Chapter 252 The Man Who Waited Until the Curtain Ended--Kanjuro Kurotan

Ghost Island, the back door.It's snowing season, with snow accumulating on the ground, buildings and trees.

At this time, the red sheath samurai were almost all here. Kinemon, Denjiro, Raizo, Akiku, Asura Doji, Inuarashi, Nekobamushi, and Kawamatsu were hiding behind a snowdrift, ready to fight again. Waiting for someone to sneak into Kaido through the back door.

"Look, old dog, this is the latest alloy technology!" Taking advantage of the time, the boss of the cat viper triumphantly introduced the mechanical prosthesis of his left hand to Inulan, and showed off with a machine gun stretched out, "Did you see that? ? I want to use this to beat Kaido into a hornet's nest!"

"This is pretty good." Inulan was a little surprised. His broken left leg was also replaced with a secret weapon, but now he plans to keep it secret.

He Song is still worried about the strange snake at the bottom of the water. After all, the submarine they were riding in was almost thrown into the whirlpool by the snake. "Don't you really worry about that snake? It will really sink the island of ghosts." gone?"

"Don't worry at all!" Kin'emon replied angrily, with his hands folded and his face firm.

"If you wipe the cold sweat off your face, I might still believe you..." Ashura Boy looked at the cold sweat that was about to condense into ice beads on his face speechlessly, and then said with a similarly smug smile, "I saw that girl in Jianlou Village in Jiuli before, to be honest, she might be the strongest woman I've ever seen."

"Well," Denjiro nodded in agreement, and sighed, "My lord princess also believes in Her Excellency Encore's ability. I have protected her lord princess for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen her show the courage of a samurai. I really deserve it." Oden-sama's daughter."

"My lord princess must have been in a lot of pain for the past 20 years. Fortunately, she is now safely hiding in Jiuli." Aju breathed out, he still didn't know the truth of some things.

Denjiro opened his mouth but he didn't know how to explain the complicated plan before. He couldn't just say that the 'Princess Hiyori' who appeared in front of everyone before was that Persian cat, and the real Hiyori Princess was killed a week ago. I'm locked up in Onishima Prison.

Fortunately, at this time, Marco, who was in the form of a phoenix, flew over with Yizang and Morgans, who was taking crazy pictures. After seeing the congregation, he let go of the bird and the bird held by the bird's claws. On a nearby tree branch, "Looks like I caught up, great."

"!!", seeing who the handsome man was, Aju's eyes widened in disbelief, and she covered her mouth tightly but couldn't help the tears welling up in her eyes. When he walked nearby, she couldn't help it Crying and rushing over to hug him, "Master Brother!!"

"You have grown up, Aju. Now you are also a warrior who can stand on your own." Yizang touched the head of his brother, whom he had not seen for many years, with a slightly moved expression.

"Yeah!!" Aju nodded vigorously, sniffling her nose trying to restrain her excitement.

"Marco? Izo!!", Kinemon looked at the two people who had rushed here in surprise, and then looked at the news bird who was taking pictures of them in surprise, "And who is this?"

"You can leave him alone, he won't act with us." Marco explained with a smile, and then reminded Morgans who was taking pictures of the warriors, "Be careful not to be involved in the battle, everyone will have their own battle afterwards Be busy."

"You don't have to pay attention to me, I'm a reporter in the field!" Morgas waved his hand indifferently, and continued to take pictures of the warriors, "I didn't expect to see the living warriors! I can come later Exclusive report!"

"What kind of strange thing is this?" Asura boy frowned and looked at the strange bird circling around them, couldn't help pulling out his knife a little bit, "Can you cut it?"

"No, he was invited by Encore. It's annoying, but it should come in handy." Marco shook his head, then spread his wings and flew away, "Then talk about the old days after the war, I just saw a strange figure at sea, go and have a look first."

"Please, Marco." After watching Marco fly away, the warriors collected their emotions collectively, then turned to look at the long stairs leading to the back door, and walked solemnly to the place where the decisive battle started.

But when they had just walked up the stairs and came to the platform leading to the back door, two headless horsemen suddenly rushed out from behind the snow mountain on horseback, brandished their Ozeki swords, and looked at Kinemon and Kin'emon who were walking in the front. Asura boy.

A cold light flashed, and the headless horseman already had two knife marks on his body. After shaking for a while, they fell to the ground, and soon turned into a realistic picture.

"This is?!" Kin'emon, who didn't know when he pulled out his sword, gritted his teeth, and then looked coldly at the front door that gradually opened from the inside.

"It's amazing! This turned out to be a painting. It seems that there are many strange and capable people in this world!" After taking a few photos of the disconnected painting on the snow, Morgons immediately retracted to the previous one. Hide and hide to avoid yourself being targeted by enemies.

After the door was opened, Kanjuro came out leading more than a dozen man-made fruit capable users of various shapes, besides a few strong headless horsemen.Seeing the so-called companions of the past, Kanjuro didn't bother to put on the acting mask anymore, but said sarcastically, "You really came! Although Fu Lu Shou and the others didn't find any traces of the samurai invasion, they are better than anyone else. Know your tenacity! You will definitely appear on the island of ghosts!"

Izo, who had just returned to Wano Country, didn't know what happened. When he saw his former companion standing on the hostile side, he couldn't help but growl angrily, "Kanjuro, have you betrayed?!"

"Yizang, I didn't expect you to come back for this inevitable battle? Give up, I won't let you succeed in the crusade!" Kanjuro sneered, as if he had seen the tragic situation of the few people in front of him becoming prisoners .

Yizang loosened his clenched fists, and when he looked at the headless horsemen, he also figured it out. He calmed down and said coldly, "The warriors who lost their heads and threw themselves into battle? The paintings really look like them."

"Isn't this similar to you guys?! The downcast samurai who lost their heads like Oden?!" Kanjuro's expression was almost contorted with excitement, and it was hard to hide his excitement at the thought of humiliating these samurai.

"The inferior people have not lost their heads!!" Raizo growled angrily, and loudly yelled out their beliefs, "The master of the inferior people is Momonosuke-sama!!"

"Really? Then I don't know if you can still recognize your lord's current appearance~~", the corners of Kanjuro's mouth couldn't help but rise, and when he saw the shocked expressions of the samurai on the opposite side, he immediately felt happy , contentedly revealed the news they wanted to know, "That guy also made a corresponding resistance. He tried to escape on the way to Ghost Island and scratched a little bit of his skin. In order to let him learn a lesson, I will I beat him half to death~ I just wanted to make him lose consciousness, but it was a bit too much. But thanks to his tenacious survival, I can successfully dedicate him to Master Orochi."

Hearing that he did such a cruel thing to Momonosuke, the faces of the samurai were full of anger and grief that could not be concealed.Inulan couldn't help but shouted, "You bastard! After all, he was your former master, not to mention he was a child, how could you do such a thing?!"

"Hahahaha!!!", Kanjuro laughed triumphantly, "Compared to what happened to the Heitan family, this is nothing at all! And a good show is going on, and the performance layer inside is about to hold peach Nosuke's public execution!"

Morgans, who was caught among the samurai, looked at the sad and angry samurai who did not move, then looked at Kanjuro and the others who were laughing triumphantly in front of him, and immediately urged angrily, "Are you still going to fight?" Huh? I don’t even know how many important news materials I’m going to miss during the time you’ve been chatting! Missy didn’t call me here to report the love and hatred between you warriors!”

Kanjuro's laughing voice stopped, and he was a little surprised when he looked at Morgens holding the camera, "Are you... a reporter from the sea?"

"That's right!" Morgons raised his neck proudly, held up his camera and said, "I am the president of the world's number one economic newspaper, and our newspapers are sold to the whole world!"

"That's just right! It's just right to tell the whole world to let them know that Kozuki's history is over, and Oden's daydream is also broken!" Kanjuro grinned, eager to let the world know
"Who is Oden?! What is the history of Kozuki?!" Morgas frowned, he just wanted to enter the Onishima mansion, "I came here to report the two emperors to the world Unprecedented cooperation, as well as Straw Hat Boys and their battle situation! Wano country's history and so on, can't compare with this wave of big news."

"Shut up first!" Kin'emon growled, glared at Morgas fiercely, and then gritted his teeth and looked at Kanjuro who stood in front of him, "Kanjuro, some of the inferior people have been dormant for 20 years, some Across time and space, just to fulfill Oden-sama's long-cherished wish! No one can stop this! If you insist on standing in front, then the inferior people can only cut you down!"

"With this intention, then the inferior people don't need to just stop you. They will kill you here completely, and annihilate your stupid actions of revenge!" Kanjuro stretched his hand forward and made a dramatic movement, loudly Commanded the surrounding pirates, "Kill them!!"

"Oh!", the pirates who had been waiting for this moment for a long time cheered loudly, and immediately rushed forward impatiently, preparing to kill the gang of souls from 20 years ago and go back to the banquet to drink and have fun.

It's a pity that they were not facing ordinary samurai. The pirates who rushed up with confidence couldn't even survive the second round under their hands, and many of them even fell down without knowing what happened.In this warm-up battle, Inulan also showed a sharp sword used as a prosthetic left leg.

It was Aju who confronted Kanjuro Kami, but he still didn't believe that Kanjuro, who lived and died with them, would become an enemy in the blink of an eye, and asked painfully while crying, "Before we completely break up, I want to ask One thing about you, Kanjuro. From the beginning to the end, don’t you really have no sincerity at all!?”

Kanjuro watched Aju's tears with satisfaction for a while, then grinned grinningly and said, "I'm so happy, Aju. I didn't expect you to praise my acting skills so much. After being betrayed so miserably, you can still show affection to me." This means that I really performed very thoroughly, right?! I have no heart since I was a child, and because of this, I can laugh in front of you even if I am not happy, and shed tears even if I am not sad. The heart that disappeared seems to be filled, the next character is perfect~~"

"..." A-ju just watched him shed tears quietly, but she held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands and was ready to fight at any time.

"Cry, cry, the more you cry, the more you will prove your acting skills!" Kanjuro laughed wildly, raising the brush in his hand to announce his success loudly, "The more you prove that I am a perfect actor ! Not just any guy can comment hahahahaha!"

However, Aju's tears gradually stopped, and his bright eyes became sharp and quiet in the blink of an eye. While putting on the terrifying ghost mask, he coldly announced to Kanjuro with a surprised expression, "I am sorry for you!" Let me tell you, Kanjuro Yuyu used to be a very important partner, but you killed him with your own hands just now. Let me show you what level you have reached during the 20 years you have traveled through time and space!!"

Morgans, who was hiding at a safe distance, took a few photos of the fiercely fighting pirates and warriors from time to time, shook his head dissatisfied after looking at it for a while, and made a bet with himself, "Tsk tsk, In the battle between these samurai and the Four Emperors Kaido, it really is Kaido's chance to win."


(End of this chapter)

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