One Piece's Vice Captain 2

Chapter 291 Get One?

Chapter 291 Get One?
Behind the Ghost Island.

"Crystal-suspended mirror!" Countless crystal flakes float in mid-air, at different heights, providing a large number of landing points.

After creating a place where she could act automatically, she immediately raised her knife and rushed towards the BIGMOM below, trying to beat her into the sea.

"It just happens to settle the old and new grudges together!", BIGMOM, who was furious when he saw her, immediately let Hera fly to her, and at the same time waved Napoleon to smash all the crystals along the way.

A large number of thick crystals began to block the front of BIGMOM, but they were smashed by her punch.Under the control of Encore, the broken crystal stabbed towards BIGMOM, but it couldn't hurt BIGMOM's naturally strong body.

"Use all your arrogance like before! Just this arrogance doesn't even count as tickling!", BIGMOM approached her with a roar, and the huge blade that flashed lightning struck towards Encore, but was caught The nimble girl avoided, "Tsk! Running around like a monkey!"

"I can't help it, I won't be so stupid as to confront you guys~" Anke, who quietly appeared near her, raised his knife, and stabbed BIGMOM horizontally with the sharp white knife, but she blocked it with the knife in time down.

The cold tip of the knife spread a small piece of cold on the Napoleon knife, so cold that it subconsciously shouted, "Mom, this knife is so cold!!"

In less than a second, BIGMOM separated her forcefully, and the disparity in strength even pushed her some distance away.

The crystals all over the sky are affected by BIGMOM's attack from time to time, and after breaking into pieces, they shoot towards BIGMOM collectively. The damage is not big, and it is troublesome to block. BIGMOM simply ignores the raindrops of crystal fragments.

The crystal mirrors that spread over half of the area have been depleted by BIGMOM's brutal destruction. Dots of fragments fell into the sea below, and the big white snake lurking in the water followed silently. In the sparkling water, he still stared at the two little ones fighting above without blinking.

By the way, under the contrast of BIGMOM, its little master is even more miniature.

After almost all the crystals in mid-air were destroyed, BIGMOM’s patience was exhausted. After determining the location of the weird cat, he shook hands and clenched the knife, wrapped it with a terrifying arrogance, and then swung it down there. , "Weiguo!!"

The slash that pierced the air even created a huge vortex on the distant water surface, but Encore, who avoided this move, had already appeared below Hera, ready to deal with BIGMOM's homias first, and let BIGMOM fall into the sea.If she could outsmart her, she wouldn't want to go head-to-head with the Four Emperors!
"Lingling!", the huge green dragon flying over sensed her intentions, and sped up and swooped into the Persian cat that was about to attack with its huge dragon head.

Encore, who was hit head-on, fell on the dragon's head, grabbed Qinglong's black mane with his backhand and began to create countless heavy crystals. Within a few seconds, Qinglong's head to front paws were all covered by thick crystals. It was firmly sealed, and the ever-growing crystal even made the soaring Qinglong unable to control his movements for a while, and flew crookedly towards the surging sea.

[Hot interest! ], the jet of hot flames shattered the crystal near the dragon's mouth, but it was firmly sealed by the growing crystal in the next second.

The mountain-like snow-white snake tail stretched out quietly from the sea water, and shot the still struggling huge blue dragon into the sea water with lightning speed.

Countless crystals continued to grow, and soon a small piece of land was formed on the sea surface, and there were occasional thunderous noises and flame lighting below.

The snow-white snake shadow loomed near the crystal, and when it sensed that the green dragon trapped by the crystal was about to escape, it raised its tail again, ready to beat him to the bottom of the sea this time.

"Shock Yulei!!", a beam of lightning struck down, and when it hit the huge snake tail, a violent explosion occurred, and the aftermath of the explosion shook the sea water into layers of waves.

The snow-white snake tail did not suffer any damage due to this move, but it also paused for a few seconds due to the explosion, but these few seconds were enough for Kaido to break the crystal that trapped him and turned into a dragon and flew into the sky.

The broken crystal did not sink, the huge snake body held it up, and the huge snake head stretched out to examine the broken crystal carefully, and he was relieved when he saw his little master, "Hiss~"

"The witch is flashing too fast, every attack can't hit her." BIGMOM gritted his teeth and asked Hera to increase in size so that the wet green dragon could come up.

"Let her have no reason to avoid it." Kaido landed on the thundercloud in the form of a human beast, his long tail flicked slightly, and at the same time looked deeply at the young people on the blue bird in the distance. Pirates, "Let's make another ruthless move and let the witch come to your door. I hope your legs and feet are not rusty, old woman!"

"Who are you talking about?!", BIGMOM, who also had the same idea, stood side by side with him. The two of them clenched their weapons and wrapped their arrogance at the same time. Hera, who transformed into a thundercloud, also provided a lot of lightning for their weapons. , when the two waved their weapons forward at the same time, a huge and rapid shock wave was launched towards several young pirates in the distance, "Bahai!!"

"!!", the unimaginable speed and the extremely terrifying attack range make it impossible to escape, and the terrifying power is even enough to turn everything within a few kilometers in front of it into ashes.

In the dazzling light, the slender figure who appeared here almost instantly tore open a huge black vortex tens of meters wide in the air with a trident, absorbing the terrifying impact.The next moment, another exit of the vortex appeared above BIGMOM's head, and the transmitted shock wave rushed towards BIGMOM's head.

"Ah!!!", the lightning attack made BIGMOM not even have time to look up at the vision above, and was hit by a terrifying shock wave all over his body, and half of Hera's thundercloud also disappeared in the attack.

"!!!", Kaido was also stunned for a moment before recovering from the thundercloud that was about to disappear under his feet, but he did not immediately catch the falling BIGMOM. Gripping the mace with more arrogance and aiming at the initial target, "Lun Lei Yin Na Luo!!"

The mace entwined with lightning and domineering mace disappeared in the air in an instant, and the inescapable Encore disappeared from everyone's perception at an unimaginable speed.

The naked eye can even see the remaining lightning in the air, but Encore has long since disappeared.The Ghost Island, which was still moving in the distance, dropped a few rocks later, and upon closer inspection, there was a vaguely deep hole there.

"Encore!!!" Luffy, who hadn't recovered his domineering aura, quickly looked at the ghost island in the distance. After a while, he relaxed his expression a little, and looked at Kaido vigilantly again.

After finishing one, Kaido quickly turned into a dragon and flew towards the falling BIGMOM, trying to catch her before she fell into the sea or was swallowed by the big white snake.

"What the hell is going on with that move just now!? It's not ordinary domineering at all!" Kidd also had cold sweat on his face, looking at Kaido who was hiccupping in disbelief, "Witch Can't escape just now??"

"Encore's knife is broken?!" Sauron noticed the white shadow that just flew out, and after searching for a week, he found that the knife was stuck in a certain scale on the right side of the innocent big white snake's head.

The white ribbon that had been tied to the handle was gone, and half of the blade hadn't penetrated into the scales, but judging by the innocence of the big white snake, it was clear that the blade, which was smaller than a hair, did not cause much damage.

"If we don't try our best to weaken them, we will only become more and more passive!" Sauron suddenly shouted, and after the three knives were in place, he suddenly jumped down, "Cook!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Sanji's legs suddenly turned red, and the next moment he appeared under Zoro and raised his legs to create a foothold for him.Silently, the extremely high tacit understanding between the two actually made Sauron gallop in mid-air as if walking on flat ground.

"Ghost-Ashura!!" In the shimmering air, Sauron transformed into a three-headed and six-armed Asura, with nine knives forming an attack pattern with no dead ends, "Game of the Dead!!"

"!!!!" Kaido, who sensed the killing intent and domineering aura, just turned around and saw only an afterimage, followed by a sharp pain conveyed deep in his bones.A huge wound more than ten meters wide appeared on Qinglong's long neck. Qinglong's pupils shrank, and he turned his long body to look at Zoro who was caught by Sanji. I lived in BIGMOM that almost fell into the sea.

Aware of the huge wound on his neck that cannot be ignored, Qinglong Kaido looked at Sauron with serious eyes and shock, "You kid also has a domineering look?!"

"Why don't I know?" Sauron, who was overly aggressive and overdrawn, panted heavily, and couldn't help biting the knife in his mouth when he saw Kaido's injuries, "Damn it, the damage is not enough!"

At this time Hera has re-condensed her body, forming a large cloud that can land near Kaido.

"But you two really hit the target now." Kaido didn't pursue it, first threw BIGMOM whose eyes were still circling to the clouds, and then jumped up in human and beast form, at the same time Hold the mace and wave it at the two people in mid-air, "Thunder gossip!!"

"ROOM!!" Luo in the distance replaced the two of them with the blue bird Apollo in time.

"Kaido, you go down! Now I have to dig out the witch and continue beating!!" After the BIGMOM with messy hair came to his senses, he kicked Kaido off Shimomo, who was still trying to chase after him, and commanded angrily Hera drove her back to the island of ghosts, "Hera, chase after me! I can't kill the witch, these guys are all vegetarians!!"

"Yes, Mom!" Hera quickly followed the order and flew to the ghost island.

"Kira and the others are still on the island. If BIGMOM and the witch make a scene there, it will be troublesome!" Kidd wanted to catch up to stop BIGMOM, but he couldn't fly in mid-air, and the two HOMIAS Will not listen to his dispatch.

"Hot breath!!", a huge pillar of fire descended from the sky, followed by countless sickle blades covering the sky, "Bad wind!!"

The catastrophic attack made the two homias flying in the air unable to dodge, and Apollo who was hit subconsciously shrunk into a ball, causing several young pirates on board to fall directly.

The black pterosaur, which had been circling nearby, did not miss this good opportunity. It swiftly avoided Kaido's attack and swooped down towards the fallen pirates, wanting to take the opportunity to knock them into the sea in one fell swoop.

"I'll leave that guy to you!" Sanji stepped on the air and quickly moved under Sauron, stretched his legs to allow him to step on his calf, and kicked him in the direction of Jhin.Immediately afterwards, he ran non-stop to Luo and Kidd, grabbed them and jumped onto Prometheus. The armed domineering covering their whole bodies helped them resist the heat of the flames.

Sauron, who had no focus, crossed two knives to block the sharp beak of the Pteranodon, but he was also directly knocked into the air without a focus in the air.When he was about to fall into the sea, a huge snow-white snake tail suddenly emerged from the surging waves to catch him, and at the same time, the huge island-like snake head stretched out to block Jhin who was about to fly to Prometheus.

Luffy landed on the blue bird Apollo, "Go back to the island and face BIGMOM first! Samurai, they can't beat BIGMOM and Kaido's men!!"

"I had this plan in the first place, you boy, don't point fingers!" Luo retorted again with his fangs regardless of his appearance, but the little sun Prometheus carrying them had already obediently flew towards the ghost island moving in the distance up.

"Hey hey hey!! My goal is Kaido!! Are you planning to kill him alone??" Kidd also shouted angrily, but he could only watch them getting further and further away.

"Luffy!", Sanji was a little worried that Luffy would single out Kaido alone, but he gritted his teeth and didn't continue after thinking of the overwhelming combat power of the Beast Pirates on Onishima Island.

"I just saw a very interesting move, I'm going to try~" Luffy just grinned, and the next second hot steam came out of his flushed body, "Pineapple, you should Can you keep up with my speed?!"

"It should probably be okay..." Apollo, whose name was changed for no reason, replied carefully, his chubby body unknowingly turned into a streamlined and slender bird body.

"Don't think you can go back to Ghost Island!!", the Pteranodon wanted to stop them, but no matter which direction he flew, he would be blocked by the huge white snake, and he couldn't find a gap arrive.

"Hiss~", the big white snake spit out a scarlet letter, and circled the middle half of the snake in several circles in the surging waves to form a small island. The flexible tail and head of the snake were ready to block his way at any time.

"It seems that only one of us can get out of here alive." Sauron bit the word Hedao in his mouth, and looked at Jin who was still trying to break through the encirclement of the big white snake with serious eyes.

After trying several times but unable to avoid the damn big white snake, Jhin suddenly calmed down, waved his wings and turned to look at Sauron below, "It seems so. But don't underestimate that idiot Quinn. "

"It is precisely because we didn't underestimate you that we came here fully prepared!" Sauron clenched the knife in both hands, stepping on the thick scales and swooping towards him.

"Hmph, brat. How are you going to hit me who is flying in the air when you don't even know how to walk?!" Jhin sneered disdainfully, and the suddenly enlarged flame behind fired countless flaming bullets, "In the blade Double Emperor!!"


Kaido, who was not far away, didn't seem to be interested in helping, he didn't think that the three-sword swordsman could beat his second-in-command.As for the big white snake, he didn't pay much attention to it, after all, it was just a brainless beast.

At this time, he was looking at the Straw Hat Pirate in front of him with interest, "Straw Hat Boy, no matter how much you beat you, your eyes will never die."

"I didn't intend to stop here!", Luffy didn't think this would be his end point, but now he was more concerned about another matter, "I saw just now that domineering and domineering can also be entangled?!"

"Hmph~ You can see it," the huge green dragon raised his chin proudly, "Then don't you worry about your deputy captain? Maybe the witch is dying now!"

"Don't underestimate my deputy captain! She is much stronger than you imagined!" Luffy didn't worry too much, he believed in his deputy captain's ability.After focusing on the green dragon in front, Luffy appeared in front of him in the next dodge, "Rubber rubber-machine gun!!"

When the storm-like fist hit the blue dragon's armor-like scales, countless sparks were even splashed, starting a new round of battle once again.

On the big white snake not far away, Jhin and the number also fought fiercely, but it was obvious that Jhin, who was flying in mid-air, had a lot of advantages because he had control of the air.

Onizhidao, which was held up by the flame cloud, did not slow down, and still flew straight towards the city of flowers. At this time, it was even close to the rabbit and was about to fly over the land.


(End of this chapter)

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