One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 258 The Beheaded Serpent

Chapter 258 The Beheaded Serpent
on the main stage.

Seeing the unprecedented enthusiastic cheers from the audience, Big Snake couldn't help but grinned silly and happily, not aware of the imminent danger at all.

Kaido stood on the main stage with a mace in his hand. His burly body over 7 meters high and his domineering aura weakened the three disasters waiting nearby.He didn't even look at the jumping clown at his feet, but stared at the troops headed by Fu Lu Shou coldly, "Then there are the subordinates of Orochi, you choose a side."

"!!" Seeing his sharp eyes, Fu Lushou and the others were so frightened that a lot of cold sweat broke out, and they couldn't understand his sudden change of attitude for a while.

Kaido knows that he needs to expand his army no matter now or in the future, and the army brought by Orochi is nearly [-]. This is undoubtedly the meat sent to the wolf's mouth. Why didn't he take the opportunity to swallow it?

Thinking of this, it was rare for him to patiently explain in detail to those Orochi subordinates who had already panicked, "This country, neither the world government nor the navy, can't easily take action. It is a natural fortress surrounded by waterfalls. As long as there are more weapons factories, the country will The people in Huadu are also used as labor force, and this place will become a paradise for pirates and a real lawless place!"

The Orochi, who was frozen there, had only now digested the terrible information he had just heard, and immediately yelled at one of the best big pirates in the open sea, "Hey! Kaido, you bastard! What were you talking about just now? !! Huadu is my territory! Just because my surname is Heitan, I have been tortured by the Guangyue family for so many years, do you understand? I can’t even survive, I will be persecuted, despised, and everything will be taken away! It was because of my hatred for the Kozuki family and Wano country that I took action! Huadu is the symbol of the successful revenge of the Heitan family! Their lives and their land are all mine! Even you I can't let you act so easily!!"

"!!!", Hearing that the big snake dared to yell at one of the four emperors and point fingers, the pirates off the stage were all frightened, and many of them even couldn't hold their wine glasses firmly.

Seeing Kaido's dark face, the members of the Beasts Pirates subconsciously controlled their breathing.

Regarding Orochi's nonsense, Kaido turned around and stretched his neck as if he hadn't heard it, but this indifferent attitude angered Orochi even more.

"Did you hear that?!", Orochi's voice was already sharp enough to be harsh, but he was staring at Kaido fiercely with his eyes wide open, his bloodshot pupils faintly changed color, "I want Let the Kozuki sinners who abused the Kurotan family kneel down! Let them be in terror forever, unable to resist for the rest of their lives! From the past to the future, this will continue forever! The country of Wano will be destroyed by me, this country is mine !Recognize who you are, Kaido!!!"

The venue, which was crowded with tens of thousands of people, was completely silent at this time, and the dead silence was a little scary.

On the main stage, Jhin just silently held a four-meter-long yellow sword in both hands, and when Kaido, who was walking towards the execution platform, passed in front of him, he quietly handed it to the front.

The only noisy sound in his ears was the wild roar of the big snake. After automatically filtering the noise, Kaido just put down the mace in his hand, and even made a shallow hole when the heavy weapon fell on the solid ground.

"!!!!" Momonosuke, who was tied there, was shrouded in a huge black shadow, trembling violently.When he faced his father-killing enemy at close range, he still couldn't bear the pressure at the age of eight.

What's more, for Kaido and the others, 20 years have passed.But for them, who have traveled through 20 years, the tragedy of family destruction happened only a few months ago, and the burning Oden City is still clearly burning in their minds.

"You are just my spare tire! Who do you think can get so many weapons? I have this Wano country! You have to be clear about this!", while the big snake is still yelling relentlessly Then, after seeing Kaido standing in front of Momonosuke pull out the treasured sword, he opened his mouth in satisfaction, foolishly thinking that Kaido was threatened by him, "It's good that you understand, what you have to do now is Kill that little..."

The unknowingly high-pitched roar stopped abruptly, and the people who witnessed the whole process all widened their eyes and opened their mouths, and their whole bodies froze in place, only their pupils moved uncontrollably with the falling black dot.

After cutting off the noisy head with his backhand, Kaido, who had finally cleared his ears, snorted coldly, wiped off the blood on the sword and handed it to Jhin who was waiting at the side, "Hmph, who cares about you. This guy is gone. used."

"!!!!", both the subordinates of the Beast Pirates and the samurai hiding in it were all frightened by the beheading that happened in front of them. The cooperation between the Beast Pirates and Orochi has lasted for 20 years, and it was Orochi who first offered an olive branch to Kaido.

"Well, well, well, well!!!!", in the dead silence, BIGMOM's loud laughter was particularly abrupt.Obviously, she had a great time watching the play just now.

"!!!", Momonosuke, who was tied to the execution rack, witnessed everything at close range, his pupils dilated in fright, but he lost his voice due to excessive fear, and breathed in embarrassment with his mouth wide open.

The body of Orochi whose body and head were separated was right in front of him, and the bloodstains all over the ground were still warm, which seemed to indicate that Momonosuke's fate would be the same as Orochi's.

At this time, Kaido punched the execution frame fiercely, and the violent force even made the execution frame creak.Momonosuke, who was tied to the top, was so frightened by the opponent's more terrifying aura and aura than 20 years ago that he dared not say a word, shivering and trying to curl up his body to reduce his sense of existence.

Looking at the head of the little devil on the execution rack who would faint from fright at any time, Kaido originally thought that he would have a little backbone, but when he saw his panicked appearance that was almost scared to death, he felt bored, "It's really boring, for me It doesn't matter whether it's the Heitan family or the Kozuki family!"

He is only interested in powerful people. This kind of little devil who only inherits the blood of Mitian but has no strength and perseverance will only disappoint him. his chassis.

Skimming over the corpse of Orochi and walking to the edge of the main stage, Kaido reached out and picked up the mace and raised it, facing the dark crowd below, and said loudly his next plan, "The fly that blackmailed the pirates is dead. Now Make a decision within five seconds, Orochi's subordinates. Do you follow me and become a pirate, or challenge me to die here. In order to meet the future war, I want to make this an empire of pirates! There will be more expeditions everywhere Wake up, move this ghost island to Huadu tonight! Wano country will be destroyed!! The country will be renamed, New Ghost Island!! The general is my son—Yamato!!!"

Only now did the pirates react slowly, and they began to raise their wine glasses or weapons one after another and cheered tremblingly. When they completely accepted Kaido's new plan, they shouted crazily Saying, "Ooooh!!! New Oni Island New Oni Island New Oni Island New Oni Island!!!"

Fu Lushou and others also knew that Orochi's general situation was over, and after looking at each other for a while, they also knelt down to Kaido, and easily chose a powerful new master, "The Ninja Army of the Wano Kingdom, the imperial family, and the Samurai Army, There are a total of 1 people, and the inferiors are willing to serve you, Governor Kaido!"

"Welcome! Hahahahaha!!", Kaido laughed with satisfaction, very satisfied with the other party's choice of judging the situation.What's more, the leader of the opponent is Orochi, and Kaido doesn't believe how loyal his subordinates are.

The pirates who originally thought they were going to fight also relaxed, and hooked up with the samurai who had already become partners, laughing and celebrating that they became real partners, "Hahahaha that's great, we thought we were going to fight with you ~"

"I didn't expect that you even took in the subordinates of that useless general. Now your strength has increased a lot." BIGMOM laughed out loud, waving his hand to let homias bring up the spoils he just got, "I Just caught a couple of little things that just happened to cheer our allies up."

"Let go of me!", Nami, Kailot and Hiyori, who were held by homias, struggled hard, but they couldn't break free from the shackles of those strange creatures.

"Xiao Zi??", Quinn saw Hiyori being caught, and after being happy for a second, he pointed at BIGMOM and shouted, "Old woman!! What are you doing holding Xiao Zi?! She is the chief oiran of the Land of Fire .It's Lao Tzu's goddess!"

"For the sake of the alliance, I won't bother with you." BIGMOM, who was in a good mood, didn't care about Quinn's complaints, and waved homias to send Xiaozi to the main stage on the second floor, "Anyway, I There is no need for her, I will reward you."

"Aww!! Xiao Zi!!!", Quinn, who was so excited, rushed over to catch the beauty she had dreamed of, let her stand still, and immediately drove away those strange homias, "Go, go! Don't scare Xiao Zi ~"

The frightened Hiyori only dared to turn his head for a while, and when she realized it, she was already standing among a group of enemies. When she subconsciously looked up and saw Kaido with a gloomy face, she froze there with a pale face.

"!!", the samurai in the crowd saw the princess of Wano country being treated as an object, and their eyes burst into anger. Apart from their anger, they didn't even realize why Hiyori, who was so powerful before, was caught.

Robin pushed his glasses, but he let out a sigh of relief, "It's back."

"Yeah." Jinbei nodded slightly, but looked at Momonosuke and Hiyori on the main stage with some headaches, "But now Kozuki Oden's two remaining bloodlines are in the hands of the enemy, and it's troublesome now."

"Hiyori...", Momonosuke tried to open his eyes and looked at his sister whom he hadn't seen in 20 years. His face was so similar to his mother's that he couldn't help but blush.

Kaido stared deeply at Hiyori, raised his leg and took a step towards her, only to find that the beauty covered in cold sweat was slumped on the ground by his footsteps.

"Hmph, it really is a counterfeit." Kaido didn't bother to pay her any attention after a cold snort.

Hiyori who fell down and sat down felt his hand on the ground touched some viscous liquid, subconsciously lifted it up and saw only blood on his hand, twisted his stiff neck to look at the ground, just happened to be dead with the big snake Heads up.

"Ah!!!!", the bloodless Hiyori screamed in fear, and crawled away from there with hands and feet. After moving a few meters, he felt something on his back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the big snake's body behind the familiar kimono. She immediately froze in place, not daring to look back at the headless body behind her.

Quinn, who has always been a big fan of the oiran, subconsciously wanted to go up to protect the frightened beauty, but when he stopped, he remembered that his boss was still here, so he quickly stopped and looked at Kaido with a gloomy expression.

"Didn't Lingling give her to you? You can do whatever you want." Kaido just shrugged indifferently, and after confirming Hiyori's true identity, he just felt bored.He originally thought that the eight-year-old kid would be so cowardly because he was too young, but he didn't expect that the other daughter who stayed in Wano Country and watched Wano Country's glory was so cowardly.

What's more, seeing the dignified Kozuki Oden's daughter reduced to a plaything, and even rewarded by Lingling to her subordinates, it will definitely be a very interesting scene if those loyal warriors know about it.

With the permission of the boss, the chubby Quinn rushed up, squatted down and carefully lifted up the delicate beauty who was not as big as his palm, and after blocking her sight with his palm, he immediately yelled at the subordinates who were waiting nearby. Said, "Why is this unlucky thing still here?!! Hurry up and throw him away, then clean it up and hurry here!!"

"Yes!!" Two pirates came up and dragged away the head and body of the big snake, and were going to come later to clean up the ground.

Quinn was still squatting there, with his hands half-closed to protect the petite oiran, "Don't be afraid, Xiao Zi, I will take you to rest later."

Hiyori, who had calmed down a little, also knew that only Quinn, who was dazzled by beauty, would help her, and she didn't want to face the other two big billboards or even Kaido head-on.After she stabilized her mind, she stretched out her slender hand to support Quinn's palm, and smiled softly at him. She was immediately fascinated by the big round billboard.

"Quinn, don't forget that she blew herself up not long ago." Jhin, who couldn't stand it anymore, reminded Quinn, who was dazzled by the beauty, and angrily mentioned what happened a few days ago, "She is not a flower. What kind of oiran in the capital, her real identity is the daughter of Kozuki Oden - Kozuki Hiyori! Don't forget this!"

"Yeah!", Quinn calmed down a little now, but soon continued to brag about Hiyori, "But what does it matter, you see, Xiao Zi is so scared by Kaidao that she can't stand up now Well, it’s no big deal even if it’s Kozuki Oden’s daughter. Kill the kid over there, and those samurai will stop making trouble.”

"Kaido, what waste of time is there for that kind of waste offspring? Just let someone deal with it." BIGMOM, who was standing below, raised his head angrily and shouted to Kaido on the main stage on the second floor, his face covered with heavy makeup was full of shadows. Ruthless, "Don't forget what our purpose is now."

"Of course. There is only one Kozuki Oden, and even his descendants cannot become him again." Kaido knew this fact a long time ago, because that man died under his gun.Then he looked at the two women caught by the bunch of homias, "What other useful guy did you catch?"

"When the Straw Hat Boy made a big fuss in my territory, these two women were his subordinates." BIGMOM asked his homias to lift Nami and Kailuote up, with a grinning face showing bitter calculations, "We Can it be exchanged for Nicole Robin~"


(End of this chapter)

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