Chapter 297

"!!!", Encore, who was being held up by the phoenix flames, opened his eyes suddenly, looking at the white skeleton just above him with a horrified expression, "Ah!!!!"

"Yohohohoho, Huan...", just as the cheerful Brooke opened his mouth with a smile, the screaming Persian cat slapped its paw on the wall.

"???", Marco, who was squatting on a rock, stared blankly at the innocent bones sliding down the wall, and then looked at Enke, who was still in shock.

"I was scared to death, I almost went to Huangquan for a walk..." Anke patted his heart beating faster, and realized that what happened to him was not a hallucination when he saw the bones lying in the distance.

"As long as Miss Anke is fine, yohohohoho~", the bones jumped up tenaciously, but soon a few teeth fell out.

"Sorry, I overreacted a bit." Anke exhaled, took out a can of high-calcium milk from the black vortex that suddenly appeared and threw it to Brooke, "Before I left, you seemed to have said that Robin's Name? What's wrong?"

Feeling the surprise, Brook hurriedly caught the can of milk supply, and hurriedly replied when he heard this, "Miss Robin was taken away by Apu! I've been looking for her!"

Encore was quiet for a while, then switched to the first ability and created a butterfly for him, "This one will take you there."

As soon as Anke finished speaking, there was a huge sneeze in the distance, causing the entire ghost island to vibrate.

Anke blinked, only then remembered that he had used BIGMOM's ability to create a strange homias.

"Just leave it to me! My ability is quite useful!", Brooke immediately introduced himself, and after seeing Encore nodded, he hurriedly followed the butterfly to find Robin.

"Master Lingling is almost awake," Encore looked at Marco and suggested with a smile, "Let's send her outside the castle first~"


When BIGMOM woke up, he saw three unusually familiar and unusually flat figures standing in front of him.Leiyun Hera and Napoleon, the pirate hat, were still alive, and they were tied to her right hand by a rope of unknown material.

"It's almost weakened, but I was also beaten badly." An Ke put his left hand on his hip, and held the trident casually in the other hand.

"No one will notice if I help fight the boss a little bit." Ace moved his shoulders, and his clenched left fist was entwined with fine sparks.

"Although I'm a remnant of the old era, it's good to be able to escort the pirates of the new era~", Marko said with a smile, his wings swept over the thick flames.

"Do you think it's useful if there are more people?!", BIGMOM looked at them with gritted teeth, and didn't think they could beat him.

"There is someone else who beat you~", Anke smiled lightly, and in the next second the three of them tacitly speeded up and rushed towards BIGMOM, two colors of flames entangled with the sharp slash to form a gorgeous beam of light, "Two-color dragon flame!!"

The cannon that appeared in front of BIGMOM in an instant was completely unstoppable, and the attack that hit the bull's-eye directly blasted the huge BIGMOM out of the castle, and a large transparent hole was knocked out of the thick and strong building.

The warmed trident turned into mist and dissipated, Anke pursed his lips and swallowed the fishy smell that was involved in his throat due to the internal injury, clapped his hands nonchalantly, turned around and smiled and said to them, "Then go ahead and help others Let's go~~ Make sure to defeat those powerful cadres~"

"I'm going to see the battles in other courtyards," Marco nodded, turned into a magnificent phoenix, and flew away.

"Ayu seems to be being chased by some puppets now, and it will take you there." Encore conjured up a butterfly and handed it to Ace. Seeing his solemn expression, he just shrugged, "Ace, don't always Treat me like a child. With my current strength, not many people can kill me."

Ace sighed, and finally patted her little head lightly, "Then be careful and call me if you have something to do."

"Don't worry, the pirate ship of BIGMOM still depends on you." An Ke was completely blunt, watching him leave with the butterfly.

"Sister." The blue whale who had been obediently hiding in the dark appeared in a hurry, grabbed her wrist and hurriedly healed her.

"I really hate those opponents who are taller than people. I almost slapped me flat with a slap." An Ke puffed up, and could only say that the four emperors really deserved to be the four emperors.

Blue Whale pursed his lips and asked softly, "Why don't you need my help? There are no people from the government here, and no one will find me."

An Ke blinked, then suddenly pulled out his hand and gave him a slap, "Do you think I will lose?? Even if I only cut a finger, you will think I am weak?!"

"I didn't." Blue Whale quickly shook his head.

"Hurry up and think about it! If I need help, I will tell you directly! Do you think I will be polite to you?" The Persian cat with fried hair protested angrily. The cells healed, I will fight again later!"

"It's my fault, sister." Blue Whale suppressed a slight smile and obediently healed her wounds.


The voices of Kidd and Luo came over, and soon they jumped off the fireball Prometheus, looked around but did not see BIGMOM.

Kidd wanted to get rid of a Four Emperors to get closer to his ambition, so he asked anxiously, "Have you defeated BIGMOM?"

Encore, who was bleeding head, injured limbs, and blood-stained clothes, looked miserable, blinked, and in the next second reported with tears in his eyes, very aggrieved, "No, I was punched by her twice, too Terrible..."

Kidd looked at Encore's small body of more than 1.6 meters, and then thought about BIGMOM's [-]-meter giant figure, and suddenly said bluntly, "You are still alive? It's amazing!"

"##", Anke was so angry that several crosses popped out, she seemed to feel that her height was severely despised by others!

Luo Wei frowned and went forward to check her injuries briefly. After finding no serious injuries, she felt relieved and asked, "Where is BIGMOM now?"

Anke motioned them to look at the scorched black tunnel that was still steaming, "Ace and Marco sent her flying outside the castle, it's up to you next."

"The straw hat is in charge, please." Luo nodded to her, and chased towards the tunnel with a long knife.

"I won't let BIGMOM join Kaido in the past!" Kidd immediately rushed up after dropping a sentence, not wanting to fall behind Luo.

After the blue whale quickly healed the internal injuries and skin scars, he looked at the two chasing BIGMOM, "Are they all right?"

"Don't underestimate them, they haven't shown their strength at the bottom of the box yet." Anke wasn't too worried. The dust and blood stains on his body turned into crystal powder and fell down in less than a while. She, who was bloody and messy, once again turned into a clean and tidy appearance before the war.

"They will always be worried when they see me hurt, so clean it up a little bit." Enke patted the pink powder on his body, and then saw Prometheus and Zeus who were still waiting here, "Prometheus first go to the small Wait there for a while, I will pass by later. Zeus, do you want to wait for Nami, she will come over later."

"Yeah!", the stupid Lei Yun nodded immediately.

"Encore! We have prepared the recovery agent!", Chopper soon brought the fur doctors over, and they also brought a one-meter-high cylinder.It was the iron bucket used for red bean rice cake soup at the banquet, and they have reused it now.

At the other exit, Nami, Carlot, and Usopp each rushed over with a huge, heavy package on their backs, "We brought the meat too!"

Seeing the main stage courtyard completely turned into crystal, they were all stunned for a moment, but quickly focused on the business.

"Thank you, then I'll go to Luffy's side first." Encore asked them to stuff all the supplies into the sixth space tunnel, and disappeared after jumping in.

Under the movement of the flame cloud, Onizhidao is still heading straight for the capital of flowers.At this time, the ghost island that had gained life was lazily motionless, and it didn't know which voice was its master, so it could only lie flat and wail occasionally because of the fierce battle that broke out on the island. "It hurts...why do you want to fight inside someone's body..."


Some time ago, Momanosuke was there.

Because the ghost island is still in the air, Shinobu has no way to take their lord away, so he can only find a warehouse away from other battles to hide.

And Yamato also found Momanosuke, and after handing Oden's diary to him, he consciously guarded his "son" outside the door.

"Master Yamato, why did you protect Momonosuke! No, where are your handcuffs?" Two SMILE capable users who still kept their hearts brought dozens of Puppets to catch Momonosuke, but Blocked out by Yamato.They didn't dare to do anything to Kaido's son, even if Yamato shouted every day to turn against Kaido, they couldn't really take this sentence seriously and attack her.

"That's right! I'm no longer a prisoner!" Yamato, who was completely free, raised his iron bar and threw it at them regardless of their concerns, "I'm Oden!!!"



Momonosuke has been looking at the diary in the safe room, saw a lot of amazing news in that old diary, and even had a new understanding of his identity.

"It seems that I can't die yet!" Momonosuke knew for the first time what his fate was, and seemed to see a farther future, "Wano country... can't be founded yet..."

"Isn't this obvious?! How could you say that suddenly?" Shinobu became anxious. The boy in front of him was the only son of Kozuki Oden, the savior of Wano Country who had been waiting for 20 years!
Suddenly, Momonosuke covered his head and screamed in pain, rolling over and over on the ground, "What's going on?? Who is it?!"

"What's the matter?!", Xiao Ren immediately panicked, and could only check his situation quickly.

"Boom!" Suddenly the wall near them was blown up by a shell, and in the thick smoke, a few strong puppets came out with knives in their hands. When they saw Shinobu and Momanosuke, they immediately stared wide and were covered in bloodshot eyes. Eyes, grinning and rushing up.

"!", Shinobu immediately picked up Momonosuke who was suffering from a headache, jumped out of the window and ran, not forgetting to throw a smoke bomb to cover his whereabouts.

"What's going on?!" Yamato, who was a step behind when he broke in, only saw the puppets slashing at the smoke, and immediately swung the iron rod in anger and beat them all flat, "You want to What is my son doing?!!"


(End of this chapter)

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