Chapter 293

On a certain floor in the distance, Kanjuro, who was severely injured by Aju before, was stumbling towards the place of the explosion. The wound was dripping with blood, but he held the wound with extraordinary vitality and acted tenaciously. The only strong thought in his mind was to kick the red sheath warriors away.


Suddenly there was a 'goodwill' greeting from behind, and Kanjuro turned around abruptly, bleeding a lot from the twisted wound.

"It was discovered by you!" Kanjuro grabbed the big writing brush in his hand, but he didn't feel the hostility of the girl with different pupils in front of him, "What do you want to do?! You want to stop me from going down and killing those red scabbards Samurai?!"

"I didn't take action to prevent you from killing them just now~" Anke shrugged, laughing so irrelevantly, "It's hard to imagine that the red-scabbard warriors who are in the hearts of Wano people are so naive."

"You're there?!" Kanjuro frowned, his face covered in cold sweat from the pain, but he still couldn't figure out her real purpose, "If that's the case, what exactly do you want to do? Why do you want to appear in such a secret way?" before?!"

"I wasn't very interested in you at first, but now I find that your ability and strategy are the best among these warriors~~" Anke smiled calmly, and gently asked a question, "You, how about you?" Are you stuck on the small stage of Wano Country?"

"!!!!!!", Kanjuro widened his eyes and looked at her in disbelief.Originally, only the ruined Guangyue family was left in his head, as if he was suddenly hit by a sap, and he was shocked and even a little dizzy.

"Hey~", the smile on the corner of Anke's lips deepened, and he said lightly, "The biggest stage is called 'the world', and only the most outstanding people can leave their mark on the world stage through the ages. And Wano Country , but a tiny point in the world that can be ignored."

More cold sweat began to seep from Kanjuro's face, not because of the wound, but because of faint excitement and unprecedented excitement.But he still calmed down and asked, "Then Oden-sama must be the most important one on that stage!"

"The blockade of Wano country has turned many people into frogs in a well. You must know that this world is very big, and there are many people in this world. Those who can be remembered will always be those who are truly powerful, ambitious and far-sighted. They will always be those who can bring great influence to the times." Encore paused, and after he had digested those words, he slowly gave two options, "Do you want to become a colorful existence on the world stage, or To be an inconspicuous little character in Wano country that no one will remember in a few days?"

"!!!", Kanjuro didn't know what to say anymore, he who had only one script seemed to see the gate of a new world approaching him, and there were countless excellent scripts inside.

"The Wano country is indeed the opening scene of your acting career. You can choose to end the curtain with your life and die with other samurai." After feeling that the lobbying was almost done, Enke dropped the bait, "Of course, you can also choose to die for I use it to step on the biggest stage and play more and more important roles."

Kanjuro wasn't in the mood to believe her inexplicable words, although he was certainly tempted by the proposal.But there is no free lunch in the world, and since he was born, he wanted to avenge the Kozuki family, so it is impossible to give up at the last moment, "Why should I believe you?! As long as I kill the red sheath samurai and Momonosuke It's gone! Even if this war is won, Wano Country will no longer belong to the Kozuki Clan! There is no Kozuki Clan in this world, and they will end with them!"

"Why do you think that after the victory of the war, the Kozuki clan will be in charge of the Wano country~~", the tone of the light words rose, and a certain Persian cat looked up at him innocently.

"What..." Kanjuro, who received too many explosion messages in a short period of time, froze for a while, and couldn't figure out what she meant for a while.

"Shh~~", the light white and slender index finger rested on his lips, and the Persian cat with curved eyebrows gradually disappeared into the air.

"..." Kanjuro, who was standing there, looked at the place where she disappeared with his head dazed, and he was at war with heaven and man because of the choice she offered.


Somewhere on the third floor.

"Where the hell am I..." In the corridor full of large and small holes, the frowning Enke poked his head to look at the holes from time to time, thinking that maybe he could meet his friends .

Eight Puppets with varying degrees of injuries spotted her, and immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards her with glowing eyes, "Kill!!"

"?" Anke frowned slightly. It stands to reason that those hilarious people and those waiting were hypnotized, so they wouldn't attack her at all.

After discovering that their red eyes and pupils were dilated, and their movements seemed to be based on instinct, An Ke didn't feel that they were rational anymore.The crystals spreading out from their feet wrapped around their whole bodies in an instant, and as soon as she lifted her finger, the sharp thorns emerging from the crystal ground pierced their hearts.

After the crystals dissipated, the Puppets fell limply to the ground, with their dull eyes wide open.

"It seems that the enemy has also prevented my hypnotic illusion in advance. I thought I could increase a lot of troops." Anke squatted down to observe one of the Puppets carefully, and found two faint scars under his eye sockets.

Anke was thoughtful, and soon a sharp crystal scalpel was condensed in his right hand, "I'm sorry, I'll open the research~"

She quickly disassembled the Puppets' head quickly, dug out a small piece of bloody flesh and took a closer look, and found the reason, "Sure enough, the brains of these people have been tampered with. If they are not conscious, just like No more hypnotic control than a puppet."

Quietly looking at the bloody hands holding the tampered human brain, Anke, who should have been numb for a long time, suddenly felt a nausea and nausea, turned his head to the side and retched but couldn't cough up anything .

It's been so long, and Dr. Mingming has been killed by her own hands, why are there human experiments everywhere in this world...

Is human life really so cheap sometimes...

The heterochromatic pupils were a little sour, and the blood-stained hands trembled slightly. The five fingers holding the piece of flesh gradually shrank, but when they were about to be crushed, they threw the piece of flesh back into the skull as if they had been scalded.

A slender white left hand held her slender wrist, and the blue whale that had quietly appeared here half-knelt aside, silently wiping the blood off her hands with a handkerchief.

An Ke just leaned on him, looked ahead quietly for a while, then closed his eyes and said softly, "I'm sorry, I just want you to live..."

After a pause in the wiping action, Blue Whale just quickly wiped off the blood on her hands. After making sure that there was no blood stain left, she suddenly asked a question that was not right, "Sister, are you injured?"

"It doesn't seem to be, there shouldn't be, and it doesn't count as an injury if you don't lie down!", Anke puffed up, reached out and knocked on the crystal on the ground, and the four Puppets that just popped up in the distance were pierced by the suddenly grown crystal The key.

Blue Whale held her hands, repaired her internal injuries with his abilities, and decomposed some substances that could easily cause fatigue along the way.He also sensed a mostly cracked bone, though he didn't dare to risk repairing it.

After letting go of his hand, he asked softly, "Sister, do you feel better?"

An Ke looked down at his hands, then looked up into his eyes, trying to see his true thoughts.

"When this fruit is on the doctor's body, it will only bring pain to my sister. But after I eat it, it can help my sister heal," the young man with a clean and handsome face stared into her eyes, with a faint smile on his usually cold face. With a gentle smile, "Sister, if someone needs me to live, I can accept becoming a person with abilities."

Anke blinked, and rushed over to give him a bear hug, "Noah, you are so obedient! Why don't you come to our ship and be a pirate~~"

"No!!" Suddenly, a hole was knocked out of the nearby wall, and the puffy white Dao Yun burst into tears, "If Master Blue Whale is poached, I will become a roasted marshmallow Dao Yun Woohoo! Master Blue Whale, you should go back with me now!"

Anke made a face at the poor Dao Yun, and dragged his younger brother to run away in the next second, "Noah, go fight monsters with sister! Let them go!"


"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! !


Somewhere on the second floor.

"Master, just go straight through here!" The lion man ran in front with Ayu on his back, and there was a scorpion man behind him holding a pistol to cover the two of them.

Originally, there were seven or eight gifters in the group, but the puppets who lost their minds saw Ayu and chased after him. When they escaped, there were only two GISTERS left, the lion man and the scorpion man.

Ayu, whose face was covered in blood, bit her lower lip tightly and tried not to cry, but the horror of escaping from the dead and the frantic pursuit of the enemy still frightened the nearly 8-year-old girl.

But thinking of her mission, she still tried her best to hold back her trembling body, and continued to order, "Just protect me and go to the main stage! I want to give more support to Brother Luffy and Momoko!"

"Yes, Master!" The two GIFTERs who had received the order were motivated again, but when they just turned a dilapidated corner, they saw Puppets blocking the entire corridor.

"!!", this number scared the two GIFTERS into a cold sweat, but the two who were loyal to Ayu needed to fulfill her orders.

"Master, please don't make a sound..." The scorpion man hid Ayu under the lion man's black cloak, and then he stepped forward and shouted boldly, "What are you doing here?! Master Quinn shouted Get rid of the intruders on the first floor, hurry up!"

Puppets looked at him along the voice with dull eyes, as if checking the identity of the other party.

"..." The scorpion man's eight legs were trembling, and he silently greeted Quinn's eight generations of ancestors. What kind of things did that big billboard create? ?

Fortunately, these Puppets were still able to recognize the real identity of these two people, and immediately staggered towards the exit, while muttering to themselves, "Kill...kill...kill..."

Ayu, whose face was pale with fright, tightly grasped the lion man's temple hair, but he still couldn't help shivering when he heard the sound of passing by.

"Kill...", a short Puppets noticed the strangeness on the lion man's back, and directly stretched out his hand to lift off the cloak. When he saw Ayu lying there, he immediately raised his knife with red eyes, "Kill!!!"

"Don't even think about hurting the master!", the scorpion man cut him down with a knife, but at this time they were completely surrounded by Puppets, and their escape routes were all blocked.

"What's the matter with you?! Hurry up to the first floor!", the lion man shouted in a panic, but the Puppets, who only had enemies in their eyes, didn't listen to him at all, and raised their knives to slash at Ayu.

The two GIFTERs who were outnumbered suffered a lot of injuries in order to protect Ayu. The Puppets were even more excited when they saw the blood, and they hacked everywhere regardless of 21.

"Master, you run away first!", the lion man threw Ayu to the open space far away, so that she would not follow along and hacked to death with knives.

Ayu, who flew over countless blades, turned pale with fright, but subconsciously curled up her body to avoid being knocked unconscious when she fell.Just as she was about to fall to the ground, a vine sprang from the ceiling and lifted her up.

At the same time, a large number of sharp crystal thorns appeared from the ceiling above the Puppets, piercing them from the top of the head to the chest cavity with precision.

"!!!", the lion man and scorpion man in the Puppets escaped, but they couldn't help screaming when they saw this terrifying scene.The crystals broke one after another quickly, and the corridor was filled with lifeless Puppets.

Ayu, who witnessed all this, rolled her eyes and passed out, and the vines hanging from her gently put her on the ground.

"Master!!", the lion man and the scorpion man who came back to their senses stepped over the corpse of their former companions, picked up Ayu who was fainted from fright, and ran away.

The two people who were running were so frightened that their speed doubled when they heard the sound of the ceiling being kicked into pieces behind them.

Encore and Blue Whale, who jumped down, looked at their backs running wildly with some doubts, and some couldn't understand the heads of those two.

The two of them are clearly allies, right? !
"It seems that there is no problem with Ayu's own actions," Anke nodded, and suddenly kicked the wall on the right with a high kick.

"Ah!!", the dozen or so pirates hiding inside immediately screamed out in fright, raised their swords and pointed at them tremblingly.

Encore's left hand, which had turned into crystal, stopped, and looked at them with a slight frown, "You guys are still conscious? Then why didn't you go to fight?"

Seeing that she didn't attack immediately, after the dozen or so pirates looked at each other in blank dismay for a while, one of the older and burly uncle mustered up the courage to go up and explain, "Master Quinn made fifteen thousand Puppets, we are Lucky not to be drawn. And those Puppets only obey the orders of the senior cadres above the real fight, and will treat us as enemies and hack to death. When Master Quinn issued the order to wake up the Puppets, us sober low-level pirates Most are hiding."

"I'm a more dangerous intruder than those Puppets, why do you explain to me?" An Ke waved his crystal clear left hand and asked patiently.

"At least you can understand people's language. Those Puppets only have the ability to kill people." The burly uncle shrank his neck, "Besides the vicious pirates, most people will basically let go if they see that the enemy has no fighting spirit." He has a horse."

An Ke thought of a good idea, and suddenly asked, "How many of you sober pirates are there?"

"About five thousand more."

"I don't need to increase unnecessary combat power now, too many people will get in the way~" Anke squinted his eyes and looked up and down at the burly uncle who dared to talk to the enemy, "After this war is over, you all follow my orders How about it?"

"Huh?! How could Lord Kaido be defeated?!", one of the pirates immediately retorted loudly, not thinking that those youngsters could beat the Four Emperors.

"Can you guys have some foresight? The Four Emperors can't stay in this position forever~" An Ke smiled lightly and waved his hand, "Now, go to sleep~"

The pirates who were still standing soon fell to the ground one after another and fell asleep, leaving only the burly uncle standing there with a shocked expression.

"You are a smart man, I hope you can tell other sober pirates not to come out before the war~" Anke blinked his bloody left eye and suggested very kindly, "After all, I also Not a nice person~"

After finishing speaking, she leisurely sealed the hole that was kicked out with crystal, and continued to take her brother to the crowded battlefield.


(End of this chapter)

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