One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 265 Double Trap

Chapter 265 Double Trap
Negative layer.

Most of the pirates were sent to the performance floor to hunt down the intruders, and most areas of Oni Island saw very few people.Most of the negative floors are warehouses for storing treasures or miscellaneous items. Except for the key vaults guarded by pirates, there are not many people in other places.

From time to time, a few seriously injured or dead pirates or warriors would fall from the venue on the upper floor, and faint shelling could be heard from time to time.

Franky, Brooke, Usopp, and Chopper who fell down also successfully merged, although the way to merge was that they all stepped on the trap of their own vice-captain.The NUMBERS ten ghosts who fell after them stuck their heads on the floor. The drunken NUMBERS didn't move for a while, and seemed to have passed out.

"Winding Dragon Chariot, Rhino Motorcycle, Fit!!"

An open space was vacated in the dark warehouse, and the dragon chariot and the rhinoceros motorcycle were deformed and assembled into a steel pirate who seldom appeared.The few three spectators (Brook, Usopp and Chopper) applauded very much, and Long Nose and Little Reindeer cheered excitedly.

"SUPER~~~~~", Franky, who controls the Iron Pirate, came to a classic look, which attracted two fans of Long Nose and Little Reindeer to keep shouting.

"Pa-ta", the NUMBER ten ghosts who were stuck upside down on the ground suddenly twitched their hands and feet, and then twisted their bodies like a ghost, and it took a while to pull out their horned head from the ground.

"!!", the four people who were still excited at first watched the ten ghosts stand up with gritted teeth fiercely, almost broke their necks and couldn't see the top, and the steel pirates, which are so huge for ordinary people, are not even big enough. At the ankles of ten ghosts,

"Wow wow wow wow ~", the ten ghosts saw the strange steel pirate for the first time, and immediately danced and screamed, raised their feet and stomped down.

Although Franky has confidence in his own technology and knows that ten ghosts can't damage the steel robot, when he sees a big foot like a hill stepping down, a normal person will feel pressure in his heart.As a pervert among perverts, Frankie controlled the Iron Pirate to turn around and run away without even thinking about it, "Run away!! Why is this monster so huge?"

"Googling!!", the escaped prey aroused the interest of the ten ghosts even more, it almost didn't even think about it and chased after it, its huge body crashed into many walls and beams from time to time.

A skull, a long nose, and a small reindeer appeared behind a large wooden box somewhere. After looking at the steel pirate being chased by the ten ghosts with three pairs of eyes, they gave a thumbs up very tacitly, " Trust Franky to be fine!"

Not long after, a few scarred warriors fell from the camouflaged ceiling above, smashing hard on the ground and even spattering a lot of blood due to the impact.

"Ah, someone is injured?!! Where is the doctor?!!" The little reindeer screamed in fright immediately, and hurried up to check the situation after a few seconds of panic, but when he saw the injuries of those people, his heart trembled. Shen.

The enemy's attacks were merciless, except for the wounds caused by the defense, all the others were hit on the vital points, in order to kill them with one blow.

Chopper stared blankly at the front of the dead warriors, twisted his neck stiffly to look at the fallen people around him, and found that most of them were warriors in prison uniforms. Guessing the fierce battle before their death, it is clear that even if they lose, they will kill the enemy with their swords.

They have been waiting for this moment for 20 years, so the warriors will not be stingy with their lives, even if they die, they will drag an enemy to be buried with them.

"Chopper, there's one alive here!" Usopp found a dying samurai from a cargo box, but as soon as he climbed up, he saw the samurai coughing up blood and wanted to say something, but his lips After a few clicks, his head tilted and there was no movement.

Compared to their panic, Brook, who had lived for a long time, seemed much calmer, and reminded them, "We should also go up and fight, otherwise Mr. Luffy and Ms. Encore will be under a lot of pressure."

"That's right!" Usopp also took out his slingshot, and then looked at Chopper who was still bowing his head, "Chopper, as long as Kaido and the others are knocked down, no more comrades will be injured. "

"I see..." Chopper put the nearby knife back into the samurai's hand, blinked hard and then said cheerfully, "Then I'm going to meet the goat doctor of the fur tribe, we need Find out Quinn's virus laboratory first, and cut off the possibility of him using biological weapons!"

"Yohohohoho, I'll be counting on you then." Brooke didn't decide to take part in the battle for the time being, as he still had more important tasks to complete, "I need to gather with Miss Robin, the priority of our two targets is the enemy's Where's the treasure~"

"Then I'll go find Nami," Usopp nodded to them, and then the three with different goals quickly split up.Now is the time of war against the clock, they can't waste time.


Quinn has a research institute on Ghost Island that specializes in storing finished viruses. The left area is a place for researching viruses, and there is a cold storage for storing viruses in the innermost part.In the area on the right, many white mice were locked up, and dozens of glass isolation rooms were used to lock up the captured prisoners.

There is a strict isolation zone between the two areas, and destruction agencies are also prepared to prevent virus outbreaks.However, what is stored here are basically finished products, and there is basically no virus outbreak.

The area on the right is protected in a Hailou stone cage. The sparse cage has only one entrance and exit, and Hailou stones are also hidden in the ceiling and floor, in order to prevent anyone from breaking the ground or ceiling to escape.

The prisoners are all infected with different viruses, and they either roll in pain because of the virus every day, or wander around in the small glass room like walking dead.

In the cage, on the shiny white tiled floor, Anke was sitting cross-legged in front of one of the glass rooms, looking at the patient opposite the glass with his face propped up.The patient with blue and white spots all over his body has lost his mind, and at this moment he is banging his head against the glass one after another.

Enke, who didn't know why he came here, was not in a hurry to run out, even though many warriors had already fallen on the battlefield that had already broken out.

When she regained her senses, she also found that she couldn't use the devil fruit ability and the ability of eyes in this special cage, and judging from this posture, the other party wanted to use the virus to get rid of herself.

But what she is more curious about is that she led her here, the so-called know yourself and your enemy, you will win every battle, she decided to wait for the mastermind who set up this trap to come out.

Looking back at the patients who were still hitting the wall, she jumped to the place where the cage was eight meters above the ground, grabbed the cage with both hands and stepped on the crossbar with both feet, hanging there like a little spider.

Hailoushi made her weak, but she didn't want to go back to the ground. The prisoners held there might be released, and she didn't want to catch the virus.Each square of the cage was just a little bigger than her little head, just enough for her to rest her chin on the square.

A certain Persian cat did not intend to run away immediately, but waited leisurely for the hunter who prepared the trap.The two white bracelets that were originally worn on both hands also changed back to the white camellia decoration worn on the left ear. The hands that lost the battle clapped casually, and the applause was very strange in the dead silence of the research institute.

"Clank and earn..."

The melodious and melodious sound of the piano sounded, which made people feel refreshed like the sound of nature, but it only created a cold and terrifying atmosphere.

The scarlet left eye narrowed slightly, Anke soon just chuckled, stopped clapping his hands and looked eagerly at the white wall in front of him on the left.

Under the bright lights, the walls were horribly white, and when the sound of the piano stopped, a beautiful woman with bright and gorgeous clothes, noble and rich makeup, and complicated and dignified hair came out holding a shamisen, and the magnificent beauty stepped into the cage In the front, after holding the plectrum in his right hand and scratching across the strings, he looked up at Encore hanging on the cage.

Seeing the former ally, there was even a charming smile on that charming face, and the bright red lips raised upwards and greeted softly, "Master Anke, Gui'an~"

"Hello~", Anke waved her hand, and because of her position, she condescendingly looked at the beautiful Wano country princess, or rather the number one oiran of Wano country.

Xiao Zi smiled lightly, and the plectrum held in her right hand plucked an irregular rhythm on the strings, "Isn't Mrs. Anke surprised to see this concubine in the enemy's territory?"

"Wow, what a surprise~" Anke exclaimed with great enthusiasm, and soon continued to hang on the stone cage of Hailou feebly, "Then can you call out the mastermind behind you now? What I hate is Hailoushi."

"Then you can come down to the ground and wait," Xiao Zi tilted her head, and she couldn't understand why An Ke was so uncomfortable holding on to the Hailou stone cage, and even climbed so high above the ground.

"No, the ground is full of patients with various viruses. No matter how powerful I am, my body still belongs to the category of human beings." An Ke pouted, and continued to hang on the Hailou Stone Prison with hands and feet.

Xiaozi Weiwei tightened her bright red lips, looked at her in silence for a while, and couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to ask me? Or are you not worried about Lord Carlot's safety?"

"Carrot will take care of himself, and no one else needs to worry about it. As for you~~", Enke paused, looked at the bright and beautiful Xiao Zi from top to bottom seriously for a while, and then asked very puzzled , "Do you still have any use value for me now?"

She was really puzzled, so that truthful sentence seemed extremely cruel.

Su Bai's right hand shook violently, and the wooden plectrum cut the strings on it. After a short harsh sound of "铛", the broken strings rebounded and cut her left hand holding the piano.

"Ah!", screaming Xiao Zi subconsciously threw away the shamisen and plectrum in her hand, and pressed her right hand tightly on the back of her left hand that was cut, but strands of blood still dripped down from between her fingers .

An Ke tilted her head, quietly looked at Xiao Zi who was trembling in pain for a while, and then decided to stop talking to her in a dull manner, so as not to scare her into something wrong again.

Xiao Zi frowned and looked up at the indifferent Enke, and said coolly, "Master Anke, you really deserve to be a pirate. It's really cruel to throw it away after using it."

"You can't beat people to death with a single shot? Everyone in our pirate team is still very kind. Of course, I'm a different kind~", An Ke explained leisurely, and then looked at the elevator in front of him, "Finally, Here we come."

"Ding" the notification sounded for the arrival of the elevator, and when the elevator door opened, Jhin, who was covered in black and tightly wrapped with only a pair of eyes exposed, appeared here.However, he was alone and did not bring other subordinates.

Listening to the steady footsteps from behind, Xiao Zi lowered her head slightly and retreated to the corner, her obedient appearance was in line with Wano country's tradition.

Jhin, striding forward, raised his hand and pressed a few switches on the wall, and the glass doors where the patients were imprisoned opened automatically, and those patients who had lost their consciousness walked out unsteadily, wandering around in the stone cage of the Hailou with.

Standing five meters in front of the cage, Jhin looked at the girl in front of him calmly.It was the first time he had seen the witch who had been rumored to be so uproarious. Although he didn't know what she was capable of, ordinary people didn't see the calm and calm attitude of the enemy.

An Ke is very satisfied with the current position, because she can look into Jhin's eyes, although the height of the other party still makes her displeased.She didn't care about the other party's long scrutiny, but raised her eyebrows and also looked at the black iron mask on Jhin's face.

After confirming that she doesn't have much fighting ability now, Jhin suddenly asked, "If you hand over your left eye, I can let you live."

"Why? Isn't torture your favorite pleasure?" The girl's face was full of doubts, as if she really didn't understand his proposal, "If you extract confessions through torture like before, won't you get the information you want? "

"If you were just a piece of trash, there wouldn't be all kinds of rumors about you in the world." Jhin drew out a dagger and swiped at Encore, only to find that the dagger was not as big as his own, so he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, "And I I’m not interested in small prisoners, and they’ll be gone after a little torture. Only that guy Quinn would use those little white mice for experiments.”

"Little one~" Anke's lips twitched, and then he bent his eyebrows with a smile, looked at the only eye on Jhin's face with a smile and said, "Seeing humans lying on the experimental bed, don't you miss me a lot?" what~~"

"Bang!!", a fist bigger than Anke's whole body slammed on the cage near her, and the violent force even made the whole Hailou stone cage slightly vibrate.

"I'm just talking about me, what are you excited about?" Anke puffed up his face, refusing to look at the fist that was wider than himself beside him.

Jhin withdrew his fist, narrowed his red eyes slightly, and then asked coldly, "Aren't you running away?"

"I can't escape either, most of my abilities are restricted here." Anke stretched out his fingers and drew a circle in front, and a red butterfly appeared out of thin air, "And I didn't expect the princess of Wano country to here~"

The shape of the butterfly that appeared out of thin air was somewhat blurred, and it shattered and disappeared after flapping its wings a few times.

Jhin noticed that the butterfly disappeared after she finished speaking, and almost subconsciously sensed the surrounding voices with domineering aura, and when he felt the looming killing intent, he immediately looked up at the ceiling above his head.

A few seconds later, several staggered straight cracks appeared on the ceiling, and the several-meter-thick wooden planks were cut into pieces and fell down.At the same time, Robin flapped his wings and flew down.Her two hands are still holding the left hand of the green algae head swordsman, while Sauron's other hand is holding the third generation ghost.

"?!", Xiao Zi, who was hiding in the corner, looked at the two in surprise, and soon fell on Yan Mo, who was measured by Sauron's waist, [Is he the samurai who got his father's sword? ]
Jhin, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't wait for them to fall to the ground, and rushed into the air with his flaming wings, and the fine sparks flashed by, and he had already turned into a pteranodon, with a sharp beak The two who are about to penetrate from the sky.

A series of hands growing from the wall on the left reached out and grabbed Zoro's belt, and quickly changed the trajectory of the two through the reduction of the arms, narrowly avoiding the stabbing beak.

When they landed on the ground, Jhin also retracted his wings and landed on the ground almost at the same time, and took back the transformation of the devil fruit.After recognizing the identities of the two intruders, Jhin immediately stared at Robin with sharp eyes, "Nicole-Robin!"

Sauron held the knife in both hands to guard against him, and moved slightly to protect Robin with his hands crossed, "Robin, go and release Encore first."

"Let me out first, I'm going to beat him up." The Persian cat, which was still hanging on the cage, waved at them aggrievedly, "Trapping me at every turn is too much."

"Yes, yes~", Robin smiled softly, and ran back under the cover of Sauron to go around to the cage.

"Didn't you just run around?" Sauron was a little helpless, and the next moment he raised his knife to block a slash that was flying in front of him.But in just a few seconds, Jhin had already bypassed him to chase Robin.

But the strange thing is that Sauron didn't stop him, instead he ran to the place where Xiao Zi was hiding, regardless of her astonishment, he directly carried her with one hand on his left shoulder, put away the knife in his right hand and ran to the hole in the ceiling shouted, "Luffy!"

"Oh!", the captain of the straw hat who was waiting above immediately stretched his right foot down, let him grab it and retract it immediately.

"Ah!!", Xiao Zi never imagined that she would be in such a mess, and she also screamed because of the other party's rudeness and the rapidly increasing distance.

Jhin didn't care about the situation over there. An oiran and a little pirate were obviously inferior to Robin who knew the whereabouts of ancient weapons, and the latter was obviously more valuable.

After driving the panicked Robin to a corner, Jhin said coldly, "It seems that your partner has also been brainwashed by Wano's stupid samurai spirit, and even abandoned himself for the sake of Wano's dead daughter. two partners."

"Who knows~", Robin who was forced to the corner smiled lightly, and then his whole body turned into pink petals and disappeared.

"What?!", the red pupils behind the mask shrank tightly, and Jhin immediately looked back at the Persian cat that was still mounted on the cage, but found that her position had not changed, but the surrounding scenery was distorted and changed rapidly. After a burst of uncontrollable dizziness in his mind, he found himself in a place full of pungent smells.

Blinking suddenly and looking around the surrounding environment, he couldn't believe that he actually appeared in the sea tower stone cage used to hold the test subjects.

"Surprise~~~", the little girl who was still in front of him waved her hand, her position just changed from inside the cage to outside the cage, but her identities had already switched with Jhin.

Jhin was sure that he had been vigilant against the witch's illusion from the moment he came down, and after careful rethinking of the whole process, he found nothing wrong, so he couldn't help but punch her hard, but his strong fist touched the cage, No other entities were encountered.

After retracting his fist, Jhin found that the girl was still hanging on the cage intact, and her position hadn't changed at all.

It's clear that she wasn't real from start to finish.

Jhin didn't think about how she used illusion in such an environment full of seals, she could only grit her teeth and growl fiercely, "What did you do to me?!"

"White mouse~", the girl uttered three words from her slightly pale lips, and giggled under Jhin's even more awe-inspiring murderous look, "This is the Key word, you said it yourself~~"

The complexion behind Jhin's mask was already almost the same color as his complexion. Even in the Hailou Stone Prison, he could not use his fists and kicks. He sprinkled all his anger on those unconscious patients, and kicked those wandering patients with a few kicks. When it comes to the corners, the leather boots are also very good at isolating the virus.

"I won't use illusions to hide you, otherwise this battle would be too boring~ I hope Master Jhin, you come out soon~" The Persian cat that completed the task obediently waved goodbye to him, and threw it at him with his angry fist. It disappeared before, "Bye then~"


(End of this chapter)

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