wano Country will become the enemies of Orochi and Kaido. At that time, Kaido had few subordinates. If you really fight, you won't get much benefit.

At that time, Kaido was still worried that Oden would be as crazy as the rumors said, and he didn't even care about any sacrifices, but Oden, who followed the two heroic pirates out to sea, thought that the big pirates should be as trustworthy as Whitebeard or Roger.Oden, who trusted Kaido, chose the method of not hurting anyone.

Oden also knows that what happened in the past cannot be changed, what he has to do now is to cut off Kaido's head and take back the future of Wano Country.

In addition to the fierce battle, a female ninja from the ninja army that originally served the Kozuki family came to help, and that was Shinobu when he was young.Although other ninja legions have turned against Orochi, Shinobu still chooses to believe in the orthodox heir who should be loyal, and is willing to follow them on the thorny road of no return.

Thousands of pirates were fighting with the 11 samurai at the desperate stand. It was thought that the battle with a huge disparity in numbers would end soon, but it turned into a protracted battle.Kozuki Oden's strength is beyond everyone's imagination.

He even severely injured Kaido, the dragon flying in mid-air, and left a deep and permanent wound on Kaido with the two-sword style "Ten Swords of Taoyuan".

Just when Oden had the upper hand and was able to give Kaido the final blow, he found out that his "son Momonosuke" had been kidnapped, and was distracted by Kaido's merciless thunder and gossip.

By the time Oden saw that so-called 'son' turned into an old woman, the situation was over.His retainers were also distracted by seeing him being hit hard, and were wounded and captured by the pirates one after another.

After this tragic battle, the forest of Tudon was ablaze with everyone, and it was not extinguished by heavy rain until five days later.

Kuri's daimyo Kozuki Oden and his nine retainers were all imprisoned in the capital city of Flowers, charged with treason against the general, and waited until the general personally sentenced him.

People who have been chilled for a long time all watched this with cold eyes. The only pity is that they will not be able to see the weekly free naked dance in the future.

Shinobu who fought with them was not caught. At that time, the pirates didn't know what Shinobu was called during the melee, but they only remembered Kozuki Oden and his nine retainers.What's more, when he was caught again, Oden yelled at Shinobu, and the pirates thought that Shinobu was taking the opportunity to ask for a reward, so they drove her away.

In the end, the punishment of Oden and others was finally pronounced: the 10 vicious warriors will be executed in public three days later, and they will be sentenced to "cooking punishment"! !

At that time, Momanosuke was already eight years old. When Kozuki heard that her husband was going to be executed, she just protected the young child at home, because she knew it was too late to do anything now.

Three days later, the public execution of Kozuki Oden and his nine retainers officially began.

Since the punishment of cooking is relatively rare, people rushed over to watch the excitement, regardless of whether it was their former heir to the general who put the oil in the pan.

On the day of the execution, there was an uproar of voices, and dense crowds flocked to the prison.There is already a huge oil pan more than ten meters wide. The boiling hot oil splashes on the red-hot iron pan and emits sizzling heat, while Orochi and Kaido are sitting in the main seats, and even prepared spirits to watch. play.

Oden also knew that once the oil was put into the pot, there would be no return, and he also knew that Orochi and Kaido would not let them leave here alive.But he still wants to fight for it, even if he can't live, he must find a way to keep his retainers alive.

So he asked Kaido and Orochi, on the condition that ten of them go to the oil pan, and if anyone can persist until the specified time without dying, then let the other people who are still alive be released.

The proposal of insisting on immortality aroused the interest of Kaido and Orochi, because the hot oil pan of hundreds of degrees can melt a living person in just a few seconds.

As if seeing the fun of the boring execution, the rare and generous Kaido asked his subordinates to bring the clock, and agreed to Oden's request.

One hour, as long as they are still alive after one hour, then they can live.

After confirming that Kaido would stick to his promise this time, Oden directly jumped off the frying pan and lifted Kinemon and the other nine people with a wooden plank, insisting that they stay on top of the plank regardless of their crying.

Although the other nine people didn't really get into the frying pan, Kaido, who wanted to watch the show, also tolerantly approved this action.The onlookers were also amazed that Mita lifted up nine tall and burly warriors, and what Mita was standing on was not a comfortable flat ground, but a high-temperature oil pan that could kill instantly, and the bottom of the pan that he stepped on with his bare feet was even worse. Burnt red by the scorching flames below.

The onlookers thought the cooking torture would end in an instant, but Oden, who was supporting nine samurai, lasted for 4 minutes in the scalding heat.The people who came to watch the excitement became a little impatient, and they all sneered and satirized, looking indifferently at the struggling life in front of them, and many people even felt impatient because of Oden's stamina.

Now it has nothing to do with Yutian pretending to be crazy and acting stupid. The indifference and cruelty of people's hearts have made them lack empathy.

Xiao Ren who was hiding in the crowd was stimulated by their indifference. After knocking down those cold-blooded audiences, he screamed and told the truth of all this to those unaware audiences. Uncover a little bit of the truth in Your Highness the Fool on the Body.

Orochi sitting in the position of general is not a general, let alone a dictator.Nor was he thinking of King's Landing.For him, everyone in this country is the enemy of Ba Ling Heitan's family, even if everyone dies, it doesn't matter to him.The reason why he sat on the general's seat was to destroy Wano Country and revenge.

Originally, his grandfather apologized with all his heart for his mistakes, so the family's decline was not a big deal, and he could bear it.But the surviving members of the Heitan family were chased, beaten, thrown into the river and even killed by righteous knights whom they had never met.Obviously the person who actually committed the crime died long ago, but as long as he is born in Heitan's family, even a child can become a sinner.Orochi, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes and even grew up in fear, finally saw the opportunity for revenge, so it was impossible to give up, and he would not give up until he dragged everyone in Wano Country to hell.

Five years ago, when Oden attacked Orochi City, Orochi, who was protected in an unbreakable shield, showed Oden the tribute he gave to Kaido. There were not only a large number of weapons but also hundreds of hostages who were kidnapped. .

Once Kaido gets these people, their end will be sold, played to death or killed.But no matter how angry Oden was, there was nothing he could do. At that time, Orochi also agreed to take a step back.

The enemy is an avenger who has no interest in this country. Even if Oden insists on fighting, Wano Country will have to pay a huge price regardless of the final outcome.Therefore, Oden accepted Orochi's proposal, as long as he went to Orochi City regularly every week to dance the naked dance to Heitan's house, he could save 100 lives.

Orochi and Kaido also promised to wait until the ship under construction is completed.Five years later, Kaido, Orochi and others will set sail to leave this country.

And this was an agreement that even children would doubt, but Yu Tian believed it, and believed that they would not break their promises.

He has kept his promise for five years, and he patrols around every week to see if there are any changes in the townships.

That naive and foolish Highness has been protecting Wano Country in his own way.

(End of this chapter)

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