One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 254 Ghost Island Chapter

Chapter 254 Ghost Island Chapter
Momonosuke, who was confused, heard his distorted story, angrily endured the pain and tried to speak, " actually insulted your mother into a witch...I...I will definitely not let you go!"

"Hey, hey, what are you capable of barking around here?" Quinn looked at Momonosuke who could be strangled to death at any time with disgust. If this guy's father was Kozuki Oden, he probably wouldn't have survived until now.

During the past 20 years in Wano country, I don’t know how many young ghost heads and innocent civilians died. Although these blood debts are related to the Beast Pirates occupying Wano country, Kozuki Oden, who surrendered to die, cannot escape responsibility.

At this time, Orochi approached Momonosuke who was tied there with a smirk, and said with a hypocritical smile, "I will send you to that world immediately! You can act like a baby with your mother as much as you want!!"

The bruised nose and swollen face made Momanosuke slurred his speech, but he still shouted out the facts he believed angrily, "I...ah no, the will of my father will not disappear! Even if I am executed! I am The vassals and Luffy will definitely open up Wano's future!"

"Shut up! Your virtue is exactly the same as that useless father of yours!", Orochi mercilessly slapped Momonosuke's slapped face, and took the microphone to spread the sarcasm throughout the whole world Field, "Before he died, Mi Tian pinned his hope on today, 20 years later, and before Shi died, he also pinned his hope on today! Then today, you pin your hope on your retainers and pirates??! You all Will the Yue family just pass the responsibility on to others?! And then enjoy the benefits for themselves?"

"Hahahahaha!! That's right, that's right!!" The pirates below were amused, holding up their glasses and laughing wildly, "As expected, like father, like son, hahahaha!!!"

"...Hahaha...", the warriors who mixed in could only try their best to pull the corners of their mouths into a reluctant smile, enduring the humiliated anger of the princes and continuing to pretend.

Robin frowned and looked at Momonosuke, who was about to be executed, approached Jinbe and whispered in a low voice, "Boss Jinbe, I can't help it, can't I save Taozi now?"

"Patience for a while, Nicole Robin, it's not time to be exposed yet. So we still need to disguise first, don't forget that we still have a mission." Jinbe warned in a low voice, and then followed the surrounding discussions The pirates laughed together.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper." After calming down, Robin laughed like the pirates around him, patiently listening to the story of the big snake.

"It also said that Kozuki Oden went to the outside world to know the truth of the world, but in the end he couldn't change anything! We can only incompetently push all the responsibilities to 20 years later, to people who have nothing to do with Wano Country My straw hat boy and others!", Orochi thought of the joy of revenge and the shogun who has sat firmly on the throne for 20 years, and couldn't help laughing crazily, "The Wano country has now become the result of my revenge, but Oden helped Very busy hahahahaha!!!"

He climbed from an unknown pawn to his current position not only by flattering everywhere, he also avenged the destruction of the Heitan family, and even ascended to the throne of the general and held the Wano country in his hands. No one More successful than him!
"Hahahaha!!", the pirates below also laughed, cheering and shouting the name of the big snake.

"Okay, I won't say much about other things~", Orochi cleared his throat, and yelled down, "Come and vote!! The bullet is still the punishment of cooking! It's up to you to decide!!"

The pirates who had been waiting for this moment immediately reveled, yelling about different options,

"Bullet Bullet!! I vote for Bullet!"

"I vote for boiled punishment! He should be boiled like his father!"

"Hahaha, don't be joking! Such a brat is probably scared to piss before he is even in the pot! It can't last an hour at all!!"

"Hahahaha indeed! This kid who smells like milk is actually the lord of the warriors, what a joke!!"


"Today the history of the Kozuki family will come to an end, even if the red sheath warriors arrive!!" Orochi kept inspiring the atmosphere of the banquet, looking elated as if he had seen the end of the Kozuki family, " Let's drink, let's drink!! This is the toast before the carnival!!!"

"Oh oh oh!!!"


in the hall.

"Damn Orochi made me lose my interest in drinking!" Kaido frowned tightly listening to the sound coming from the main stage, and after drinking all the wine in the wine bowl, he smashed the red wine bowl to the ground, and He growled to Jhin who was rushing over quickly, "Didn't Yamato find it yet?!"

"I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to find out where Master Yamato is." Jhin replied helplessly, and he also went to find Yamato himself, but still couldn't find their little master.

"Forget it, let's talk about that matter together with Momonosuke's execution!" Kaido also knew that his son had always been disobedient, and then he yelled at the man-made fruit-capable man floating across the roof , "Baohuang, is Lingling still okay?"

"Here!!" Baohuang, who was so frightened that his hair exploded, immediately stood up straight, and hurriedly reported what he saw, "BIGMOM is coming here!"

"Then you should have said it earlier!" Kaido said angrily, reached out and picked up the heavy mace and walked towards the main stage, "Let's go, it's time to get down to business."

"Yes." Jhin and Jack followed behind him, walking towards the main stage where the big event was about to happen.

On the main stage, the enthusiastic big snake shouted excitedly with a microphone, constantly encouraging the densely packed pirates below to raise their glasses, "Drink, drink!! Today is a memorable day!!"

The pirates who were in the carnival also raised their wine glasses and drank heavily. As soon as the wine entered their throats, they saw their real boss appearing on the main stage, and they sprayed out the wine in shock.But after reacting, the pirates burst into unprecedented cheers, raising their glasses and shouting loudly, "Kaido Kaido Kaido Kaido!!!!"

Kaido, who was standing under the main stage on the second floor, listened to the loud cheers and looked at the subordinates with satisfaction. After a slight nod, the crowd below immediately stopped their voices and waited for the four emperors to speak with bated breath.

"Listen up, little ones. This brat's execution is too boring, let me add some fun. Connect to the video phone bugs on the whole island!" Kaido waved his hand, and his rough face was unstoppable Kai was full of ambition, "I have a big announcement to announce! That is the New Oni Island Project!!"



(End of this chapter)

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